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r1b API Reference

void r1b_cleanup()

free all resources allocated internally by the library 
parameter description

r1b_im_t r1b_read(const char *path)

read an image from disk as grayscale 
parameter description
path the file path

return an image

void r1b_snapshot(const char *path, r1b_im_t *im)

write image to file, supported: jpg, png, bmp 
parameter description
path the file path
im an image

r1b_im_t r1b_zeros(int w, int h)

create image filled with zeros 
parameter description
w width
h height

return an image

r1b_im_t r1b_ones(int w, int h)

create image filled with ones 
parameter description
w width
h height

return an image

r1b_im_t r1b_from_array(int w, int h, float *arr)

create image from data pointed by array pointer, copying the data over 
parameter description
w width
h height
arr an array that is at least w x h in size

return an image

r1b_im_t r1b_infs(int w, int h)

create image filled with FLT_MAX 
parameter description
w width
h height

return an image

void r1b_free(r1b_im_t *im)

free data allocated in an image; does not free the pointer itself 
parameter description
im pointer to image

void r1b_transpose(r1b_im_t *im)

transpose an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image

void r1b_transpose_flip(r1b_im_t *im)

transpose and flip an image, effectively rotating it by 90 degrees. 
parameter description
im pointer to image

void r1b_normalize(r1b_im_t *im, float lo, float hi)

normalize an image to a given interval 
parameter description
im pointer to image
lo new min value
hi new max value

r1b_im_t r1b_copy_of(r1b_im_t *im)

duplicates an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image

return the clone

void r1b_copy_to(r1b_im_t *im, r1b_im_t *dst)

copy data from one image to another the images should have the same width, and destination is at least the same height as source 
parameter description
im source: pointer to image to be copied from
dst destination: pointer to image to be copied into

void r1b_dither(r1b_im_t *im, int mode)

apply dithering to a grayscale image turning it into binary image using specified algorithm 
parameter description
im pointer to image
mode the algorithm to use, either R1B_DTHR_ORD or R1B_DTHR_FS

void r1b_log(r1b_im_t *im)

print an image to stdout for debugging 
parameter description
im pointer to image

char* r1b_encode(r1b_im_t *im, int *n_bytes_written)

encode an image to ESC/POS commands 
parameter description
im pointer to image
n_bytes_written size of the returned buffer in bytes

return an array of bytes

void r1b_encode2file(const char *path, r1b_im_t *im)

encode an image to ESC/POS commands and write it to a file 
parameter description
path file path to write to
im pointer to image

void r1b_lpr(const char *printer, r1b_im_t *im)

send an image to a thermal printer for printing using LPR command 
parameter description
printer the name of the printer
im pointer to image

void r1b_resample(r1b_im_t *im, int w, int h, int mode)

resample image to a different size 
parameter description
im pointer to image
w new width, pass R1B_INFER to scale proportionally per new height
h new height, pass R1B_INFER to scale proportionally per new width
mode the alogirthm, either R1B_SMPL_NN or R1B_SMPL_BILINEAR

float r1b_get(r1b_im_t *im, int x, int y, int mode)

retrieve the value of a pixel at given coordinate 
parameter description
im pointer to image
x x coordinate
y y coordinate
mode border handling when coordinate is outside image: R1B_BRDR_ZERO: zero padded; R1B_BRDR_COPY: copy padded; R1B_BRDR_WRAP: wrap around; R1B_BRDR_NONE: no boundry checking (expect funny result or segfault when out of range).

void r1b_set(r1b_im_t *im, int x, int y, float val, int mode)

set the value of a pixel at given coordinate 
parameter description
im pointer to image
x x coordinate
y y coordinate
val the value of the pixel
mode blit mode, one of: R1B_BLIT_SET: overwrite the pixel; R1B_BLIT_FLIP: flip the value of the pixel; R1B_BLIT_OR: turn on the pixel if it's off; R1B_BLIT_ADD: add the value to the original.

void r1b_upsample2x(r1b_im_t *im, int mode)

upsample image by 2x using pixel-art scaling algorithms 
parameter description
im pointer to image
mode algorithm: one of R1B_UP2X_SAA5050, R1B_UP2X_EPX, R1B_UP2X_EAGLE, R1B_UP2X_HQX

void r1b_bedstead(r1b_im_t *im, int n)

upsample image by a power of two using bedstead algorithm 
parameter description
im pointer to image
n upscale by n-th power of two, e.g. n=3 => upscale by 8x

void r1b_triangle(r1b_im_t *im, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, r1b_im_t *pttn, int mode)

draw a 2D triangle 
parameter description
im pointer to image
x0 x coordinate of first vertex
y0 y coordinate of first vertex
x1 x coordinate of second vertex
y1 y coordinate of second vertex
x2 x coordinate of third vertex
y2 y coordinate of third vertex
pttn fill pattern
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

void r1b_rect(r1b_im_t *im, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, r1b_im_t *pttn, int mode)

draw a 2D rectangle 
parameter description
im pointer to image
x0 left
y0 top
x1 right
y1 bottom
pttn fill pattern
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

void r1b_line(r1b_im_t *im, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float val, int mode)

draw a 2D line 
parameter description
im pointer to image
x0 x coordinate of first point
y0 y coordinate of first point
x1 x coordinate of second point
y1 y coordinate of second point
val value (color) of the line
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

void r1b_lines(r1b_im_t *im, float *Xs, float *Ys, int n, int close, float val, int mode)

draw a polyline or outline a polygon 
parameter description
im pointer to image
Xs pointer to array of x-coordinates
Ys pointer to array of y-coordinates
n number of points
close true for closed (polygon) or false for open (polyline)
val value (color) of the lines
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

void r1b_thick_line(r1b_im_t *im, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float val, int half_thick, int mode)

draw a 2D line with thickness 
parameter description
im pointer to image
x0 x coordinate of first point
y0 y coordinate of first point
x1 x coordinate of second point
y1 y coordinate of second point
val value (color) of the line
half_thick set thickness of line to half_thick*2+1
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

r1b_font_t r1b_load_font_hex(const char *path, int h, int cp0, int cp1, int flags)

load a bitmap font in unifont .hex format 
parameter description
path file path
h height of the font, since the hex format does not store this information
cp0 unicode code point range start, only glyphs between cp0 and cp1 will be loaded (if any exist) when you don't need the whole set
cp1 unicode code point range end
flags a bitwise OR of flags: R1B_FLAG_SORTED: set this if the glyphs stored in the file are sorted by unicode code point, which improves speed

return a font type

void r1b_destroy_font(r1b_font_t *font)

free data allocated in a font 
parameter description
font pointer to font

int r1b_putchar(r1b_im_t *im, int cp, int x, int y, r1b_font_t *font, float val, int mode, int highlight)

draw a single unicode character to image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
cp codepoint
x x coordinate
y y coordinate
font pointer to font
val value (color) of the text
mode blit mode, see r1b_set
highlight boolean: whether to draw a highlight behind the text (to stand out from busy background)

void r1b_text(r1b_im_t *im, wchar_t *str, int x, int y, r1b_font_t *font, float val, int mode, int highlight)

draw a string (of wide chars) to image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
str text stored as wchar_t*
x x coordinate
y y coordinate
font pointer to font
val value (color) of the text
mode blit mode, see r1b_set
highlight boolean: whether to draw a highlight behind the text (to stand out from busy background)

void r1b_text_utf8(r1b_im_t *im, char *str, int x, int y, r1b_font_t *font, float val, int mode, int highlight)

draw a utf-8 encoded string to image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
str utf-8 encoded string
x x coordinate
y y coordinate
font pointer to font
val value (color) of the text
mode blit mode, see r1b_set
highlight boolean: whether to draw a highlight behind the text (to stand out from busy background)

void r1b_text_ascii(r1b_im_t *im, char *str, int x, int y, r1b_font_t *font, float val, int mode, int highlight)

draw an ascii-only string to image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
str the string
x x coordinate
y y coordinate
font pointer to font
val value (color) of the text
mode blit mode, see r1b_set
highlight boolean: whether to draw a highlight behind the text (to stand out from busy background)

void r1b_polygon(r1b_im_t *im, float *Xs, float *Ys, int n, r1b_im_t *pttn, int mode, int typ)

draw a polygon on image 
parameter description
im pointer to iamge
Xs x-coordinates of vertices
Ys y-coordinates of vertices
n number of vertices
pttn fill pattern
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details
typ type of polygon, either R1B_POLY_CONVEX or R1B_POLY_CONCAVE. concave mode works for convex polygons too, but asserting it as convex can speed things up

void r1b_ellipse(r1b_im_t *im, float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry, float ang, r1b_im_t *pttn, int mode)

draw an ellipse on image 
parameter description
im pointer to iamge
cx x-coordinates of the center
cy y-coordinates of the center
rx radius in x-direction
ry radius in y-direction
ang rotation of the ellipse (in radians)
pttn fill pattern
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

void r1b_line_ellipse(r1b_im_t *im, float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry, float ang, int detail, float val, int mode)

draw outline of an ellipse on image 
parameter description
im pointer to iamge
cx x-coordinates of the center
cy y-coordinates of the center
rx radius in x-direction
ry radius in y-direction
ang rotation of the ellipse (in radians)
detail number of segments used to approximate the ellipse, the higher the smoother
val value (color) of the outline
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

void r1b_blit(r1b_im_t *dst, r1b_im_t *src, r1b_im_t *msk, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float sx, float sy, int bdmode, int mode)

blit an image onto another, optionally applying a mask. supports drawing a subsection and repeated patterns 
parameter description
dst pointer to destination image
src pointer to source image
msk pointer to mask image. for no masking, use an image of all 1's (e.g. R1B_GET_PATTERN(SOLID) and R1B_BRDR_WRAP for bdmode)
x0 x coordinate on the destination image for upper left corner of source image
y0 y coordinate on the destination image for upper left corner of source image
x1 x coordinate on the destination image for lower right corner of source image
y1 y coordinate on the destination image for lower right corner of source image
sx x coordinate on the source image to offset
sy y coordinate on the source image to offset
bdmode border mode, see r1b_get for details
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

void r1b_paste(r1b_im_t *dst, r1b_im_t *src, float x, float y)

blit an image onto another, a simplified version of r1b_blit with less arguments 
parameter description
dst pointer to destination image
src pointer to source image
x x coordinate on the destination image for upper left corner of source image
y y coordinate on the destination image for upper left corner of source image

r1b_mesh_t r1b_load_obj(const char *path)

load an wavefront .obj file to a new mesh 
currently doesn't support mtl or normals 
parameter description
path file path

return a mesh type

void r1b_mesh_bbox(r1b_mesh_t *mesh, float *xmin, float *ymin, float *zmin, float *xmax, float *ymax, float *zmax)

calculate the bounding box of a mesh 
parameter description
mesh pointer to mesh
xmin pointer to minimum x to be overwritten
ymin pointer to minimum y to be overwritten
zmin pointer to minimum z to be overwritten
xmax pointer to maximum x to be overwritten
ymax pointer to maximum y to be overwritten
zmax pointer to maximum z to be overwritten

void r1b_normalize_mesh(r1b_mesh_t *mesh)

normalize vertices of a mesh to be bounded by (-1,-1,-1) and (1,1,1), keeping proportions 
parameter description
mesh pointer to mesh

void r1b_destroy_mesh(r1b_mesh_t *mesh)

free memory allocated in a mesh 
parameter description
mesh pointer to mesh

void r1b_triangle3d(r1b_im_t *im, r1b_im_t *depth, float f, float x0, float y0, float z0, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, r1b_im_t *pttn, float *vals, int mode)

draw a 3D triangle to image, projected with pinhole camera model 
parameter description
im pointer to image
depth pointer to the depth buffer, which will be read and written. use
f focal length of the camera
x0 x coordinate of the first vertex
y0 y coordinate of the first vertex
z0 z coordinate of the first vertex
x1 x coordinate of the second vertex
y1 y coordinate of the second vertex
z1 z coordinate of the second vertex
x2 x coordinate of the third vertex
y2 y coordinate of the third vertex
z2 z coordinate of the third vertex
pttn fill pattern, when NULL,
vals 3-array for value (color) of each vertex (points in triangle will have interpolated colors), used when
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

void r1b_line3d(r1b_im_t *im, r1b_im_t *depth, int depth_read, float f, float x0, float y0, float z0, float x1, float y1, float z1, float val, int mode)

draw a 3D line to image, projected with pinhole camera model 
parameter description
im pointer to image
depth pointer to the depth buffer. use
depth_read boolean: whether or not to read the depth buffer. use 0 to draw on top of everything
f focal length of the camera
x0 x coordinate of the first endpoint
y0 y coordinate of the first endpoint
z0 z coordinate of the first endpoint
x1 x coordinate of the second endpoint
y1 y coordinate of the second endpoint
z1 z coordinate of the second endpoint
val value (color) of the line
mode blit mode, see r1b_set for details

void r1b_transform_mesh(r1b_mesh_t *mesh, float *mat)

transform mesh with a 4x4 transformation matrix 
parameter description
mesh pointer to mesh
mat the 4x4 row major transformation matrix as an array of 16 floats

void r1b_scale_rotate_translate(r1b_mesh_t *mesh, float sx, float sy, float sz, float rx, float ry, float rz, float x, float y, float z)

scale mesh, apply rotation by euler angles (x-y-z order) and translate mesh 
a simplified interface to r1b_transform_mesh that covers many use cases. 
parameter description
mesh pointer to mesh
sx scale along x-axis
sy scale along y-axis
sz scale along z-axis
rx rotation around x-axis
ry rotation around y-axis
rz rotation around z-axis
x translation along x-axis
y translation along y-axis
z translation along z-axis

r1b_mesh_t r1b_copy_of_mesh(r1b_mesh_t *mesh)

make a deep clone of given mesh 
parameter description
mesh pointer to mesh

return the clone

void r1b_compute_vertex_normals(r1b_mesh_t *mesh)

estimate vertex normals for a mesh and store result in mesh->norms 
parameter description
mesh pointer to mesh

void r1b_render_mesh(r1b_im_t *im, r1b_im_t *depth, r1b_mesh_t *mesh, float f, r1b_im_t *pttn, float *light, int wire_val, int shdr, int wire)

draw a 3d mesh to the image, projected with pinhole camera model 
parameter description
im pointer to image
depth pointer to the depth buffer, which will be read and written. use
mesh pointer to mesh
f focal length of the camera
pttn fill pattern, can be NULL depending on the shader specified
light 4-array: the first 3 are direction of the light, 4th is global illumination. can be NULL depending on shader specified
wire_val value (color) of the wireframe. might be unused depending on the shader specified
shdr shader type to use, one of: R1B_SHDR_NONE: no shading will be done, if wireframe is also off, you will not be able to see anything; R1B_SHDR_FLAT: flat shading, use pattern fill to evenly fill all faces; R1B_SHDR_NDOTL: n-dot-l diffuse shading, quantized to 5 levels and filled with patterns of different shades; R1B_SHDR_NDOTLF: n-dot-l shading but without quantization, returning grayscale, on which dithering can be further applied
wire type of wireframe, one of: R1B_WIRE_FRONT: wireframe can be occluded; R1B_WIRE_ALL: all wireframes are drawn; R1B_WIRE_NONE: no wireframe is drawn.

r1b_mesh_t r1b_cube(float sx, float sy, float sz)

make a 3d cube mesh 
cube will be centred at 0,0,0 
parameter description
sx x dimension
sy y dimension
sz z dimension

return a new cube mesh

r1b_mesh_t r1b_sphere(float rad, int slices, int stacks)

make a 3d sphere mesh 
sphere will be centred at 0,0,0 
parameter description
rad radius
slices number of segments on x-z plane
stacks number of segments on y axis

return a new sphere mesh

r1b_mesh_t r1b_cylinder(float rx, float rz, float h, int slices)

make a 3d cylinder mesh 
cylinder will be centred at 0,0,0 
parameter description
rx radius on x axis
rz radius on z axis
h height
slices number of segments

return a new cylinder mesh

r1b_mesh_t r1b_cone(float rx, float rz, float h, int slices)

make a 3d cone mesh 
cone will be centred at 0,0,0 
parameter description
rx radius on x axis
rz radius on z axis
h height
slices number of segments

return a new cone mesh

r1b_im_t r1b_make_kernel(int ksize, int mode)

generate a specified convolution matrix for image processing 
parameter description
ksize kernel size, will be automatically rounded up to an odd integer
mode morphological kernels: R1B_KERN_ELLIPSE, R1B_KERN_CROSS, R1B_KERN_RECT; convolutional kernels: R1B_KERN_GAUSS, R1B_KERN_GAUSS1D;

return kernal as image type

void r1b_conv2d(r1b_im_t *im, r1b_im_t *kern, int border)

perform 2D convolution on an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
kern pointer to kernel
border border mode, see r1b_get

void r1b_dilate(r1b_im_t *im, r1b_im_t *kern)

perform morphological dilation on an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
kern pointer to kernel

void r1b_erode(r1b_im_t *im, r1b_im_t *kern)

perform morphological erosion on an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
kern pointer to kernel

void r1b_sobel(r1b_im_t *im, float *out_gradient_directions)

apply sobel edge detection to an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
out_gradient_directions optional: if non NULL, will be overwritten with gradient directions. (the source image will be written with gradient strength). if only gradient directions are needed, pass im->data here

void r1b_blur(r1b_im_t *im, int rad, int mode)

apply bluring to an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
rad radius of blur, kernel size = rad*2+1
mode one of: R1B_BLUR_BOX, R1B_BLUR_GAUSS

void r1b_canny(r1b_im_t *im, int blur_rad, float thresh_lo, float thresh_hi)

apply canny edge detection to an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
blur_rad radius for preprocessing blur, reduces noise
thresh_lo lower threshold for the double thresholding step (weak edges)
thresh_hi higher threshold for the double thresholding step (strong edges)

void r1b_threshold(r1b_im_t *im, float th)

apply thresholding to an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
th the threshold. pass R1B_INFER to use Otsu's method for automatically picking optimal threshold

void r1b_threshold_adaptive(r1b_im_t *im, int rad, float bias, int blur_mode)

apply adaptive threshold to an image 
parameter description
im pointer to image
rad radius of neighborhood for each pixel
bias adjusts brightness: pixel is considered below the threshold if it is this factor lower than its neighborhood
blur_mode blurring kernel for averaging the neighborhood, e.g. R1B_BLUR_GAUSS, R1B_BLUR_BOX