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A bunch of config files used with stow

To add these configs, clone the repo into ~/dotfiles and cd into it and run stow -t ~ <directory name> or stow -t ~ *\ to symlink all directories into the respective place. -t is required so it puts the files relative to the home directory /(where .config is located in my case).

Other repos

Nvim Setup (Outdated)

  1. Install neovim (Arch: sudo pacman -S neovim)
  2. Clone repo: git clone
  3. cd dotfiles
  4. link nvim config into .config/nvim: stow nvim
  5. open nvim and wait for packages to install
  6. restart nvim
  7. Install ripgrep for telescope (Arch:sudo pacman -S ripgrep)
  8. Install fd for telescope (Arch sudo pacman -S fd)
  9. Install clipboard manager (e.g. xclip sudo pacman -S xclip)
  10. There might be other programs required for some keybindings, simply check the keymaps.lua file in lua/users/keymaps.lua
  11. Open nivm and run :checkhealth

Alacritty setup (Outdated, I use kitty now)

  1. Install alacritty (Arch: sudo pacman -S alacritty) 1.2. (Restart system for drivers to update correctly)
  2. Clone repo: git clone
  3. cd dotfiles
  4. link alacritty config into .config/alacritty: stow alacritty
  5. Set alacritty as default terminal export TERM=alacritty in ~/.xprofile or similar

zsh setup

  1. Install zsh (Arch: sudo pacman -S zsh)
  2. Clone repo: git clone
  3. cd dotfiles
  4. link zsh config into .config/zsh stow -t ~ zsh
  5. Set zsh as default shell: chsh -s /usr/zsh
  6. (Consider changing it as default shell for tty console as well see 'chsh' command help)
  7. Log out and back in to see the change

i3 setup (outdated)

  1. Install i3 (Arch: sudo pacman -S i3)
  2. Install rofi (Arch: sudo pacman -S rofi)
  3. Log out and change window manager to i3

Polybar setup (outdated)

  1. Install polyabr (Arch: sudo pacman -S polybar)
  2. Configure polybar see ~/.config/polybar files
  • Set Network interface
  • Set CPU temperatur device
  • Remove Battery module if not needed
  1. Install fonts or replace them (e.g. Arch sudp pacman -S ttf-iosevka-nerd and reload fonts cache fs-cache)

Programs (partly used for polybar) and general other stuff

For additional programs see Installed Packages

Setup Preview



A bunch of config files used with stow







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