A bunch of config files used with stow
To add these configs, clone the repo into ~/dotfiles and cd into it and run stow -t ~ <directory name>
or stow -t ~ *\
to symlink all directories into the respective place.
-t is required so it puts the files relative to the home directory /(where .config is located in my case).
- Install neovim (Arch:
sudo pacman -S neovim
) - Clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/Linus045/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
- link nvim config into .config/nvim:
stow nvim
- open nvim and wait for packages to install
- restart nvim
- Install ripgrep for telescope (Arch:
sudo pacman -S ripgrep
) - Install fd for telescope (Arch
sudo pacman -S fd
) - Install clipboard manager (e.g. xclip
sudo pacman -S xclip
) - There might be other programs required for some keybindings, simply check the keymaps.lua file in lua/users/keymaps.lua
- Open nivm and run
- Install alacritty (Arch:
sudo pacman -S alacritty
) 1.2. (Restart system for drivers to update correctly) - Clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/Linus045/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
- link alacritty config into .config/alacritty:
stow alacritty
- Set alacritty as default terminal
export TERM=alacritty
in ~/.xprofile or similar
- Install zsh (Arch:
sudo pacman -S zsh
) - Clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/Linus045/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
- link zsh config into .config/zsh
stow -t ~ zsh
- Set zsh as default shell:
chsh -s /usr/zsh
- (Consider changing it as default shell for tty console as well see 'chsh' command help)
- Log out and back in to see the change
- Install i3 (Arch:
sudo pacman -S i3
) - Install rofi (Arch:
sudo pacman -S rofi
) - Log out and change window manager to i3
- Install polyabr (Arch:
sudo pacman -S polybar
) - Configure polybar see ~/.config/polybar files
- Set Network interface
- Set CPU temperatur device
- Remove Battery module if not needed
- Install fonts or replace them (e.g. Arch
sudp pacman -S ttf-iosevka-nerd
and reload fonts cachefs-cache
Programs (partly used for polybar) and general other stuff
- feh
- dunst
- picom
- ranger
- zshell/zsh
- safeeyes
- alacritty
- i3lock
- rofi
- i3 autotiling
- lazygit
- pulseaudio
- wal-theme-picker
- wal
- cz-cli (https://github.com/commitizen/cz-cli)
For additional programs see Installed Packages