- Author: Douglas P. Fields, Jr.
- Copyright 2024, Douglas P. Fields Jr.
- License: Apache 2.0
- Started: 2024-08-25
- C Ring Buffer
- Copyright (c) 2014 Anders Kalør
- License: MIT
- See:
- Board: ST Nucleo-F767ZI
- MIDI: ubld.it MIDI-Mini Breakout Board
- Windows 10
- STM32CubeIDE
- STM32 HAL libraries
- UxMIDI tools
- MidiView
- Also see ShowMIDI
- TM Terminal for Eclipse
- Putty
- Native Instruments FM8 (or really, any MIDI sound generator)
- SendMIDI
- STM32F7 HAL, UM1905
- STM32 Cube IDE User Guide, UM2609
- STM32 Cube MX User GUide, UM1718
- STM32F767xx Datasheet
- RM0410 STM32F76 Reference Manual
- UM1974 Nucleo-144 User Manual
- AN4667 STM32F7 Series system architecture and performance
- AN4661 Getting started with STM32F7 Series MCU hardware development
- AN4839 Level 1 cache on STM32F7 Series...
- Arm Cortex-M7 Technical Reference Manual
- Arm v7-M Architecture Reference Manual
- MIDI 1.0
- MIDI 1.0 Core Specifications
- MIDI 1.0 MPE
Misc Docs:
- STM32 gotchas
- Interrupt by Memfault - .noinit
- This is a good embedded blog in general
- DONE - Get UART transfer working for ST-LINK console
- DONE - Get UART transmit working for MIDI
- Send a note on and off regularly
- DONE - Get UART receive working for MIDI
- This was implemented using LL instead of HAL (seems much nicer)
- DONE - Make an event-driven non-DMA, non-interrupt-driven MIDI & USB Serial
version of the code with circular output buffers
- This operates at 114kHz: ~114 times through the main loop per millisecond
- This was at 96MHz HCLK
- Using external ST-Link HSE at 8 MHz
- It operates at 212-213kHz at 216 MHz (current configuration)
- The scaling was sub-linear, perhaps because we are running up against other speed limitations.
- 2.25x Cortex clock, 1.87x Performance increase (15/8ths almost)
- For argument's sake, I set it to 192 MHz, giving 202-203 kHz through the loop
- 2x Cortex clock, slower APB1/2 clocks (54 -> 48, 108 -> 96), for 1.77x performance
- Penultimate Argument: 48MHz, but all busses also at that speed: 70-71kHz through the loop
- 0.5x system clock speed, 0.61x loop performance.
- Final Argument: 54MHz, all busses also at that speed: 79-80kHz
- 1.13x clock speed; 1.13x loop speed
- This implies about 675 clock cycles per loop
- 56% of the Cortex clock speed, but 69% of the loop speed: pretty good trade
- We will leave things at this speed for now
- This operates at 114kHz: ~114 times through the main loop per millisecond
- Optimize memory usage for various RAM speed areas
- (This is for fun; don't need optimization for realz yet)
- DONE - Move stack to DTCM for improved performance
- DONE - Enable DTCM allocation of some variables
- DONE - BSS (zero-initialized, requires startup changes) - .fast_bss
- DONE - Pre-initialized variables (copied from ROM, requires startup changes) - .fast_data
- NOT DOING - Non-initialized variables
- See if we can get GCC to auto allocate something to .fast_bss or .fast_data depending on if the variable is initialized
- DONE - Figure out a way to detect stack overflow - but hopefully it will just
error into infinite loop with Default Handler
- Cortex-M7 Fault Handling
- Running in debugger, it halts at
, which just infinite loops as expected.
- DONE - Get I2S output audio working
- With DMA
- Turns on the red LED whenever it is filling the DMA buffer
- DONE - Get Simple Tone Generator working with I2S DMA audio
- DONE - Get simple MIDI monophonic synth running
- Clean up the code
- Migrate from HAL to LL for UARTs
- Build something simple:
- MIDI receive
- Parse MIDI into full messages
- Text translation of MIDI over Serial
- MIDI retransmit (e.g., a THRU with a bit of latency)
- Measure latency
- Minimize latency
- MIDI receive
- MIDI thru (no real reason)
- Send MIDI out as fast as it comes in
- Measure latency difference
- Attempt to get latency difference < 3 bits after receiving a byte, so 13 bits
- Measure latency from the start bit of input to start bit of output
- 13 bits at 31.5kbps = 4.13 x 10^-4 = 413µs; under 1ms
- Connect small I2C/SPI monitor
- Display MIDI traffic
I am trying to make it so I can put stack in the DTCM.
Linker Symbols, and where they are used:
- _estack
- _sbrk
- _Min_Heap_Size
- _Min_Stack_Size
- _sbrk
- _etext
- _exidx_start, _end
- __preinit_array_start, _end
- __init_array_start, _end
- __fini_array_start, _end
- _sidata
- _sdata
- _edata
- _sbss, bss_start: start of .bss
- _ebss, bss_end: End of .bss
- end, _end: end of .bss (after alignment) and start of ._user_heap_stack
- _sbrk
- Using RAM as SRAM1 only: LPT 72-73
- Using RAM as DTCM only: LPT 84-85
- Using RAM as SRAM2 only: LPT 70-71
- Using DTCM for Stack & SRAM1 for everything else: LPT 79
- ST-Link USB/Serial COM port
- 460,800 bps, 8-N-1
- Uses USART3 of the STM32
- USART6 of the STM32
- D0 & D1 pins of the NUCLEO
- 3V3 power
Location: C:\Apps\STM32CubeIDE_1.16.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.gnu-tools-for-stm32.12.3.rel1.win32_1.0.200.202406191623\tools\bin
(none now)
MIDI electrical protocol:
- 31.25 Kbaud ±1%
- asynchronous
- start bit, 8 data bits, stop bits
- start bit is a logical 0 (current on)
- stop bit is a logical 1 (current off)
- See: Midi 1.0 Detailed Specification 4.2.1 p1
MIDI data protocol briefly:
- STATUS byte (bit 7 is set) followed by
- DATA bytes (bit 7 is reset)
- STATUS bytes can be omitted if they are the same
- Called "running status"
Note on & off:
- ON Status byte : 1001 CCCC -> 1001 0000 -> 0x90
- Data byte 1 : 0PPP PPPP -> 60 -> 0x3C
- Data byte 2 : 0VVV VVVV -> 64 -> 0x40
- Channel is CCCC
- 10 for drum machines usually, 1 otherwise
- subtract 1 as human written channels are CCCC + 1
- Middle C is 60 PPP PPPP
- mf is 64 VVV VVVV
- OFF is the same but with 1000 CCCC status byte -> 0x80
USART3 is connected to the Nucleo USB cable
- See UM1974 Rev 10 p 26 for details
- On APB1 per Data Sheet
- Alternate functions: See DataSheet Rev 8 p89 Table 13
- USART3 TX is AF7 (Alternate Function 7)
- Per Nucleo UM, USART3 TX = PD8; RX = PD9
- SB4-7 control ST-LINK and/or morpho; by default it is both (UM1974 Rev 10 Sec 6.9 p 26)
- PD10-12 are CK, CTS, RTS as well
User LEDs LD1-3 are connected to:
- LD1: Green, PB0
- LD2: Blue, PB7
- LD3: Red: PB14
- On when I/O is HIGH
- See: UM1974 Rev 10 p 24
B1 User push button
- PC13
- See: UM1974 Rev 10 p24
USART for use for MIDI
- See UM1974 Rev 10 p32 for the board pinout
- See UM1974 Rev 10 p60-64 for details (Table 19)
- I/Os are 3.3V (UM1974 Rev 10 p36)
- USART_2, PD3-7, are on D51-55, connector CN9 pins 2-10 (even #s)
- USART6, PG9 & 14, are on D0-1, connector CN10 pins 14,16
- There seems to be no other USARTs available than 2 & 6 (and 3 for serial USB)
UART/USART counts: 4/4
- DS11532 Rev 8 Table 2 p17 for STM32F767Zx
USART Alternate Function Mappings per DS11532 Rev 8 p89+ for STM32F767Zx
- PA8-12: AF7, USART1
- PB6-7: AF7, USART1
- PB14-15: AF4, USART1
- PA0-4: AF7, USART2
- PD3-7: AF7, USART2
- PD3-7: AF7, USART2
- PB10-14: AF7, USART3
- PC10-12: AF7, USART3
- PD8-12: AF7, USART3
- PA0-1: AF8, UART4
- PA11-12: AF6, UART4
- PA15: AF8, UART4
- PB0: AF8, UART4
- PB14-15: AF8, UART4
- PC10-11: AF8, UART4
- PD0-1: AF8, UART4
- PC11: AF8, UART4
- PD0-1: AF8, UART4
- PH13-14: AF8, UART4
- PI9: AF8, UART4
- PB5-6: AF1, UART5
- PB8-9: AF7, UART5
- PB12-13: AF8, UART5
- PC8-9: AF7, UART5 cts/rts
- PC12: AF8, UART5
- PD2: AF8, UART5
- PC12: AF8, UART5 TX
- PD2: AF8, UART5 RX
- PC6-8: AF8, USART6
- PG7-9: AF8, USART6
- PG12-15: AF8, USART6
- PA8: AF12, UART7 RX
- PA15: AF12, UART7 TX
- PB3-4: AF12, UART7
- PE7-10: AF8, UART7
- PF6-9: AF8, UART7
- PD14-15: AF8, UART8
- PE0-1: AF8, UART8
- PA0-1: AF8, UART4
- PA0-4: AF7, USART2
- PA8: AF12, UART7 RX
- PA8-12: AF7, USART1
- PA11-12: AF6, UART4
- PA15: AF8, UART4
- PA15: AF12, UART7 TX
- PB0: AF8, UART4
- PB3-4: AF12, UART7
- PB5-6: AF1, UART5
- PB6-7: AF7, USART1
- PB8-9: AF7, UART5
- PB10-14: AF7, USART3
- PB12-13: AF8, UART5
- PB14-15: AF4, USART1
- PB14-15: AF8, UART4
- PC6-8: AF8, USART6
- PC8-9: AF7, UART5 cts/rts
- PC10-11: AF8, UART4
- PC10-12: AF7, USART3
- PC11: AF8, UART4
- PC12: AF8, UART5
- PC12: AF8, UART5 TX
- PD0-1: AF8, UART4
- PD2: AF8, UART5 RX
- PD3-7: AF7, USART2
- PD8-12: AF7, USART3
- PD14-15: AF8, UART8
- PE0-1: AF8, UART8
- PE7-10: AF8, UART7
- PF6-9: AF8, UART7
- PG7-9: AF8, USART6
- PG12-15: AF8, USART6
- PH13-14: AF8, UART4
- PI9: AF8, UART4
NUCLEO-F767ZI pins for U(S)ARTs:
- UM1974 Rev 10 Table 19 p60+
- By Nucleo Pin: ------------------
- A0 = PA3 = USART2, UART4
- A4-5 = PB9-8 = USART1, UART5 (Check Solder Bridges)
- D0 = PG9 = USART6
- D1 = PG14 = USART6
- D6 = PE9 = UART7
- D10-9 = PD14-15 = UART8
- D15-14 = PB8-9 = UART5
- D16 = PC6 = USART6
- D17 = PB15 = USART1, UART4
- D18 = PB13* = USART3, UART5 (* JP7)
- D19 = PB12 = USART3, UART5
- D20 = PA15 = UART4, UART7
- D21 = PC7 = USART6, UART5
- D22 = PB5 = UART5
- D23 = PB3 = UART7
- D24 = PA4 = USART2
- D25 = PB4 = UART7
- D26 = PB6 = USART1, UART5
- D29-30 = PD12-11 = USART3
- D32 = PA0 = USART2, UART4
- D33 = PB0 = UART4
- D34 = PE0 = UART8
- D36-35 = PB10-11 = USART3
- D40 = PE10 = UART7
- D41-42 = PE7-8 = UART7
- D45-47 = PC10-12 = USART3, UART4
- D48 = PD2 = UART5
- D51-55 = PD7-3 = USART2
- D61-63 = PF7-9* = USART7
- D67-66 = PD0-1 = UART4
- By STM32 Pin: ----------------
- D32 = PA0 = USART2 CTS, UART4 TX
- A0 = PA3 = USART2 RX
- D24 = PA4 = USART2 CK
- D20 = PA15 = UART4 RTS, UART7 TX
- D33 = PB0 = UART4 CTS
- D23 = PB3 = UART7 RX
- D25 = PB4 = UART7 TX
- D22 = PB5 = UART5 RX
- D26 = PB6 = USART1 TX, UART5 TX
- D15-14 = PB8-9 = UART5 RX TX
- A4-5 = PB9-8 = UART5 RX TX (Check Solder Bridges)
- D36-35 = PB10-11 = USART3 RX TX
- D19 = PB12 = USART3 CK, UART5 RX
- D18 = PB13* = USART3 CTS, UART5 TX (* JP7)
- D17 = PB15 = USART1 RX, UART4 CTS
- D16 = PC6 = USART6 TX
- D21 = PC7 = USART6 RX
- D45-47 = PC10-12 = USART3 TX RX CK, UART4 TX RX, UART5 TX
- D67-66 = PD0-1 = UART4 RX TX
- D48 = PD2 = UART5 RX
- D51-55 = PD7-3 = USART2 CTS RTS TX RX CK
- D29-30 = PD12-11 = USART3 CTS RTS
- D10-9 = PD14-15 = UART8 CTS RTS
- D34 = PE0 = UART8 RX
- D41-42 = PE7-8 = UART7 RX TX
- D6 = PE9 = UART7 RTS
- D40 = PE10 = UART7 CTS
- D61-63 = PF7-9* = UART7 TX RTS CTS
- D0 = PG9 = USART6 RX
- D1 = PG14 = USART6 TX
- By U(S)ART, TX/RX only: ----------------
- D26 = PB6 = USART1 TX, UART5 TX
- D17 = PB15 = USART1 RX, UART4 CTS
- A0 = PA3 = USART2 RX
- D51-55 = PD7-3 = USART2 CTS RTS TX RX CK
- D36-35 = PB10-11 = USART3 RX TX
- D45-47 = PC10-12 = USART3 TX RX CK, UART4 TX RX, UART5 TX
- D32 = PA0 = USART2 CTS, UART4 TX
- D67-66 = PD0-1 = UART4 RX TX
- D45-47 = PC10-12 = USART3 TX RX CK, UART4 TX RX, UART5 TX
- D26 = PB6 = USART1 TX, UART5 TX
- D22 = PB5 = UART5 RX
- D15-14 = PB8-9 = UART5 RX TX
- A4-5 = PB9-8 = UART5 RX TX (Check Solder Bridges)
- D45-47 = PC10-12 = USART3 TX RX CK, UART4 TX RX, UART5 TX
- D48 = PD2 = UART5 RX
- D19 = PB12 = USART3 CK, UART5 RX
- D18 = PB13* = USART3 CTS, UART5 TX (* JP7)
- D16 = PC6 = USART6 TX
- D21 = PC7 = USART6 RX
- D0 = PG9 = USART6 RX
- D1 = PG14 = USART6 TX
- D20 = PA15 = UART4 RTS, UART7 TX
- D41-42 = PE7-8 = UART7 RX TX
- D61-63 = PF7-9* = UART7 TX RTS CTS
- D23 = PB3 = UART7 RX
- D25 = PB4 = UART7 TX
- D34 = PE0 = UART8 RX
- Seems like UART8 has RX only?
First, add the USART6 to the .ioc description
- Pins PG9, PG14 become receive and transmit
- Configure USART6 at 31,250 baud
- When you save this, it will regenerate the main.c code
To send MIDI with Windows:
.\sendmidi.exe dev "U2MIDI Pro" on 69 96
- Run the application with ST-Link connected using the STM32CubeIDE
(Eclipse) Debug option
- Hit F8/Resume to run the application full speed
- Note application works normally with modest rate key presses
- MIDI is output, and the notes sound in an attached MIDI device
- Hold down a key in terminal for auto-repeat
- Note that after a short time, the application stops responding
- "Suspend" the application when it is stuck
- Note call stack:
- Note that it is infinitely looping in the
method on the checkwhile ((__HAL_UART_GET_FLAG(huart, Flag) ? SET : RESET) == Status)
- Add a timeout so that it will stop the receive when it infinitely loops
- This seems to work
- Hypothesis:
- When you receive a new byte at the UART before the current one has been read by polling, an error (overrun?) occurs on the UART
- The STM32 HAL code is not handling this situation properly, or resetting the overrun error
- Investigation:
Advanced Features
on the UART configuration in the.ioc
file shows thatOverrun
d- Let's
it onUSART6
and see what happens - (This requires regenerating code.)
- Disabling Overrun detection "works"
- Discovered this post which talks about it (although not in a particularly friend manner)
References discovered during investigation:
- Tilen Majerle - has DMA UART example
- Discussions
- Misc
Try 1:
- Hypothesis:
- Re-enable the overrun detection
- Assume it sends an interrupt on overrun
- Clear the overrun flag in an error callback
we define
- Results:
- Still crashes
- Still loops infinitely
- The error callback is not called - perhaps error interrupts are not enabled
- The ISR is 110 0000 0001 0000 1101 1000
- ORE is bit 3: 1. Overrun error (RM0410 Rev 5 p1294)
- RXNE is bit 5: 0.
- The ICR (Interrupt flag clear register) is 0
- ORECF is bit 3, Overrun error clear flag
Try 2:
- Hypothesis:
should check for overrun even when it is NOT checking for timeouts- Keep overrun detection enabled (re-enable it)
- Implementation:
- Flag original
- Export
(make notstatic
) - Reimplement
- Count overrun errors
- Print the count when overrun errors happens
- Increase the note on to off time to 100ms from 20ms
- Flag original
- Results:
- Overrun errors occur reliably
- They don't break anything
- They are reported via serial out
Try 3 (TODO):
- Hypothesis: Enable interrupts on errors and so ORE can be cleared via interrupt
- Implementation:
- Implement
- In the
file configuration, forNVIC
, enableUSART3 global interrupt
- Set the priority above
; I used2
- Set the priority above
- When you save the
file, it will rebuild the C source, wiping out the changes we made toDrivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_hal_uart.c
ddi0403 in try 2. So,git checkout -- Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_hal_uart.c
to undo the edits after making sure nothing else changed. - Note: code generated by
writes theUSART3_IRQHandler()
, and not as__weak
either. This just callsHAL_UART_IRQHandler(&huart3)
. - This calls the
we defined earlier that never got called. So we don't need to defineUSART3_IRQHandler()
after all. (Removed it)
- Implement
- Results
- Everything still "works" but no interrupts get called.
- Notes:
- See
on RM0410 Rev 5 p1287 - See
macro instm32f7xx_hal_uart.h
- This should probably be set in
which is defined instm32f7xx_hal_msp.c
, a generated file- Enter it into the code block
- Enter it into the code block
- Implementation 2:
- As per notes above: enable the interrupt
- Also add it to the De-Init function to disable that interrupt
- Results 2:
- The interrupt occurs exactly once.
- Maybe the interrupt enable has to be re-enabled each time it fires an interrupt?
- Implementation 3:
- Re-enable the interrupts while/after they are firing
- In
- call
- If this is done in the check for overrun, it doesn't work, as that check never passes.
- TODO: Fix ^^^
- In
- Re-enable the interrupts while/after they are firing
- Results 3:
- It now gets UART3 interrupts
- It doesn't get any EC counters
- Implementation 4:
- HAL interrupt code already checks & clears the ORE, but it marks the ErrorCode which we can check later in the ErrorCallback.
- Results 4:
- Works correctly!!
- Implementation 5: Interrupt OverRunErrors without HAL receive changes
- Hypothesis: the edit to
is no longer needed now that we handle ORE with interrupts. ifdef
out myUSE_DPF_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout
so the__weak
one will be back.
- Hypothesis: the edit to
- Results 5:
- Works, same as #4
- USART ISR - RM0410 Rev 5 p1291 34.8.8
Misc notes:
- Be sure to do a full power off or hardware reset before re-testing this as it seems not to reconfigure things with a soft-reset
seems to check the overrun flag, but only if infinite delay is set.
For some reason, while the HAL properly enables interrupts automatically for USART3 (ST-Link UART), it doesn't do the same for USART6 despite, as far as I can tell, their being configured identically (save for baud rate). I had to manually call this once:
So, the problem is, you have to enable interrupts in the HAL_UART_MspInit()
manually at the start:
I had done this for USART3, but forgot to do it for USART6.
- 12 address pins (DS11532 Rev 8 p86), 32 data pins, 2 bank pins
- RM0410 Rev 5 Section 13.8
- AN4667 Rev 4 Section 1.5.3 p17 - remap to make the SDRAM cacheable
Move hot code into ITCM-RAM (Instruction RAM, 16Kbytes)
- DS11532 Rev 8 Section 3.5 p22
- RM0410 Rev 5 Section 2.3 p81
- AN4667 Rev 4 Section 1.5.2 p12
Move hot data into DTCM-RAM (128 Kbytes)
- Stack
- Circular I/O buffers
- Memory Map: RM0410 Rev 5 Figure 2 p77
- 0x0000 0000 - 0x0000 3FFF : ITCM RAM 16 kB
- 0x2000 0000 - 0x2001 FFFF : DTCM RAM 128 kB
- 0x2002 0000 - 0x2007 BFFF : SRAM1 368 kB
- 0x2007 C000 - 0x2007 FFFF : SRAM2 16 kB
- May not matter; there is 16kB of I/D cache
TCM RAM can do double word access (RM0410 Rev 5 p81)
See tips in AN4667 Rev 4 Section 5.2, e.g.:
- "...access the Flash memory through the AXI/AHB interface instead of the TCM to take advantage of the performance induced by the cache size."
- "...recommended to disable the read-modify-write of the DTCM-RAM in the DTCM interface (in the DTCMCR register) to increase the performance."
- See AN4661
- Example Board
- Example: Ksoloti
- Example: Nucleo designs/schmetics
- Pimoroni pico audio board
- Pimoroni Pico Audio Pack PIM544
- PCM5102A I2S DAC
- PCM5102 and STM32
- Wikipedia
- RM0410 Rev 5 Chapter 35
- Section 35.7
- UM1905 Rev 5 Chapter 35 (HAL I2S Driver)
- Diodes PAM8901/8908 headphone amplifier
- Diodes AP7333 linear regulator (300mA)
- STM32: SD (serial data) = I2S DIN/DATA (Audio data in, data)
- STM32: WS (word select) = I2S LRCLK (audio data word left/right clock)
- STM32: CK (serial clock) = I2S BCK (audio data bit clock)
- STM32: MCK (master clock) - not used
STM32 Configuration:
- I2S1 - Nucleo-F767ZI
- PA4 I2S1_WS - CN7-15 ; D24
- PA5 I2S1_CK - CN7-10 ; D13
- PD7 I2S1_SD - CN9-2 ; D51
- I2S2 - Nucleo-F767ZI - I could not get this one to work for the life of me
- PB10 I2S2_CK - CN10-32 ; D36 - Purple
- PB12 I2S2_WS - CN7-7 ; D19 - Gray
- PC3 I2S2_SD - CN9-5 ; A2 - Blue
- I2S3 - this one works
- PA4 I2S3_WS - CN7-17 ; D24 - Gray
- PB2 I2S3_SD - CN10-15 ; D27 - Blue
- PC10 I2S3_CK - CN8-6 ; D45 - Purple
Getting this working:
- I tried to get it working using I2S2, but it failed.
- I could never get any clock outputs
- After several hours, I gave up and added I2S3
- This immediately worked
- So I removed I2S2
- And then it broke again
- I re-added it and noticed that adding I2S3 AND I2S2 added another section:
void PeriphCommonClock_Config(void);
This was removed:
* @brief Peripherals Common Clock Configuration
* @retval None
void PeriphCommonClock_Config(void)
RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInitStruct = {0};
/** Initializes the peripherals clock
PeriphClkInitStruct.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_I2S;
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2S.PLLI2SN = 192;
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2S.PLLI2SP = RCC_PLLP_DIV2;
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2S.PLLI2SR = 2;
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2S.PLLI2SQ = 2;
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2SDivQ = 1;
PeriphClkInitStruct.I2sClockSelection = RCC_I2SCLKSOURCE_PLLI2S;
if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInitStruct) != HAL_OK)
But in HAL_I2S_MspInit()
this was added, that seems NOT to work:
/** Initializes the peripherals clock
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2S.PLLI2SN = 192;
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2S.PLLI2SP = RCC_PLLP_DIV2;
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2S.PLLI2SR = 2;
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2S.PLLI2SQ = 2;
PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLI2SDivQ = 1;
PeriphClkInitStruct.I2sClockSelection = RCC_I2SCLKSOURCE_PLLI2S;
if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInitStruct) != HAL_OK)
The obvious difference is that the
PeriphClkInitStruct.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_I2S;
statement is missing in the broken code. Adding that back in manually
makes it work again!
- Configuration in common:
- 32 kHz
- Mode Master Transmit
- I2S Philips
- Varying things:
- 16 bits data on 16 bits frame - very loud! Even with low gain.
- 16 bits data on 32 bits frame - quiet, even with high gain
- Frequency up to 48 kHz with 16 / 16
- Higher frequency for the same waveform (as expected)
- When going to 16 / 32 - very low volume and odd sound
- Figure out what the framing thing is all about
- DONE - Get DMA working
- SCK (master clock) is not necessary - 3 wires suffice
- XSMT pin - soft mutes after 104 samples when low
- Zero data detect - mutes when receiving all 0's
- LOW = left, HIGH = Right on LRCK
- MSB-first, 16, 24, 32 bits data, framing at 32, 48, 64x Fs
- Board layout should widely separate analog and digital signals
- SLAS859C Revised May 2015 section 12
- 8 kHz to 384 kHz
- CHSIDE bit in SPIx_SR register
- Left always sent first, followed by right
- Refreshed when TXE goes high
- TXE - transmit buffer empty, next data ready to be transmitted
- Sends 16 bits at a time
Error Flags:
- UDR - underrun - cleared by read on SPIx_SR
- Interrupt generation is possible
Speeds required
- 32kHz @ 16bit x 2 channels = 64kHz (yikes)
- Doing this by polling may not be plausible
- Set up a DMA to be in a circular queue, so it always loops through a buffer continuously sending
- Set up interrupts to get notified of the state of the DMA
- Half done, all done
- (Remember it auto restarts when all done)
- When half done, re-fill the first half of the DMA send buffer
- When all done, re-fill the second half of the DMA send buffer
- Figure out what to do about race conditions like, if we get an interrupt while we're filling up the buffer