All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Initial Release
- Added zone_exists method to override parent and prevent issues with zoneAfxr method
- SOA creation defaults to YYYYMMDD01 instead of last two numbers being random
- Record updates will now properly increment the SOA Serial
- Record creation no longer removes same named and type records leaving only the new one
- Record deletion no longer removes all records of the same name and type
- Fixed record updates not updating all the time
- Changed license from GPLv3 to MIT to allow for integration into apnscp
- Fixed issue with NS definition using wrong constant
- Fixed warning using wrong macro
- Merged Pull Request to address various issues
- Added zone type selection in src/Module.php
- Added extra config param and description in
- Changed LICENSE year
- Fixed commands and trailing spaces