T_System has 4 different ways to control. Strong to weak, respectively:
- Command-line tools
- Remote UI
- Augmented
- Official Stand
First of all excluding command-line tools, all control ways are the user interfaces at the same time and they can be activate with using each other.
Selecting the all user interfaces can make with positional interface
With -h
or --help
flag, all abilities of T_System can be shown.
But there is few important feature those need the detailed explanation:
Each device that powered by T_System has unique IDs. T_System has private and public IDs and user specified Name. These public/private IDs pair and Name been uses for reaching to T_System from remote UI.
Only Name can be changed by remote UI public and private IDs can be changes via command-line. For more details about usage of
sub-command:t_system id --help
There is a secret administration entry in T_System Remote UI. When the user write the correct pattern inside to Wi-Fi ssid and password fields, administration authenticate will activated. Initial setting of T_System there is a creator authentication keys. So if you want to be admin for Remote UI, you have to change this secret ssid and passwords patterns. With this command:
t_system remote-ui-authentication --ssid <SSID> --password <PASSWORD>
You can be create your own secret administration entry.
T_System has face recognition ability via
python module. For recognizing faces, it have to has encoded face data. Via Remote UI, photos that have faces, can be uploaded to T_System and it creates encoded data automatically. And also for this process command-line is available: For more details about usage:t_system encode-face --help
For Firmware(include Remote UI) update, T_System has
sub-command. Currently, when any update published via GitHub, T_System can check this information and update itself. Via Remote UI, automatic update task can be handled so if user don't want to realize automatic update, he/she can disable this feature. and the via theself-update
sub-command, updation check and realize can be executed:t_system self-update --help
For the robotic arm of the T_System that uses for Executing of scenarios and making emotions, there is customization field. The developers and the professional users, can be create their own robotic arm and configuration information of this arm in
file.Via this configuration information, T_System creates a model of the arm and this model been uses for forward and inverse kinematics solving. There is example configuration info in file that aforementioned above. For sub-command usage details:
t_system arm --help
T_System has Live Video Streaming ability powered by FFmpeg. Currently, Live-Streaming can be realize on 8 stream permissive websites (include YouTube, facebook, periscope, and twitch). Live-Streaming activation and deactivation process can be handled by Remote UI.
And adding new websites, adding new accounts for this websites can be realize by Remote UI and command-line. For the Remote UI only the person who has administration authentication can create new Websites. For more usage detail of
sub-command:t_system live-stream --help
For reaching recorded videos of photos from your cloud storage account when and where-ever you want, T_System has Remote Storage Synchronization ability. For now, it is available with Dropbox.
Remote Sync activation and deactivation process, adding new accounts for available services can be realize by Remote UI and command-line. For more usage detail of
sub-command:t_system live-stream --help
Viewing and deleting the logs of T_System are available with command-line and Remote UI. Realizing this jobs by Remote UI, administration privileges required. For more usage detail of
sub-command:t_system log --help
T_System has flask
powered Javascript codded controlling Interface that called as remote_ui
Any person who has network connection with T_System can be create a request to 5000
of the T_System IP, and the front-end of the UI will return to him/her. For connecting to the
T_System safely, there is an mobile app
and available on Google's Play Store. If the user has T_System's unique public ID or determined a Name
by him/her-self, He/She can be connected to T_System and start controlling it.
There is and advanced field, for professional users and it can be activated via advanced
option of
Remote UI's options window.
Also for the administration authentication of Remote UI, please read remote-ui-authentication
section under there.
usage: t_system [-h] [--interface {official_stand,augmented,remote_ui,None}]
[--stand-gpios RED-LED GREEN-LED FAN] [--host HOST]
[--port PORT] [--debug] [-l] [-s]
[--detection-model DETECTION_MODEL] [--cascades CASCADES] [-j]
[--encoding-file ENCODING_FILE] [--use-tracking-api]
[--camera-rotation CAMERA_ROTATION]
[--resolution WIDTH HEIGHT] [--framerate FRAMERATE]
[--chunk CHUNK] [--rate RATE] [--channels CHANNELS]
[--audio_device_index AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX]
[--shoot-formats VIDEO AUDIO MERGED] [--shot-format SHOT] [-x]
[--sd-channels SD_CHANNELS] [--arm-name ARM]
[--ls-gpios PAN TILT] [--ls-channels PAN TILT]
[--AI AI | --non-moving-target | --arm-expansion] [-p]
[--ap-wlan AP_WLAN] [--ap-inet AP_INET] [--ap-ip AP_IP]
[--ap-netmask AP_NETMASK] [--ssid SSID] [--password PASSWORD]
[--wlan WLAN] [--inet INET] [--static-ip STATIC_IP]
[--netmask NETMASK] [--country-code COUNTRY_CODE]
[--environment {production,development,testing}]
[--no-emotion] [-S]
[-m {single_rect,rotating_arcs,partial_rect,animation_1,None}]
[-r] [-v] [--version]
positional arguments:
officiate the sub-jobs
id Make identification jobs of T_System.
Remote UI administrator authority settings of the
secret entry point that is the new network connection
encode-face Generate encoded data from the dataset folder to
recognize the man T_System is monitoring during
self-update Update source code of t_system itself via `git pull`
command from the remote git repo.
arm Management jobs of Denavit-Hartenberg transform matrix
models of robotic arms of T_System.
live-stream Make Online Stream jobs of T_System.
r-sync Make remote synchronization jobs of T_System.
log Make logging jobs of T_System.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--interface {official_stand,augmented,remote_ui,None}
Set the user interfaces. To use: either
`official_stand`, `augmented`, `remote_ui` or
None.`official_stand`: for using the interface of
official T_System stand.`augmented`: Augmented control
with the Augmented Virtual Assistant A.V.A..
'https://github.com/MCYBA/A.V.A.' is the home page of
the A.V.A. and usage explained into the
'AUGMENTED.md'.`remote_ui`: remote control with
created graphic interface that is power by flask
available on desktop or mobile.None: Use to just by
`running modes` parameters.The default value is None.
--stand-gpios RED-LED GREEN-LED FAN
GPIO pin numbers of official stand's LEDs and fans.
5(as red led), 6(as green led) and 14(as fan) GPIO
pins are default.
--host HOST Specify host address.
--port PORT Specify the port.
--debug Activate debug mode.
Running Modes:
-l, --learn Teach Mode. Teach the object tracking parameters with
the trial and error method.
-s, --security Security Mode. Scan the around and optionally take
photos of visitors.
Running Tools:
--detection-model DETECTION_MODEL
Object detection model to use: either `haarcascade`,
`hog` or `cnn`. `hog` and `cnn` can only use for
detecting human faces. `haarcascade` is default.
--cascades CASCADES Specify the trained detection algorithm file for the
object detection ability. Sample:
'frontalface_default' for frontalface_default.xml file
under the 'haarcascade' folder.
-j, --no-recognize Do not recognize the things.(faces, objects etc.)
--encoding-file ENCODING_FILE
Specify the trained recognition encoding pickle file
for recognize object. Sample: 'jane_encoding' for
jane_encoding.pickle file under the
'.t_system/recognition/encodings' folder in your Home
directory. If `main_encoding` chosen,
`main_encoding.pickle` file that creates from merging
all encoding files under `.../encodings` folder will
used. Default is `main_encoding`
--use-tracking-api Use the openCV's tracking API for realize the next
object is same as previous one.
OpenCV's tracking type to use: either `BOOSTING`,
or `CSRT`. `CSRT` is default.
Camera Options:
--camera-rotation CAMERA_ROTATION
Specify the camera's ratational position. 180 degree
is default.
--resolution WIDTH HEIGHT
Specify the camera's resolution of vision ability.
320x240 is default
Shoot Options:
--framerate FRAMERATE
Specify the camera's framerate. of vision ability. 32
fps is default.
--chunk CHUNK Smallest unit of audio. 1024*8=8192 bytes are default.
--rate RATE Bit Rate of audio stream / Frame Rate. 44100 Hz sample
rate is default.
--channels CHANNELS Number of microphone's channels. Default value is 1.
--audio_device_index AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX
Index of the using audio device. 2 is default.
--shoot-formats VIDEO AUDIO MERGED
Formats for recording the work. `h264` and `wav` for
separate video and audio recording and `mp4` for
merged file are default.
Shot Options:
--shot-format SHOT Format for take shots. `jpg` is default
Motion Mechanism:
-x, --ext-servo-driver
Use external servo motor driver board.
--sd-channels SD_CHANNELS
Number of external servo driver's channels. Default
value is 16.
Robotic Arm:
--arm-name ARM One of the robotic arm names those are defined in
config.json file. The arm is for relocating the 2 axis
target locking system hybrid-synchronously.
Access Point Options:
-p, --access-point Become access point for serving remote UI inside the
internal network.
--ap-wlan AP_WLAN Network interface that will be used to create HotSpot.
'wlan0' is default.
--ap-inet AP_INET Forwarding interface. Default is None.
--ap-ip AP_IP Ip address of this machine in new network. is default.
--ap-netmask AP_NETMASK
Access Point netmask address. is
--ssid SSID Preferred access point name. 'T_System' is default.
--password PASSWORD Password of the access point. 't_system' is default.
External Network Options:
--wlan WLAN network interface that will be used to connect to
external network. 'wlan0' is default.
--inet INET Forwarding interface. Default is None.
--static-ip STATIC_IP
The static IP address for the connected external
network, if wanted.
--netmask NETMASK Netmask address. is default.
--country-code COUNTRY_CODE
Wifi country code for the wpa_supplicant.conf. To use
look at: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-
os/wiki/Wifi-country-code-(EN). Default is `TR`
--environment {production,development,testing}
The running environment. It specify the configuration
files and logs. To use: either `production`,
`development` or `testing`. Default is production
--no-emotion Do not mak feelings with using motion mechanisms.(Arm
and Locking System.)
-S, --show-stream Display the camera stream. Enable the stream
window.(Require gui environment.)
-m {single_rect,rotating_arcs,partial_rect,animation_1,None}, --found-object-mark {single_rect,rotating_arcs,partial_rect,animation_1,None}
Specify the mark type of the found object. To use:
either `single_rect`, `rotating_arcs`, `partial_rect`
or None. Default is `single_rect`
-r, --record Record the video stream. Files are named by the date.
-v, --verbose Print various debugging logs to console for debug
--version Display the version number of T_System.