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Greg Kolinski edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 4 revisions

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public partial class FileInfo {
        public long ParcelID {get;set;}
        public string FileName {get;set;}
        public DateTime FileDate {get;set;}
        public int Bytes {get;set;}
        public EDIStandard Standard {get;set;}
        public byte[] Content {get;set;}

Public Properties

  • ParcelID - Long: The value assigned to track a specific Parcel on ECGrid.
  • FileName - String: The file name assigned to a Parcel. It will be stored on disk with this name.
  • FileDate - Datetime: The date/time stamp of the file (UTC).
  • Bytes - Integer: The number of bytes in the Parcel.
  • Standard - Enum EDIStandard: A numeric value representing the entry's EDI Standard.
  • Content - Byte Array: A byte array representing the data in the Parcel.

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