A young (debatable), passionate and hard working developer. I love bringing my ideas into reality and I'm always down for a good challenge. Tech enthusiast, with a strong desire to improve and learn new technologies. Highly motivated about my work, can meet any expectations with the right training or guidance.
- 🔭 These days I'm working on different kinds of projects!
- 🎓 I’m currently learning C# and .NET. Also, trying to get my CCNA certificate.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with interesting and skilled people with great ideas.
- 🥅 2021 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm always down for a good challenge!
- Microsoft Technology Associate – HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals
- Sololearn – Python Core
- CS3.2: Advanced web development
- CS3.1: Introduction to web development with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
- The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
- Specialist of Web Design and Applications: Basic
- CS1.1: Introduction to Python