This tool provides a streamlined solution for users to perform various data operations within a single interface. Key functionalities include:
1.File Insertion: Easily upload CSV or Parquet files, up to 1 GB in size.
2.Transformation: Apply transformations using a JSON file to customize and manipulate data according to user's requirements.
3.SQLite Database Integration: Save transformed data directly to a SQLite database.
4.Query Execution: Seamlessly execute queries on the stored data, enhancing flexibility and data exploration.
5.Export to CSV: Save query results as .CSV files, facilitating data sharing and further analysis.
6.ChatGPT Integration: Analyze data interactively through ChatGPT, gain valuable insights and enhance the overall analytical experience. This file contains functions needed to build and process the data. This script defines a Streamlit web interface for data processing, analysis, and interaction with a SQLite database. It utilizes functions from for data transformations and analysis, as well as utility functions from Provides utility functions for working with data and text processing. contains the main function which calls run_streamlit_interface function from streamlit_interface file. Use following commands to run the application :
streamlit run