- Subscribe to an audio stream topic and analyze
Wrapper for the wit.ai natural language API
$ sudo pip install wit
$ cd catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/LoyVanBeek/wit_ros.git
$ cd catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
Be sure to create a file api.yaml in a param directory, like this:
$ roscd wit_ros/param
$ vim api.yaml #Use any editor to edit the API key
api_key: V.....Z #Get your API key/access token from https://console.wit.ai/#/settings
After rosmake-ing this package, you can run it with
$ roslaunch wit_ros start.launch
Then, run
$ rosservice call /wit/interpret "sentence: 'Clean up the table in the living room'"
Which outputs:
msg_body: {u'outcomes': [{u'entities': {u'item': [{u'type': u'value', u'value': u'the table'}], u'location': [{u'suggested': True, u'type': u'value', u'value': u'living room'}]}, u'confidence': 0.998, u'intent': u'cleanup', u'_text': u'Clean up the table in the living room'}], u'msg_id': u'fcdd89ed-2984-464e-89e6-fce78060e54e', u'_text': u'Clean up the table in the living room'}
msg_id: fcdd89ed-2984-464e-89e6-fce78060e54e
confidence: 0.998000025749
intent: cleanup
name: item
type: value
value: the table
unit: ''
suggested: ''
name: location
type: value
value: living room
unit: ''
suggested: True
Or, run
$ rosservice call /wit/listen_interpret
And just say your command!