Plot Fold Enrichment (FE) from the PantherDB ( GO (Gene Ontology) output into a Bubble Plot (saved as a high dpi .pdf file).
git clone
cd makeGO
, if required
package requires only a standard computer with enough RAM to support the in-memory operations.
The package has been tested on the following systems:
- Linux: Ubuntu 18.04+
depends on:
Any of this libraries can be installed by using pip install <library name>
This script runs on terminal with the following parameters:
python3 -i <input-file.txt> <input-file.txt> <input-file.txt> -names <name1> <name2> <name3> -o <output-file.pdf>
- -i | --input-file: files(.txt) from PantherDB, each file correspond to a set or cluster. Same GO analysis (Biological processes, Cellular Components, etc.) are recomemended. Full directory must be used (e.g.: /home/.../file1.txt)
- -o | --output-file: a .pdf format file containing the dot plot where y-axis show GO groups and x-axis are the differente sets/clusters from the input-files.
- -names | -set-names: list of names corresponding to the x-label of the plot.
- -top | -top-FE-results (optional - default=10): only plot the top n FE-change results.
- -fdr | -fdr-treshold (optional - default=0.01): sets the FDR treshold of the GO groups.
Files used in this example are saved in the demo
folder of this repository
Go to PantherDB-GO for plants (, paste the demo_gene_list.txt, Choose Organism Arabidopsis thaliana and Choose desired GO Aspect.
Once the information is submitted, export the PantherDB data as Table:
The expected output running the following code
python3 -i /home/[user]/.../panther_exported_table.txt -names cluster1 -o ./plot
should look like this(saved as a high dpi .pdf file):
Lucas Servi,