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Lucas Menezes edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 2 revisions


Expander is a program designed to execute bitwidth expansion in brainfuck programs. Using bitwidth expansion one can transform 8 bit brainfuck programs into 16 bit and 32 bit ones. Bitwidth expansion emulates higher bits in 8 bit brainfuck interpreters. This is achieved by applying transforms into each instruction making a longer sequence.

By using this technique, Headache implements 16 bit and 32 bit integers (shorts e ints).


 ./expander sourcepath [mode] 

Receives the path of brainfuck file through paramater

 ./expander -p "source" [mode] 

Receives the brainfuck program between the quotes. Use for small sequences.

 ./expander -i [mode] 

Activate the interactive mode (receives the input from stdin)

Expander outputs to stdout.

The optional paramater mode is one of {0,1,2}. Each number represents a different transform to be applied. Modes 0 and 1 are two different strategies to expand bits x2. Mode 2 its to expand bits x4.

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