Experimental repository compiling comparison implementation of code written in Python and C++. While the Python implementations should run on any OS, the C++ implementations were only tested on Linux.
Go to PyTorch and download the corresponding package.
Then simply extract the zip file where you want to install the library or follow the instruction depending on the language selected.
This folder contains the implemented minimal example provided by PyTorch. It can be found here.
The project can be compiled and run like so:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/absolute/path/to/libtorch ..
This folder aims at implementing the same program both in C++ and Python to illustrate the similarities of the PyTorch API between both languages.
A simple neural net is created and trained on a dummy dataset. It consists of points inside a circle of a given radius and points outside of it. The network learns to differentiate the two classes.
To run the python script:
python3 -m demo
To build the C++ code:
⚠️ you need to adapt the libtorch installation path in thebuild.sh
To run the C++ code:
A model can be simply created and used like the following:
struct Net: torch::nn::Module{
// Constructor - build the network's layers
_in = register_module("in",torch::nn::Linear(2,10));
_h = register_module("h",torch::nn::Linear(10,5));
_out = register_module("out",torch::nn::Linear(5,1));
torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x){
// apply ReLU activations and sigmoid for the output
x = torch::relu(_in->forward(x));
x = torch::relu(_h->forward(x));
x = torch::sigmoid(_out->forward(x));
// return the output
return x;
torch::nn::Linear _in{nullptr},_h{nullptr},_out{nullptr};
void main(){
// Usage:
Net model = Net();
// ...
But this will not allow to save the network to the disk. To do so, the implementation should be as follows:
struct NetImpl: torch::nn::Module{
// Constructor - build the network's layers
_in = register_module("in",torch::nn::Linear(2,10));
_h = register_module("h",torch::nn::Linear(10,5));
_out = register_module("out",torch::nn::Linear(5,1));
torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x){
// apply ReLU activations and sigmoid for the output
x = torch::relu(_in->forward(x));
x = torch::relu(_h->forward(x));
x = torch::sigmoid(_out->forward(x));
// return the output
return x;
torch::nn::Linear _in{nullptr},_h{nullptr},_out{nullptr};
void main(){
// Usage:
Net model = Net();
// ...
creates a module holder, which is a std::shared_ptr<NetImpl>
. This enables the user to then call torch::save(model,"path");
and torch::load(model,"path");