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Python, SQL, and Pandas: Oh My!

SQL is the most popular programming language for generating and interacting with relational databases and is therefore an extremely useful language to learn.

This OHSU Library BioData Club workshop will provide a gentle introduction to relational databases and how to use SQL to make queries. Instructors, Luci Moore and Dan Yaeger will guide attendees through using Python to create a database and query data in SQLite. At the end of the workshop, attendees will have access to a Jupyter Notebook and a basic script that they can modify to create and query their own databases.

Attendees should bring a laptop and, if possible, have downloaded Anaconda3 before the workshop. No previous coding, SQL, or database experience is required. Please register in advance.

Everyone is welcome!

Friday, June 21

4:30 - 6:00

BICC 124

BioData Club is a co-learning community supported by the OHSU Library and DMICE.

Lucille Moore is an ORCCAMIND Fellow and Postdoctoral Scholar in the OHSU Department of Neurology. She works on the Computing Team in the Developmental Cognition And Neuroimaging Lab (DCAN) to develop processing and analytic pipelines for efficient and novel analysis of brain imaging and other data. Lucille is also an advocate for open science and is passionate about creating a more equitable scientific and global community and deconstructing power dynamics created by ownership of information. As a founding member of the Alliance for Visible Diversity in Science she works to promote recruitment, retention, and support of graduate students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in academia.

Dan Yager is a postdoctoral fellow and master’s student in the Bioinformatics and Computational Biomedicine division of the Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology (DMICE). He is interested in using machine learning tools to detect patterns in neural signals associated with disease.


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