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Repository files navigation



Merlinsbag is an Android application for cataloging the things in your life.

Video Demo

YouTube Demo Video of Merlinsbag App


  • "Article": an item that has been cataloged
    • stemming from an "article of clothing"
    • examples: a shirt, a pair of pant, a poster, a cat, a record, a book, etc.
  • "Ensemble": a collection of articles
    • analogous to hashtags on other platforms
    • examples: "tshirt", "yellow", "vinyl", "gaming", "non-fiction", "painting", etc.

Features By Screen

Add Article

  • Provide photos of the things to catalog
  • Adjust the tightness of the article cutout area
  • Rotate the image in 90 degree increments
  • Confirm cutout as newly cataloged article or attach cutout to existing article


  • View articles in one large catalog
  • Select and edit articles in bulk
  • Navigate to article detail view

Add Article Screen Articles Screen

Article Detail

  • View an article in its full glory
  • Attach additional images to article
  • Easily select and view each image attached to article
  • Attach article to existing or newly created ensembles
  • Navigate among articles via horizontal swiping
  • Export article images as PNGs to easily share outside the application
  • View and easily navigate to attached ensembles

Article Detail Screen Add to Ensemble

Add Ensemble

  • Create an ensemble with a given title
  • Select articles to initialize ensemble with

View Ensembles

  • View all ensembles with short previews of the ensemble's articles
  • Search among all ensembles
  • Select and edit ensembles in bulk
  • Navigate to ensemble detail view

Ensemble Detail

  • View all articles attached to an ensemble on one screen
  • Select and remove articles from ensemble in bulk
  • Attach existing articles to ensemble
  • Navigate to article detail view that is filtered by the current ensemble

Add Ensemble Dialog Ensembles Screen EnsembleDetail


  • Adjust the app-wide appearance of Merlinsbag:
    • Color Scheme
    • Font
    • Dark Mode
    • High Contrast
  • View:
    • Tips & information
    • Statistics about cataloged articles and ensembles
    • Welcome page (onboarding screen)
    • App version numbers
  • Links to:
    • Video demo
    • Privacy information
    • Developer information
    • Source code
    • Merlinsbag on Google Play Store for rating & reviewing
    • Eccohedra on Google Play Store (advertisement)
  • Data Management:
    • Clear cache
    • Delete all data



  • Landscape view supported in entire app with unique layout configurations
  • Great efforts made to ensure UI elements contain content descriptions for screen readers

🐛 If you experience any problems accessibility, please create an issue and it will quickly become a priority. 🐛



  • "Noop" is a simple prefix for application specific implementations of over general Android library classes and functions
    • Ex: NoopApplication, NoopIcons, NoopTheme, NoopDatabase

Android Architecture

Merlinsbag is a single activity, no fragment, Android application. All UI and navigation is accomplished using Jetpack Compose and Navigation with Compose. Important keywords to look for to understand navigation within the application are: NavHost, NavController, NavHostController, Route, RouteArgs, navigateTo-, navOptions, Screen

  • Screen
    • Composable functions representing the actual UI implementation of the various app "screens" or "destinations"
    • In general, state is hoisted out of a Screen and into it's associated Route
      • All UI displayed is driven by a Screen function's arguments
      • This allows any Screen to be easily verified using @Preview annotated Composable functions
  • Route
    • Composable functions that serve as a wrapper around a specific Screen
    • Acquire and maintain the navigation lambdas, ViewModels, and ActivityResultContracts
    • Provides state supplied by ViewModels to Screen
  • RouteArgs
    • Data classes that hold the necessary information to fulfilling a navigation request to a specified Route
  • NavController
    • Used to request navigation destination changes or otherwise manage the navigation back stack
      • Navigation requests are intercepted by the NavHost
  • navigateTo-
    • Prefix of NavController extension functions that requesting the navigation to some specified Route represented by the suffix
    • It is also used as a prefix for Route navigation lambda arguments which are just wrappers around the NavController extension functions mentioned above
  • NavOptions
    • Used by navigateTo- extension functions to create specified transitions between Routes
      • Includes: Screen transition animations, popping the navigation backstack, and saving or restoring previous state
  • NavHost
    • A Composable function that acts as the interceptor to Route navigation requests via navigation request lambdas
    • Provides all Routes with relevant navigation request lambdas (wrappers of navigateTo- extension functions)
    • Supplies arguments from RouteArgs to their associated Route
  • NavHostController (Subclass of NavController, no special use cases in this application)


  • :app
    • Application, UI, ViewModels, Navigation
    • Most likely module to contain code that has yet to find a better home
  • :core:database
    • Room Persistence Library Database, Entities, DAOs
  • :core:datastore
    • Proto DataStore .proto files, Serializers, DAOs
  • :core:data
    • Repository abstraction layer isolating data sources from :app module
  • :core:common
    • Utility functions & classes used by multiple modules
  • :core:ml
    • ML Kit related files like SegmentedImage which uses Subject Segmentation
  • :core:model
    • Classes & interfaces that abstract data passed between modules
      • :app can indirectly communicate with :core:datastore without requiring it to become a dependency
  • :core:ui
    • Reusable Compose UI components that are not tied to any particular screen
      • On top of being convenient when creating new screens, it also serves as the foundation for the general design system of Merlinsbag.
  • :core:common
    • Generic helper & utility classes or functions used in multiple modules


  • ML Kit
  • Room Persistence Library (SQLite wrapper for Android)
  • Proto DataStore
  • Hilt (Dagger2 wrapper for Android)
  • Jetpack Compose
    • Navigation with Compose
    • Material 3 Composables & Icons
  • Kotlin Flow
  • Kotlin Coroutines
  • Firebase Crashlytics
  • JUnit
  • Robolectric
