- Technologies to learn:
- Concurrency in C#
- MultiThreading
- Thread
- Background Pool
- ThreadPool
- Taskbased Asynchronous
- Task
- Chain multiple tasks
- Handle exceptions
- AsyncAwait
- Cancelling an Async operations
- WhenAny
- WhenAll
- Synchronization
- lock statement
- deadlock
- interlocked
- readerWriterLockSlin
- SemaphoreSlime
- Thread Signaling
- AutoResetEvent
- ManualResetEvent
- CountdownEvent
- Design Patterns for Concurrency
- MultiThreading
- Web
- Docker:
- Devops
- Concurrency in C#
<NameOf Book/Doc> - <name of functionality/chapter Added> - <in progress/finished>
List of changes:
- Added <something e.g. ch01, fig, vid01, eq01>
- Fixed <something e.g. ch01, fig, vid01, eq01>
- Deleted <something e.g. ch01, fig, vid01, eq01>
- Updated <something e.g. ch01, fig, vid01, eq01>
List of TODOs
- <verb> + <something e.g. ch01, fig, vid01, eq01> in <somewhere file01, sec1.2.3>
- AspNetCore + React
- Microsoft Book - Programming ASP.NET Core
- Microsoft Documentation- NET Core
- Microsoft Documentation- ASPNET Core
- Macoratti - ASPNetCore MVC
- Macoratti - Clean Architecture
- Macoratti - Essencial Docker
- Macoratti - Web API ASPNetCore
- The little book that STILL beats the market
- O Capital - Karl Marx
- Manifesto to Partido Comunista - Karl Marx
- Manual - Epicteto
- Meditações - Marco Aurélio
- O Estoicismo - George Stock
- Sobre a brevidade da vida - Séneca