Code for Arduino based ECU:
- reads brake message on can bus (send by Openpilot / Panda)
- Reads brake pressure from Sensor: ST749 Bremsdrucksensor, 3/8-UNF 100 bar
- drive Motor (cruise control aktuator) which is attached to Brake Pedal
- reads gas message on can bus (send by Openpilot / Panda
- Reads potentiometer on Throttel
- drived motor (cruise control aktuator) which is attached to throttle.
- Reads speed signal from hall sensor: https://speedpuls.de
- sends speed message on Can bus
- reads button state Enabled/Disabled/increase speed / decrease speed)
- sends message on Can bus to enable / disable openpilot
- sends message on Can bus to adjust set speed
- Same like MAIN.ino but with diffrent method to read the speed signal from hall sensor (smoother/less noisy)
Evry singe code(ECU) sends messages on the can bus, which are required to enable OP. This means, if one ECU is missing incase of a failure, OP will not engage. GAS + BRAKE uses a method to detect human input. If humaninput on Brake or Gas pedal is detected, it disables openpilot immediately. You need to adjust sensor values for your specific sensors.
HARDWARE that I use to build the ECU:
Can bus shiel: MCP2515 EF02037 CAN BUS Shield communication SPI Controller For Arduino
Motor Shield (not needed for Main.ino ECU): Cytron 10A DC Motor Treiber Arduino Shield https://www.robotshop.com/de/de/cytron-10a-dc-motor-treiber-arduino-shield.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAz--OBhBIEiwAG1rIOtq9lzE9XKenDgZFCtUJ_VIgl4X1wVGqAu6yuw4j7MSbVEsXjBfUaRoCnGAQAvD_BwE