Based on:
At the beggining we need some imports:
import Std.Base
import Tensorflow.Tensor
import Tensorflow.Types
import Tensorflow.Layers.Input
import Tensorflow.Layers.Dense
import Tensorflow.Layers.Reshape
import Tensorflow.Operations
import Tensorflow.Losses.Crossentropy
import Tensorflow.Optimizers.Adam
import Tensorflow.Model
The size of dataset labels is the number of different pictures to be classified.
def labelsCount:
Then we introduce a number of helper functions, used to load dataset and work with it. The following one serves to replicate a given value n
times, which we use later in order to assign pictures their one-hot encoded labels.
def nTimes n val:
def helper acc m:
if m > 0 then helper (acc.prepend val) (m - 1) else acc
helper [] n
The training and testing labels are one-hot encoded. That encoding is simply a list of length labelsCount
, filled with zeroes and one 1
on the index corresponding to the presented object.
def oneHot label:
oneHotList = 0.upto (labelsCount - 1) . each l: if l == label then 1.0 else 0.0
Tensors.fromList FloatType [labelsCount] oneHotList
An auxiliary function to load training and testing images from png format would be also helpful. The one shown below creates one-hot encoded labels for each object type in labelTensors
. Then, it loads dataset of each object type into tensorLists
and finally concatenates all the image tensors into xs
, and their corresponding labels into ys
def getData path:
labels = 0.upto (labelsCount - 1)
labelTensors = labels.each oneHot
tensorLists = labels.each label: Tensors.fromPngDir (path + "/" + label.toText)
ys = tensorLists . flatMap ((label, tList): (nTimes tList.length label))
xs = tensorLists.concat
(xs, ys)
Function that calculates models accuracy, given test dataset with its labels.
def accuracy model xBatch yBatch:
scores = model.evaluate xBatch
scoresConst = Operations.makeConst scores
preds = Operations.argMax scoresConst 1
labelsConst = Operations.makeConst yBatch
actual = Operations.argMax labelsConst 1
comparisonBool = Operations.equal preds actual
comparison = Operations.cast comparisonBool FloatType
correct = Operations.sum comparison [0]
all = Operations.size comparison
allFloat = Operations.cast all FloatType
accuracy = correct / allFloat
accuracy.eval.atIndex 0
And last but not least, helper function to prepare the optimizing function used in a learning process:
def prepareOptimizer:
beta1 = 0.9
beta1Power = beta1
beta2 = 0.999
beta2Power = beta2
lr = 0.001
epsilon = 0.00000001
useNesterov = False
AdamOptimizer.create beta1Power beta2Power lr beta1 beta2 epsilon useNesterov
Let's focus on the details of Luna Tensorflow API.
Evaluated model lets us observe the accuracy ratio after training process, on the node named trainedAccuracy
. We can compare it with the accuracy ratio before training, displayed onn the node named untrainedAccuracy
We can even check models prediction on particular image. The path data/test/3/6.png
means, that we use picture 6.png
, from object class folder 3
, that is one hot encoded by function getData
with the same label. The extract function feeded with models output, shows the same prediction as expected.
picture = Tensors.fromPng "data/test/3/6.png"
tp = testPicture trained picture
e = extract tp
In the Node Editor we can look at main
function in full effect.