Might be the only information rich API for Yoga Poses.
In Development.
Parameters | Type | Description |
id | Integer | An unique identifier for each Yoga Pose. |
sanskrit_name | String | Name of the Yoga Pose in Sanskrit Language. |
english_name | String | Name of the Yoga Pose in English Language. |
procedure | Array of Strings | Procedure for doing the Yoga. Each element of array is the step that needs should be followed in sequential manner. |
targets | Array of Strings | The muscle group or body portions which will be targeted by that particular Yoga Pose. |
benefits | Array of Strings | List of benefits that will be achieved by practicing that particular Yoga Pose. |
contraindications | Array of Strings | List of the conditions when one should avoid doing that particular Yoga Pose. |
created_at | String | Actual time when that particular Yoga Pose was saved/created for first time in API. |
updated_at | String | Most recent time when any update has been done in that particular Yoga Pose. |
image_url | String | URL of the image of that particular Yoga Pose. |
yt_videos | Array of URLs(String) | List of URLs of the appropriate YouTube videos that explains about that particular Yoga Pose. |