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Explosion Furnace

Lykrast edited this page Jan 18, 2019 · 2 revisions

See here for pre 1.1.0 info.



addRecipe(IItemStack/IOreDictEntry in, IItemStack out, int ep)

Adds a recipe that takes in as input and gives out for ep Explosive Power per craft. Stack size for in is checked unlike other machines.

Reagent recipes are checked for before reagent-less recipes. If an item matches multiple reagent-less recipes, then the first one (by order of registering) will be chosen. Unlike other machines there's no priority between oredict and specific item.

addRecipe(IItemStack/IOreDictEntry in, IItemStack out, int ep, IItemStack/IOreDictEntry reagent, int craftPerReagent)

Adds a recipe that takes in as input and reagent as reagent and gives out for ep Explosive Power per craft. 1 reagent is consumed per craftPerReagent crafts processed. Stack size for in is checked unlike other machines.

If an item/reagent pair matches multiple reagent recipes, then the first one (by order of registering) will be chosen. Unlike other machines there's no priority between oredict and specific item.

removeRecipeByOutput(IItemStack out)

Removes the first registered recipe that produces out. This is different from other machines that remove by input, hence the different name.


Removes all recipes.

Explosives and Dampeners

import mods.prodigytech.explosionfurnace.explosives;

import mods.prodigytech.explosionfurnace.dampeners;

Although they function differently in game, both use the same syntax.

add(IItemStack/IOreDictEntry item, int amount)

Adds item as a valid explosive/dampener, producing/dampening amount per item. If an item matches both a oredict and a normal definition, the normal one takes priority.

remove(IItemStack/IOreDictEntry item)

Removes item as a valid explosive/dampener. This does not prevent other recipes to potentially match it though.


Removes all explosives/dampeners.

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