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This project is designed to demonstrate the use of various NLP (Natural Language Processing) models for text generation, summarization, and information retrieval. It utilizes models from Hugging Face's Transformers library and integrates with ChromaDB for efficient context retrieval. The project includes classes and methods for:

  1. Loading and using different language models (LLMs) like GPT-2, T5, BERT, GPT-Neo, and others.
  2. Generating text based on input queries and context.
  3. Summarizing large text documents.
  4. Extracting and processing text from PDF files.
  5. Storing and retrieving context data using a vector database.



Ensure you have Python installed on your system. This project requires the following Python packages:

  • chromadb
  • sentence-transformers
  • pymupdf
  • huggingface_hub
  • transformers
  • torch
  • matplotlib
  • nltk


  1. Clone the repository or download the project files.
  2. Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Project Structure

  • main.ipynb: Main Jupyter notebook containing the project code.
  • models/: Directory to store downloaded and saved models.
  • tests/: Directory containing test PDF files.

LLM Class Documentation

Class Overview
The LLM class provides a flexible interface for loading, managing, and utilizing various large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-2, T5, BERT, and others. This class handles device selection, model loading, and memory management, allowing for both online and offline model usage.

Supported Models

The LLM class currently supports the following models:

  • GPT-2
  • T5
  • BERT
  • DistilBERT
  • GPT-Neo
  • Gemma

A dictionary mapping LLM types to their respective tokenizer class, model class, and model path.


LLM(llm_type: str, load_online=False, save_model=False)
  • llm_type: The type of language model to load (e.g., 'gpt2', 't5').
  • load_online: If True, the model is loaded from an online source (e.g., Hugging Face Hub). If False, the model is loaded from a local directory.
  • save_model: If True, the loaded model and tokenizer are saved to the local direc## tory.



Loads the specified language model and tokenizer.

load_llm(llm_type: str, load_online: bool, save_model: bool)
  • llm_type: Type of LLM to load.
  • load_online: If True, loads the model from an online source.
  • save_model: If True, saves the model and tokenizer locally.

Returns: A tuple containing the loaded tokenizer and model.


Selects the appropriate device for running the model ('cuda' if GPU is available, otherwise 'cpu').

select_device() -> str

Returns: A string indicating the device ('cuda' or 'cpu').


A placeholder method to be implemented by subclasses for generating text based on input.

generate_text(input_text: str, context: str = '') -> str
  • input_text: The input text for the model.
  • context: Optional context for text generation.

Raises: NotImplementedError


Frees up memory by deleting the model and tokenizer and clearing the cache.


Usage Example

Here's a step-by-step example of how to use the LLM class:

  1. Initialize the Model & Implement the generate_text function:

    class GPT2(LLM):
        def __init__(self, load_online=False, save_model=False):
            super().__init__('gpt2', load_online, save_model)
            self.max_length = 1024
        def generate_text(self, input_text: str, context: str = '') -> str:
            max_context_length = self.max_length - len("Context: \nQuestion: \nAnswer:")
            context = context[:max_context_length]
            prompt = f"Context: {context}\nQuestion: {input_text}\nAnswer:"
            inputs = self.tokenizer.encode(prompt, return_tensors='pt').to(self.device)
            outputs = self.model.generate(
            response = self.tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            response = response.replace(prompt, '').strip()
            return response.split('\n')[0]
  2. Generate Text

    llm = GPT2()
    question = "What is the capital of Iran?"
    context = 'some text ...'
    output = llm.generate_text(question, context)
  3. Free Memory



  • Model Classes: The model_classes dictionary maps LLM types to their respective tokenizer class, model class, and model path, ensuring the correct components are loaded for each model type.
  • Initialization: The constructor (__init__) sets up the device, loads the specified model and tokenizer, and optionally saves the model locally.
  • Device Selection: The select_device method automatically selects 'cuda' if a GPU is available, otherwise defaults to 'cpu'.
  • Text Generation: The generate_text method is a placeholder and should be implemented by subclasses to define specific text generation behavior.
  • Memory Management: The free_memory method helps manage memory by cleaning up model and tokenizer instances and clearing the GPU cache if necessary.

By following these steps and methods, you can effectively manage and utilize various large language models for different natural language processing tasks.

Comparison of Large Language Models


The LLM class supports a range of large language models, each tailored for specific natural language processing tasks. This comparison provides an overview of different models, their unique characteristics, typical use cases, and effectiveness, helping you choose the right model for your needs.

Comparison Table

Model Description Use Case Effectiveness
gpt2 GPT-2 is an open-source language model developed by OpenAI with a 1.5 billion parameter version available. Suitable for general-purpose text generation High
t5 T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) converts all NLP tasks into a text-to-text format. Excellent for translation, summarization, and Q&A High
bert BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is designed to pre-train deep bidirectional representations. Best for question answering and text classification High
distil-bert A smaller, faster, cheaper version of BERT that retains 97% of its language understanding capabilities. Ideal for applications requiring faster inference Medium
gpt-neo An open-source model developed by EleutherAI, comparable to GPT-3 in terms of architecture. Great for large-scale text generation and completion High
gemma A state-of-the-art model developed by Google, designed for efficient large-scale language tasks. Best for complex and high-accuracy requirements High
llama A variant optimized for efficiency and speed, developed by OpenBMB. Ideal for tasks requiring quick responses Medium
textbase A model designed for foundational text understanding and generation tasks. Good for foundational NLP tasks Medium

Overview of Model Characteristics

  • GPT-2: Known for its robust performance in general text generation tasks. It is widely used for applications such as text completion and story generation.
  • T5: This versatile model excels in tasks that can be framed as text-to-text transformations, including translation, summarization, and question answering.
  • BERT: A powerful model for tasks that require deep understanding of text, like question answering and text classification.
  • DistilBERT: Provides a good balance between performance and speed, making it suitable for applications where inference time is critical.
  • GPT-Neo: Offers capabilities similar to GPT-3 and is suitable for generating large amounts of text and completing complex text inputs.
  • Gemma: Optimized for high-accuracy requirements and complex tasks, it is ideal for advanced NLP applications.
  • Llama: Focuses on efficiency and speed, making it a good choice for applications that need quick responses.
  • TextBase: A foundational model useful for a broad range of basic NLP tasks.

This comprehensive comparison aids in selecting the most suitable large language model based on specific requirements and application contexts.

Collection Class Documentation

Class Overview
The Collection class provides an interface for creating and managing a collection of documents with vector embeddings, utilizing a transformer model for encoding text data. This class integrates with ChromaDB to add and retrieve contexts efficiently.


Collection(collection_name: str, transformer_type: str = 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2', load_online=False, save_transformer=False)
  • collection_name: The name of the collection to create or use.
  • transformer_type: The type of transformer model to use for encoding (default is 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2').
  • load_online: If True, the transformer model is loaded from an online source. If False, the model is loaded from a local directory.
  • save_transformer: If True, the transformer model is saved to the local directory.



Loads the specified sentence transformer model.

load_sentence_transformer(transformer_type: str, load_online: bool, save_transformer: bool)
  • transformer_type: Type of transformer model to load.
  • load_online: If True, loads the model from an online source.
  • save_transformer: If True, saves the model locally.

Returns: The loaded sentence transformer model.


Adds context documents to the collection with vector embeddings.

add_contexts(context_data: list)
  • context_data: A list of context documents to add to the collection.


Retrieves the most relevant context documents based on a query.

retrieve_contexts(question: str, top_n: int = 1)
  • question: The query for which to find relevant context documents.
  • top_n: The number of top results to retrieve (default is 1).

Returns: A list of the top n most relevant context documents.

Usage Example

Here's a step-by-step example of how to use the Collection class:

  1. Initialize the Collection:

    collection = Collection('rag')
  2. Add Contexts to the Collection:

    context_data = [
        "The capital of France is Paris. It is known for its art, culture, and cuisine.",
        "The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.",
        "The Amazon rainforest is a moist broadleaf forest that covers most of the Amazon basin of South America.",
        "The Amazon rainforest is a moist broadleaf forest that covers most of the Amazon basin of South Asia."
  3. Retrieve Relevant Contexts:

    response = collection.retrieve_contexts('amazon', top_n=2)


  • Initialization: The constructor checks if the specified collection exists and deletes it if it does before creating a new collection.
  • Loading Transformers: The load_sentence_transformer method handles both online and offline loading of the transformer model, and optionally saves the model locally.
  • Adding Contexts: The add_contexts method encodes the context data into vectors and adds them to the collection with unique IDs.
  • Retrieving Contexts: The retrieve_contexts method queries the collection with a vectorized question and retrieves the most relevant documents.

By following these steps and methods, you can effectively manage and utilize a collection of context documents with vector embeddings for various applications.

Summarizer Class Documentation

Class Overview
The Summarizer class provides a flexible interface for loading, managing, and utilizing various text summarization models such as T5, BART, and Pegasus. This class handles device selection, model loading, and memory management, allowing for both online and offline model usage.

Supported Models

The Summarizer class currently supports the following models:

  • T5
  • BART
  • Pegasus

A dictionary mapping summarizer model types to their respective tokenizer class, model class, and model path.


Summarizer(summarizer_model: str = 't5', load_online=False, save_model=False)
  • summarizer_model: The type of summarizer model to load (e.g., 't5', 'bart').
  • load_online: If True, the model is loaded from an online source (e.g., Hugging Face Hub). If False, the model is loaded from a local directory.
  • save_model: If True, the loaded model and tokenizer are saved to the local directory.



Loads the specified summarizer model and tokenizer.

load_summarizer(summarizer_model: str, load_online: bool, save_model: bool)
  • summarizer_model: Type of summarizer model to load.
  • load_online: If True, loads the model from an online source.
  • save_model: If True, saves the model and tokenizer locally.

Returns: A tuple containing the loaded tokenizer and model.


Selects the appropriate device for running the model ('cuda' if GPU is available, otherwise 'cpu').

select_device() -> str

Returns: A string indicating the device ('cuda' or 'cpu').


A placeholder method to be implemented by subclasses for summarizing text based on input.

summarize_text(input_text: str, context: str = '') -> str
  • input_text: The input text to be summarized.
  • context: Optional context for text summarization.

Raises: NotImplementedError


Frees up memory by deleting the model and tokenizer and clearing the cache.


Usage Example

Here's a step-by-step example of how to use the Summarizer class:

  1. Implement a subclass and the summarize_text method:

    class T5_Summarizer(Summarizer):
        def __init__(self, load_online=False, save_model=False):
            super().__init__('t5', load_online, save_model)
        def summarize_text(self, input_text: str) -> str:
            inputs = self.tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors='pt', max_length=1024, truncation=True)
            max_length = min(len(input_text.split()), 150)  # Adjust max length based on input length
            min_length = min(len(input_text.split()) // 5, 40)  # Adjust min length based on input length
            summary_ids = self.model.generate(inputs['input_ids'], max_length=max_length, min_length=min_length, length_penalty=2.0, num_beams=4, early_stopping=True)
            summary = self.tokenizer.decode(summary_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return summary
  2. Initialize the Model:

    summarizer = T5_Summarizer(load_online=True)
  3. Summarize Text:

    context = """
    large amount of text ....
    summary = summarizer.summarize_text(context)


  • Model Classes: The summarizer_models dictionary maps summarizer model types to their respective tokenizer class, model class, and model path, ensuring the correct components are loaded for each model type.
  • Initialization: The constructor (__init__) sets up the device, loads the specified model and tokenizer, and optionally saves the model locally.
  • Device Selection: The select_device method automatically selects 'cuda' if a GPU is available, otherwise defaults to 'cpu'.
  • Text Summarization: The summarize_text method is a placeholder and should be implemented by subclasses to define specific text summarization behavior.
  • Memory Management: The free_memory method helps manage memory by cleaning up model and tokenizer instances and clearing the GPU cache if necessary.

By following these steps and methods, you can effectively manage and utilize various text summarization models for different natural language processing tasks.

PDF Text Extraction Function Documentation

Function Overview
The extract_text_from_pdf function extracts text from a given PDF file. It iterates through each page of the PDF and concatenates the extracted text into a single string.

Function Definition

def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path):
    doc =
    text = ""
    for page_num in range(len(doc)):
        page = doc.load_page(page_num)
        text += page.get_text("text")
    return text
  • pdf_path: The file path to the PDF from which to extract text.

Returns: A string containing the concatenated text extracted from all pages of the PDF.

Usage Example

Here's an example of how to use the extract_text_from_pdf function:

pdf_path = f"{project_path}/tests/micro led 1.pdf"
text = extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path)


  • Library Dependency: This function uses the PyMuPDF library (imported as fitz) for PDF processing. Ensure you have installed the library using pip install pymupdf.
  • Text Extraction: The function extracts text from each page of the PDF and concatenates it into a single string. The get_text("text") method extracts the plain text from each page.
  • File Path: The pdf_path parameter should be the complete path to the PDF file from which you want to extract text.

By following these steps and utilizing this function, you can efficiently extract text from PDF files for further processing or analysis.

TextPreProcessor Class Documentation

Class Overview
The TextPreProcessor class provides various methods for cleaning and chunking text. It supports multiple chunking strategies such as by sentence, word count, character count, recursive split, and a custom preprocessing method. This class is useful for preparing text data for tasks like language modeling and text generation.


TextPreProcessor(method='sentence', chunk_size=500)
  • method: The chunking method to use (e.g., 'sentence', 'word_count', 'char_count', 'recursive', 'custom').
  • chunk_size: The size of chunks to create, depending on the method.



Cleans the input text by removing multiple newlines and spaces.

  • text: The input text to clean.

Returns: Cleaned text as a string.


Splits the text by sentences.

  • text: The input text to split.

Returns: A list of sentences.


Splits the text by word count.

split_by_word_count(text, chunk_size=100)
  • text: The input text to split.
  • chunk_size: Number of words per chunk.

Returns: A list of text chunks.


Splits the text by character count.

split_by_char_count(text, chunk_size=500)
  • text: The input text to split.
  • chunk_size: Number of characters per chunk.

Returns: A list of text chunks.


Recursively splits the text based on specified characters until the chunks are below a certain size.

recursive_split(text, chunk_size=500, characters=None)
  • text: The input text to split.
  • chunk_size: Maximum size of each chunk.
  • characters: Characters to split the text on, in order.

Returns: A list of text chunks.


Custom preprocessing method that replaces newlines with spaces and splits text into chunks based on sentence length.

custom_preprocess(text, chunk_size=500)
  • text: The input text to preprocess.
  • chunk_size: Maximum size of each chunk.

Returns: A list of text chunks.


Main method to preprocess text using the specified method.

  • text: The input text to preprocess.

Returns: A list of text chunks.


Visualizes the length of each chunk using a bar chart.

  • chunks: A list of text chunks to visualize.

Usage Example

Here's a step-by-step example of how to use the TextPreProcessor class:

  1. Initialize the PreProcessor:

    text_preprocessor = TextPreProcessor(method='sentence')
  2. Preprocess the text:

    text = "Your long text here..."
    contexts = text_preprocessor.preprocess(text)
  3. Visualize the chunk lengths:



  • Cleaning Text: The clean_text method removes multiple newlines and spaces, ensuring the text is in a consistent format before chunking.
  • Chunking Methods: The class supports various chunking methods to handle different text processing needs. The preprocess method allows selecting the appropriate method based on the method parameter.
  • Visualization: The visualize_chunks method helps in understanding the distribution of chunk sizes, which can be useful for debugging and optimizing text processing workflows.
  • Error Handling: If an unsupported splitting method is provided, the preprocess method raises a ValueError.

Comparison of Different Text Processing Methods


The TextPreProcessor class supports various methods for chunking text, each with its own advantages and use cases. Below is a comparison of the different methods:

Method Description Use Case Effectiveness
sentence Splits text by sentences Best for tasks requiring sentence-level context High
word_count Splits text by a specified number of words Useful for fixed-size input requirements Medium
char_count Splits text by a specified number of characters Ideal for tasks with character count limitations Medium
recursive Recursively splits text by specified characters Good for hierarchical text structures Low
custom Custom preprocessing method Flexible and adaptable for specific needs High

Comparison Plots

Below are plots demonstrating the chunk lengths produced by each method:

Sentence Splitting Sentence Method Output

Word Count Splitting Word Count Splitting

Character Count Splitting Character Count Splitting

Recursive Splitting Recursive Splitting

Custom Preprocessing Custom Preprocessing


The choice of chunking method depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand. Sentence splitting is ideal for preserving contextual integrity, while word and character count splitting provide control over the size of chunks. Recursive and custom methods offer more flexibility for specialized use cases.

By following these steps and methods, you can effectively preprocess and visualize text data for various natural language processing tasks.

RAG Class Documentation

Class Overview
The RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) class integrates a language model (LLM) with a context collection (Collection) to generate more informed responses. This class retrieves relevant contexts based on the query and uses the language model to generate a response.


RAG(llm: LLM, collection: Collection)
  • llm: An instance of the LLM class for text generation.
  • collection: An instance of the Collection class for context retrieval.



Generates a response based on the input query by retrieving relevant contexts and using the language model to generate the final response.

generate_response(query: str, top_n: int = 1) -> str
  • query: The input query for generating the response.
  • top_n: The number of top contexts to retrieve (default is 1).

Returns: A string containing the generated response.

Usage Example

Here's a step-by-step example of how to use the RAG class:

  1. Initialize the Model and Collection:

    llm = GPT2()
    collection = Collection('rag')
  2. Add Contexts to the Collection:

    context_data = [
        "The capital of France is Paris. It is known for its art, culture, and cuisine.",
        "The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.",
        "The Amazon rainforest is a moist broadleaf forest that covers most of the Amazon basin of South America.",
        "The Amazon rainforest is a moist broadleaf forest that covers most of the Amazon basin of South Asia."
  3. Initialize the RAG Class:

    rag = RAG(llm, collection)
  4. Generate a Response:

    query = "tell me about china?"
    response = rag.generate_response(query, top_n=3)


  • Integration of LLM and Collection: The RAG class seamlessly integrates a language model with a context collection to enhance response generation.
  • Context Retrieval: The retrieve_contexts method of the Collection class is used to fetch relevant contexts based on the input query.
  • Text Generation: The generate_text method of the LLM class is used to generate the final response using the retrieved contexts.
  • Flexibility: The top_n parameter in the generate_response method allows flexibility in the number of contexts retrieved for generating the response.

By following these steps and methods, you can effectively utilize the RAG class to generate contextually informed responses for various queries.

Certainly, I’ll include the specific Collection initialization for each example with the appropriate embedding function (EF). Here’s the updated comparison:

Comparison of different EFs with different LLMs in RAG Class


The RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) class combines large language models (LLMs) with a retrieval system to generate responses based on the most relevant contexts. This comparison evaluates the effectiveness of various LLMs when used with different embedding functions (EF) for context retrieval. The goal is to understand how different models perform in answering a specific query related to microLEDs.

Comparison Table

Model Embedding Function (EF) Response Effectiveness
GPT-2 Alibaba EF Medium
GPT-2 all-MiniLM EF High
T5 Alibaba EF High
T5 all-MiniLM EF Very High
BERT all-MiniLM-L6-v2 High
NeoGPT all-MiniLM-L6-v2 Very High
Gemma all-MiniLM-L6-v2 Very High

Usage Examples and Observations

  1. GPT-2 with Alibaba EF

    llm = GPT2()
    collection = Collection('rag', transformer_type='Alibaba-NLP/gte-base-en-v1.5', load_online=True)
    rag = RAG(llm, collection)
    question = 'What is one of the most widely anticipated applications of microLEDs?'
    response = rag.generate_response(question, 6)
    • Observation: Medium effectiveness in generating relevant responses.
  2. GPT-2 with all-MiniLM EF

    llm = GPT2()
    collection = Collection('rag', transformer_type='all-MiniLM-L6-v2', load_online=True)
    rag = RAG(llm, collection)
    question = 'What is one of the most widely anticipated applications of microLEDs?'
    response = rag.generate_response(question, 6)
    • Observation: High effectiveness in generating relevant responses.
  3. T5 with Alibaba EF

    llm = T5()
    collection = Collection('rag', transformer_type='Alibaba-NLP/gte-base-en-v1.5', load_online=True)
    rag = RAG(llm, collection)
    question = 'What is one of the most widely anticipated applications of microLEDs?'
    response = rag.generate_response(question, 6)
    • Observation: High effectiveness in generating relevant responses.
  4. T5 with all-MiniLM EF

    llm = T5()
    collection = Collection('rag', transformer_type='all-MiniLM-L6-v2', load_online=True)
    rag = RAG(llm, collection)
    question = 'What is one of the most widely anticipated applications of microLEDs?'
    response = rag.generate_response(question, 6)
    • Observation: Very high effectiveness in generating relevant responses.
  5. BERT with all-MiniLM-L6-v2

    llm = BERT()
    collection = Collection('rag', transformer_type='all-MiniLM-L6-v2', load_online=True)
    rag = RAG(llm, collection)
    question = 'What is one of the most widely anticipated applications of microLEDs?'
    response = rag.generate_response(question, 6)
    • Observation: High effectiveness in generating relevant responses.
  6. NeoGPT with all-MiniLM-L6-v2

    llm = NeoGPT(load_online=True)
    collection = Collection('rag', transformer_type='all-MiniLM-L6-v2', load_online=True)
    rag = RAG(llm, collection)
    question = 'What is one of the most widely anticipated applications of microLEDs?'
    response = rag.generate_response(question, 1)
    • Observation: Very high effectiveness in generating relevant responses.
  7. Gemma with all-MiniLM-L6-v2

    llm = Gemma(load_online=True)
    collection = Collection('rag', transformer_type='all-MiniLM-L6-v2', load_online=True)
    rag = RAG(llm, collection)
    question = 'What is one of the most widely anticipated applications of microLEDs?'
    response = rag.generate_response(question, 6)
    • Observation: Very high effectiveness in generating relevant responses.


This comparison highlights the performance of various LLMs when integrated with the RAG class for context-based response generation. The effectiveness varies based on the LLM used and the embedding function applied, with models like T5, NeoGPT, and Gemma paired with all-MiniLM-L6-v2 EF demonstrating very high effectiveness.


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