All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- IAlibay
- Python 3.9 has now been dropped as per SPEC0
- The license has now been changed to LGPLv2.1+
- Support for Python 3.13
- ianmkenney
- IAlibay
- lilyminium
- Support for Python 3.12 (PR #42)
- mdahole2 confirmed to work on macOS and is now included in CI (PR #35)
- Added and updated documentation (PR #48, Issue #33)
- Duecredit paths now point to mdahole2
- Updated to modern matplotlib
(PR #39)
- Version handling is now handled via versioningit (PR #41)
- Switched to
instead of custom function (PR #41)
0.3.0 -- 2023-07-12
- ianmkenney
- bumped Python support from 3.8+ to 3.9+
- test environment file now points to the conda-forge hole2 binary (#15)
- package name shortened from mdakithole2 to mdahole2 (#21)
0.2.0 -- 2023-05-04
The original MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2
was written by Lily Wang in 2020 and
had been part of MDAnalysis since release 1.0.0,
Ian Kenney created the mdakithole2
MDAKit in 2022, based on the original code
in MDAnalysis. Additional contributors to the original source code are listed
in the file.
- ianmkenney
- IAlibay
- the core functionality of hole2-mdakit (and its tests) was implemented using the source code from MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2 (PR #1)
- GitHub actions CI workflow (PR #2 #3 #7)
- added historical authors from original source to (PR #4)
- documentation deployed to github pages (PR #11)