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Thomas Brettin edited this page Sep 4, 2013 · 10 revisions

Command Line Client

Make sure the shock-client command is in your path. You will also need access to a running shock server. For demo purposes, I've installed the shock server on localhost. See installing.

1. Set up your .shock-client.cfg file in your home directory. The only changes that I had to make to the template was set the server url. The design looks for -conf, then SHOCK_CLIENT_CONF environment variable, then the default location which is the current user's home directory.

The url requires the protocol (http) and port (7044).

[server] url=http://localhost:7044

2. Authenticate with shock server. For this I'm using the Globus Online.

shock-client auth show

shock-client set

3. Upload some data.

For this example, I have ChIP-seq data. I have two files, Input_tags.bed and Treatement_tags.bed. The first is the control and the second represents a treatment. These files are used as in put into the MACS program which computes transcription factor binding sites.

In total, we will create three shock nodes. One node holding the meta-data and data for the control data represented in the Input_tags.bed file. The second node holding the meta-data and data for the treatment data in the Treatment_tags.bed file. The third node is a virtual node used to link the two preceding nodes.

shock-client create -attribute=input_tags.json -full=Input_tags.bed shock-client create -attributes=treatment_tags.json -full=Treatment_tags.bed

The input parameters must have an = sign. Omitting the equal sign can cause unexpected and uninformative error messages.

These commands return the node id in a json document. Here is the output json document for each of the commands run above:

{ "id": "546955d9-d8a0-484c-9dd6-639be14ff4ea", "version": "b6b51c4b26704c9544a870d079fb435f", "file": { "name": "Input_tags.bed", "size": 156714470, "checksum": { "md5": "74394f5fcb0b2b5ff73d5fc1f3cd599b", "sha1": "2385e57e8edec916902d29f654ca05f5abcc301e" }, "format": "", "virtual": false, "virtual_parts": null }, "attributes": { "type": "control" }, "indexes": { "size": { "total_units": 150, "average_unit_size": 1048576 } }, "tags": null, "linkages": null }


{ "id": "123b625b-cab7-4464-8ae3-347bd17301cd", "version": "3da0e2d9202ea5f6d44a2af59f8ce4c5", "file": { "name": "Treatment_tags.bed", "size": 117087092, "checksum": { "md5": "dda3014ed8cbd5ed7dd39dfc1ee8311b", "sha1": "cbce35a86781d0ec510f357ba92473810b848bf8" }, "format": "", "virtual": false, "virtual_parts": null }, "attributes": { "type": "treatment" }, "indexes": { "size": { "total_units": 112, "average_unit_size": 1048576 } }, "tags": null, "linkages": null }

Now we can link these two nodes together using a virtual node like this:

shock-client create -attributes=foxa1.json -virtual_file=546955d9-d8a0-484c-9dd6-639be14ff4ea,123b625b-cab7-4464-8ae3-347bd17301cd

And we see this as the output:

{ "id": "01e8a8f1-4bd6-4a26-8a3d-ada4ed226348", "version": "1f9752807344dfb4ce908d6611099c46", "file": { "name": "", "size": 273801562, "checksum": { "md5": "78c1eb8ce40abc5ad0814dd8b7523fb6", "sha1": "7a46b852d1730efe9e2fd0775bec97a39eb6d281" }, "format": "", "virtual": true, "virtual_parts": [ "123b625b-cab7-4464-8ae3-347bd17301cd", "546955d9-d8a0-484c-9dd6-639be14ff4ea" ] }, "attributes": { "members": [ "Input_tags.bed", "Treatment_tags.bed" ], "type": "set" }, "indexes": {}, "tags": null, "linkages": null }

4. Download that data.

Now, we can download this data. We can download each file individually. To download both files requires each to be downloaded individually.

shock-client download 546955d9-d8a0-484c-9dd6-639be14ff4ea > shock-client download 123b625b-cab7-4464-8ae3-347bd17301cd >

And to download the meta-data (attributes) for each file, each json document will be retrieved individually. You will notice that you downloaded more meta-data than you uploaded. That's to be expected. The meta-data you uploaded is returned as the "attributes" field in the json document.

shock-client get 546955d9-d8a0-484c-9dd6-639be14ff4ea > shock-client get 123b625b-cab7-4464-8ae3-347bd17301cd >

more { "id": "546955d9-d8a0-484c-9dd6-639be14ff4ea", "version": "b6b51c4b26704c9544a870d079fb435f", "file": { "name": "Input_tags.bed", "size": 156714470, "checksum": { "md5": "74394f5fcb0b2b5ff73d5fc1f3cd599b", "sha1": "2385e57e8edec916902d29f654ca05f5abcc301e" }, "format": "", "virtual": false, "virtual_parts": [] }, "attributes": { "type": "control" }, "indexes": { "size": { "total_units": 150, "average_unit_size": 1048576 } }, "tags": [], "linkages": [] }

more { "id": "123b625b-cab7-4464-8ae3-347bd17301cd", "version": "3da0e2d9202ea5f6d44a2af59f8ce4c5", "file": { "name": "Treatment_tags.bed", "size": 117087092, "checksum": { "md5": "dda3014ed8cbd5ed7dd39dfc1ee8311b", "sha1": "cbce35a86781d0ec510f357ba92473810b848bf8" }, "format": "", "virtual": false, "virtual_parts": [] }, "attributes": { "type": "treatment" }, "indexes": { "size": { "total_units": 112, "average_unit_size": 1048576 } }, "tags": [], "linkages": [] }

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