- Log in to your IBM Cloud account.
ibmcloud login -a cloud.ibm.com -r jp-tok -g Default
- Set the Kubernetes context to your cluster for this terminal session.
ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <clusterID>
- Verify that you can connect to your cluster.
kubectl config current-context
kubectl.exe create secret --help
Create a folder by name couchdb
and create files within it for each of the secrets:
$ mkdir couchdb
$ cd couchdb
$ echo "xxxxxxxxxx-bluemix.cloudantnosqldb.appdomain.cloud" >> couchDbHost
$ echo "apikey-v2-yyyyyy" >> couchDbAdminUsername
$ echo "zzzzzzz" >> couchDbAdminPassword
$ echo "IBM_CLOUDANT" >> couchDbProvider
Use kubectl create secret
to create the Kubernete secrets
$ cd ..
$ kubectl create secret generic couchdb-secret --from-file=./couchdb