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Go Concepts

Repo for basic tutorial-based Golang study


  • monkey
    • interpreter
    • compiler
    • macros
  • web crawler with colly
  • do gilded rose kata
  • smth with Hanoi tower
  • finish book
  • fix web_app_bis (if no JSON is provided, some routes crash)
  • init book
  • clean issues section (for now)
  • fix github actions
  • get book "Język Go. Tworzenie idiomatycznego kodu w praktyce" example link other link
  • finish web_app_bis tutorial (mostly done, need to check if everything works OK)

basic usage

  • cd app_name
  • go build -v ./
  • go test -v ./
  • go run main.go

based on

booking app tutorial (booking app + some basics)
basics tutorial (most basics)
web app tutorial (web app + Gin)
web app bis tutorial (web app + Gin)


  • How should modules / packages be organized? How are they organized in real-life large projects? docs
  • How specifically, does hash maps work in Golang?
  • (DONE) func (u *UserService) CreateUser(user *models.User) What does the (u *UserService) part mean? Likely, it specifies return type, it so? (CreateUser(user *models.User) part specifies the return type)
  • (DONE) func (u *UserService) CreateUser(user *models.User) What does * mean? It looks like a pointer... (yep, it's a pointer)
  • (DONE) if err := ctx.ShouldBindJSON(&user); err != nil {...} What about ShouldBindJSON? (the syntax means, that we first create err variable, assign value to it and only then check if function returned any errors)
  • (DONE) query := bson.D{bson.E{Key: "name", Value: name}} What is bson.D or bson.E? (these are two out of four basic types of BSON documents, which are the basic unit of data in MongoDB, ref:
  • update := bson.D{primitive.E{Key: "$set", Value: bson.D{
      	primitive.E{Key: "name", Value: user.Name}, 
      	primitive.E{Key: "age", Value: user.Age}, 
      	primitive.E{Key: "address", Value: user.Address},
    Why changging Bson.E -> primitive.E fixed erorrs ?? (from
    M - unordered representation of a BSON document
    D - ordered representation of a BSON document
    E - a BSON element for a D
  • (DONE) difference between = and := in Golang? (:= means 'declare and assign', while = means 'assign')
  • (DONE) can you return empty values in Golang? (yes, you can return empty values in Golang, in fact it's quite often a prefered way of doing things - so return nil or just return and don't bother)


  • golang function syntax:
    func functionName(parameter1 type1, parameter2 type2, parameterN typeN) returnType { //function body }

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