- 👋 Hola, me llamo Marcos Ibarra, Data Scientist de Cordoba, Argentina.
- 🐧 Desarrollo con gnu/linux, python, C, SQL, etc
- 🌱 En 2023 finalize exitosamente el bootcamp de Data Science soyhenry.com (Oct 2023).
1. Data Analytics: Road traffic accidents on CABA (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Data Analytics project with Streamlit dashboard and SQL integration.
2. MLOps: ETL On Steam data + FastAPI deploy on Render.
Cleaning data from Steam (Digital videogame distribution) + ML: Recommendation system.
3. Team Project: Housing Market USA.
My role as a Cloud/Data Engineer involved working with various Google Cloud services, including VM machines, Google Cloud Storage, and BigQuery, to ensure efficient and secure data management and processing.
1. Python script for uploading data to GCP
Python script to upload Yahoo Finance data to Google Cloud Storage.
2. Bash script to deploy FastAPI + Docker
Bash script to deploy a Docker container + FastAPI
3. Autotype function in Nim language
A small program to simulate keyboard typing.
1. Dashboard for crypto historical simulation.
Python + Streamlit webapp to simulate the evolution of a crypto investment.