Version 2.11.4: Released Dec 15th, 2023
Changes in apps:
RawLogViewer: visualize mrpt::obs::CObservationRotatingScan as point cloud + range image + intensity image.
rawlog-edit: --info
command now also shows the type of each sensor label.
Changes in libraries:
\ref mrpt_maps_grp
Use nanoflann RKNN search in mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::nn_radius_search()
Added a new point cloud class mrpt::maps::CPointsMapXYZIRT, including its Python and ROS wrappers.
\ref mrpt_math_grp
mrpt::math::KDTreeCapable: Add optional argument maximumSearchDistanceSqr in many API methods to exploit the new nanoflann RKNN search method.
\ref mrpt_opengl_grp
mrpt::opengl::PLY_Importer: Add support for importing point clouds with the timestamp
property per point.
\ref mrpt_obs_grp
Moved from the library mrpt-maps to mrpt-obs, since it no longer requires any mrpt::maps class.
Complete its implementation: insertion into point cloud, observation likelihood, visualization in RawLogViewer, etc.
Fix missing Threads::Threads downstream due to missing find_dependency(Threads)
in MRPT cmake config files.
Fix broken import of PLY files in SceneViewer3D (empty scene even if correctly imported).
mrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic constructor from (row,col) was not marked explicit, leading to potential problems.
mrpt::opengl::Viewport::setViewportPosition() did not handle negative width values as expected (i.e. pixel distances from the opposite corner).
You can’t perform that action at this time.