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Releases: MRPT/mrpt

Release of v2.4.7

26 May 09:38
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Version 2.4.7: Released May 26th, 2022

  • Examples:
    • gui_depth_camera_distortion: Added option to change distortion model.
  • Build system
    • Fixed ROS-level public dependency on suitesparse.
    • Enable tinyxml2 for ROS builds.
  • Changes in libraries:
    • \ref mrpt_maps_grp
      • Method mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::addFrom() removed, it overlapped with mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::insertAnotherMap()
      • New optional parameter in mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::insertAnotherMap()
    • \ref mrpt_obs_grp
      • New option mrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams::onlyPointsWithIntensityColor

Release of v2.4.5

22 May 05:12
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Version 2.4.5: Released May 22nd, 2022

  • Changes in libraries:
    • New module mrpt_ros2bridge_grp to support conversions to/from ROS2 data types and MRPT classes.
  • Build system:
    • Fix detection of dependencies for both ROS1 and ROS2.

Release of v2.4.4

05 May 19:37
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Version 2.4.4: Released March 5th, 2022

  • New web-based applications
    • All MRPT modules (including \ref mrpt_opengl_grp and mrpt-nanogui) are now compatible with Emscripten so they can run as Javascript + wasm on any modern browser.
  • Changes in applications:
    • RawlogViewer:
      • Browse dialog: Smarter coloring of pointclouds; check all & none buttons for sensor layers.
    • rawlog-edit:
      • Operation --camera-params now also works for mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan observations.
      • New operation --describe.
  • Changes in libraries:
    • \ref mrpt_poses_grp
      • mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat: Remove use of obsolete base class std::iterator.
  • 3rdparty libraries:
    • Updated libfyaml to v0.7.12.
  • Build system:
    • Allow using libfyaml-dev system package if found.
    • ROS package.xml: update dependencies so all sensors and mrpt-ros1bridge are enabled.
    • Fix detection of ROS1 native *_msgs packages as build dependencies.
    • ASSERT_NEAR_() did not work correctly when arguments were expressions with operators.
    • Fixed incorrect parsing of strings with whitespaces in mrpt::from_string<>() when converting to std::string
    • mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::get_unproj_lut() was ignoring the depth camera distortion model and always assumed plumb_bob.
    • mrpt::ros1bridge converter for IMU observations now correctly handles missing IMU readings (ROS convention of "-1" in covariance).

Release of v2.4.3

23 Feb 07:05
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Version 2.4.3: Released Feb 22nd, 2022

  • Changes in applications:
    • navlog-viewer:
      • The timestamp is now always shown.
    • Do not run offscreen rendering unit tests in MIPS arch, since they seem to fail in autobuilders.
    • mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration() did not return the distortion model (so if parameters are printed, it would look like no distortion at all!).
    • mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI::createManagedSubWindow() created the subwindows helper UI on top of the other user windows. It now remains on the back of other windows.

Release of v2.4.2

03 Feb 12:33
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Version 2.4.2: Released Feb 3rd, 2022

  • Changes in libraries:
    • \ref mrpt_containers_grp
      • mrpt::container::yaml::operator(size_t) added, conditionally to size_t being a different type than uint64_t and such (Fixes build errors on OSX).
    • \ref mrpt_core_grp
      • mrpt::callStackBackTrace() (and exception backtraces) now only use BFD to solve for line numbers in DEBUG builds, to avoid the large delay in processing each exception.
      • New method mrpt::WorkerThreadsPool::size().
    • \ref mrpt_expr_grp
      • ExprTk updated to latest version.
    • \ref mrpt_gui_grp
      • GUI windows can now have custom icons via mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI::setIcon() or mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI::setIconFromData()
    • \ref mrpt_img_grp
      • New static method mrpt::img::CImage::LoadFromFile()
    • \ref mrpt_math_grp
      • Vector and matrix classes: add [[nodiscard]] to static "constructor" methods to avoid mistakes.
    • \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
      • mrpt::opengl::CFBORender now does not rely on GLUT to create opengl contexts, but on EGL.
    • \ref mrpt_typemeta_grp
      • Add syntactic sugar function mrpt::typemeta::str2enum<>().
    • mrpt::opengl::CFBORender did only render the main viewport, it now processes all of them.
    • Fix FTBFS with ffmpeg 5.0 (Debian Bug #1004585)

Release of v2.4.1

05 Jan 05:20
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Version 2.4.1: Released Jan 5th, 2022

  • Changes in build system:
  • Changes in applications:
    • rawlog-edit:
      • New flag --externals-filename-format
    • RawlogViewer:
      • Better handling of exceptions failing to load delayed-load images.
  • Changes in libraries:
    • \ref mrpt_core_grp
      • Remove unused header <mrpt/3rdparty/llvm/propagate_const.h>.
    • \ref mrpt_graphs_grp
      • mrpt::graphs::CDijkstra now has an optional maximum topological search range.
    • \ref mrpt_math_grp
      • New geometry functions:
        • mrpt::math::intersect(const TPolygon2D& subject, const TPolygon2D& clipping)
        • mrpt::math::signedArea(const mrpt::math::TPolygon2D& p)
    • \ref mrpt_obs_grp
      • New function mrpt::obs::format_externals_filename()
    • Embedded copy of nanoflann: upgraded to v1.4.0.
    • Fix bug in mrpt::math::getAngle(const TPlane&, const TPlane&).
    • Fix exception if mrpt::opengl::CFBORender is used with setProjectiveFromPinhole() camera models.
    • Fix CMake Warning at cmakemodules/FindFilesystem.cmake and failure to detect the std::filesystem feature in some g++ versions.
    • Fix numerical innacuracies with planar bounding boxes, fixed via new epsilon parameter in mrpt::math::TBoundingBox::intersection()
    • Fix sluggish rendering in opengl+wxWidgets controls (e.g. within RawLogViewer, etc.).

Release of v2.4.0

12 Dec 12:15
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Version 2.4.0: Released Dec 12th, 2021

  • Changes in build system:
    • Most important CMake variables now are prefixed with MRPT_ to avoid name collisions if using MRPT as a git submodule in a larger project.
    • GNUInstallDirs directories are now always honored when installing.
  • Changes in applications:
    • ptg-configurator:
      • Show selected PTG path output motion command.
    • navlog-viewer:
      • New checkbox to enforce 2D orthogonal view, which is now the default view.
    • rawlog-edit
      • The --info command now also shows the first and last timestamp in a rawlog.
    • RawLogViewer:
      • Show mrpt::obs::CObservationPointCloud 3D point clouds in main window and scan animation dialog.
      • Displays timestamp as the user tracks the timeline scroll bar.
    • rosbag2rawlog:
      • PointCloud2 messages are now only converted to mrpt::obs::CObservationRotatingScan is this latter class is specified in the YAML file.
  • Changes in libraries:
    • \ref mrpt_apps_grp
      • Application rawlog-edit is now available as the C++ class mrpt::apps::RawlogEditApp
    • \ref mrpt_containers_grp
      • New methods mrpt::containers::bimap::erase_by_key(),mrpt::containers::bimap::erase_by_value()
      • mrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization has new methods at() and push_back() for a smoother transition from STL containers.
      • mrpt::containers::yaml and libfyaml updated to latest version (more memory efficient parser).
    • \ref mrpt_core_grp
      • New base virtual interface class mrpt::Stringifyable unifying the asString() method already offered by many MRPT classes.
    • \ref mrpt_img_grp
      • [API change] mrpt::img::TCamera methods changed to allow defining fish-eye camera models too.
    • \ref mrpt_io_grp
      • GZIP compressed streams now also support open and append. See new mrpt::io::CFileGZOutputStream::open() signature.
      • New enum mrpt::io::OpenMode for clearer-to-read code.
      • Moved lazy-load operations to mrpt::io::setLazyLoadPathBase() and companion functions, since the older names mentioned images but this setting actually affects other sensors too.
    • \ref mrpt_math_grp
      • New function mrpt::math::xcorr()
      • New header <mrpt/math/gtsam_wrappers.h>, see \ref mrpt_gtsam_wrappers
      • New method mrpt::math::TBoundingBox::containsPoint()
    • \ref mrpt_maps_grp
      • Optimization: mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::insertAnotherMap() avoids matrix multiplication if SE(3) identity is passed as insertion pose.
      • [API change] mrpt::maps::CSimpleMap docs improved, API modernized and made const-correct including returned shared_ptr instances as ConstPtr where applicable.
    • \ref mrpt_nav_grp
      • mrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::initTPObstacleSingle() now always initializes to the maximum free distance, instead of saturating free space when heading to a target waypoint.
      • [API change] mrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::getPathPose() had two overloaded signatures, which is not recommended being one of them a virtual method. Only the return-by-value is left.
    • \ref mrpt_obs_grp
      • Fix const-correctness of mrpt::obs::CObservation::unload() for consistency with load().
      • [API change] Replaced all API signatures taking an optional mrpt::poses::CPose3D as pointers (with default=nullptr) with a modern std::optional<>.
    • \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
      • New method mrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport::setClonedCameraFrom()
      • mrpt::opengl::CFBORender changes:
        • More consistent naming of API methods: mrpt::opengl::CFBORender::render_RGB().
        • New method to render into a depth image mrpt::opengl::CFBORender::render_RGBD().
      • mrpt::opengl::CCamera::setProjectiveFromPinhole() now allows defining a camera by means of a pinhole model.
      • New class mrpt::opengl::COpenGLFramebuffer, used to refactor mrpt::opengl::CFBORender
      • New methods to control face culling:
        • mrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderTriangles::cullFaces()
        • mrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles::cullFaces()
      • Remove specular light effects in the default shaders, to fix buggy behavior.
      • [API change] New mrpt::opengl::Visualizable interface replaces former getAs3DObject() in all mrpt::maps and mrpt::poses classes with an uniform API, avoiding shared_ptr if possible.
      • mrpt::opengl::CTexturedPlane now more efficiently renders as plain triangles if no texture has been assigned.
      • Custom user OpenGL shaders can now be defined and installed to replace MRPT defaults.
        Refer to example: \ref opengl_custom_shaders_demo
    • \ref mrpt_poses_grp
      • New function mrpt::poses::sensor_poses_from_yaml()
      • New header <mrpt/poses/gtsam_wrappers.h>, see \ref mrpt_gtsam_wrappers
    • \ref mrpt_random_grp
      • New function mrpt::random::partial_shuffle()
      • New function mrpt::random::portable_uniform_distribution()
    • \ref mrpt_serialization_grp
      • Implemented serialization of mrpt::containers::bimap in the new header #include <mrpt/serialization/bimap_serialization.h>.
      • Enums can now be binary-serialized too via >> / << streaming operators into an mrpt::serialization::CArchive.
      • mrpt::serialization::CArchive and mrpt::io::CStreams now have virtual methods to provide human-friendly self-descriptions, useful to debug which stream causes an error in serialization.
    • \ref mrpt_system_grp
      • Backwards-compatible change: New function mrpt::system::InvalidTimeStamp() used now inside the macro INVALID_TIMESTAMP, so the macro always returns a const reference instead of returning by value.
      • New function mrpt::system::consoleColorAndStyle()
      • mrpt::system::intervalFormat() now generates more human-friendly strings for time periods larger than 1 second (e.g. "1 year, 3 days, 8 hours").
    • \ref mrpt_tfest_grp
      • [API change] mrpt::tfest::TMatchingPair members are now called "local" vs "global" instead of the former, more confusing, "this" vs "other".
    • \ref mrpt_vision_grp
      • SIFT descriptors can now be evaluated for arbitrary keypoint coordinates.
    • Fix potential race conditions in:
      • mrpt::rtti class registry
      • The global mrpt::random::getRandomGenerator()
      • mrpt::typemeta::TEnumTypeFiller
    • Image-mode was not serialized in mrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport
    • nanogui: avoid potential divide by zero.
    • mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket crashed if socket handle >=1024 in Linux (Closes #1157)
    • Fix error generating and parsing TUM RGBD dataset rawlog files.
    • Fix regresion in mrpt::opengl::CFBORender::render() throwing an exception if the input image was empty.
    • Fix incorrect handling of negative, fractional viewport sizes in mrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport
    • Fix: Should not scale velocity commands when in slow down, in CAbstractPTGBasedReactive::generate_vel_cmd() (Closes #1175).
    • mrpt::system::CDirectoryExplorer did not fill in correct absolute paths if a relative path was passed as starting directory to scan.
    • Fix mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame::operator+=() did not perform what it was supposed to do.

Release of v2.3.2

15 Jul 15:22
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Version 2.3.2: Released Jul 14, 2021

  • Changes in applications:
    • RawLogViewer:
      • More tree view icons.
      • "Play video" window now also shows timestamps.
    • SceneViewer3D:
      • New command-line flag --imgdir to define the base path for lazy-load images.
    • rawlog-edit:
      • New operation --export-txt exploiting the new export-to-txt API in mrpt::obs::CObservation
    • navlog-viewer:
      • New UI tools to manually pick and export selected PTG selections to a training YAML file.
  • Changes in libraries:
    • \ref mrpt_containers_grp
      • YAML macros MCP_LOAD_OPT(), MCP_LOAD_REQ(), and MCP_SAVE() now also support reading and writing enums directly as YAML, transparently converting numerical values to/from their symbolic names.
    • \ref mrpt_core_grp
      • Added C++14 helper templates mrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount_t and mrpt::int_select_by_bytecount_t
    • \ref mrpt_gui_grp
      • mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI: improved API to allow multiple callback handlers, and to report exceptions in them.
      • New 3D navigation key binding: SHIFT+scroll wheel, for fast up/down pure vertical motion of the camera point.
    • \ref mrpt_img_grp
      • mrpt::img::CImage::loadFromFile() now avoids memory allocations if there was already an image in memory with the same size.
    • \ref mrpt_obs_grp
      • mrpt::obs::CObservation now has a common API to export datasets to TXT/CSV files, see methods exportTxtSupported(), exportTxtHeader(), exportTxtDataRow(). It has been implemented in all suitable observation classes.
      • mrpt::obs::CObservationImage::unload() defaulted to doing nothing. It now correctly unloads lazy-load images.
    • \ref mrpt_poses_grp
      • New methods mrpt::math::TTwist2D::rotated() and mrpt::math::TTwist3D::rotated()
    • \ref mrpt_system_grp
      • mrpt::system::CTimeLogger:
        • Include custom name in underlying mrpt::system::COutputLogger name.
        • Fix all valgrind/helgrind warning messages.
      • New functions mrpt::system::firstNLines() and mrpt::system::nthOccurrence()
    • mrpt::img::CImage::isEmpty() should return false for delay-load images.
    • Fix build error with GCC 8 in mrpt/containers/yaml.h.
    • Fix exception rendering empty point clouds due to invalid bounding box.
    • Fix broken 2D plots rendering in Ubuntu 20.04 (and probably other systems), via an update in mpWindow to properly use wxAutoBufferedPaintDC.
    • mrpt::img::CImage::getPixelDepth() should force loading lazy load images.
    • Fixed wrong rendering of different textures within the same opengl shader program.
    • Fixed potential crashes inside BFD if using BFD and calling mrpt::callStackBackTrace() from several parallel threads.

Release of v2.3.1

26 May 20:50
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Version 2.3.1: Released May 26th, 2021

  • General cmake scripts:
    • find_package(mrpt-xxx) is now much faster.
  • Changes in applications:
    • RawLogViewer:
      • Browse scans window now has a check-box list to show/hide individual sensors.
    • SceneViewer3D:
      • Graceful failure when loading a corrupted 3Dscene file.
  • Changes in libraries:
    • \ref mrpt_core_grp
      • Removed mrpt::reverseBytesInPlace(long double) for it not being portable.
    • \ref mrpt_containers_grp
      • New environment variable MRPT_YAML_PARSER_VERBOSE controlling mrpt::containers::yaml
    • \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp
      • New argument to pass custom ffmpeg options to mrpt::hwdrivers::CFFMPEG_InputStream::openURL(). New default is to prefer stream over TCP for more reliable IP cameras reading.
      • mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG now has a parameter for between-data communications timeout (comms_between_timeout_ms).
    • \ref mrpt_gui_grp
      • mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI new methods to minimize/restore subwindows.
    • \ref mrpt_math_grp
      • New method mrpt::math::TLine3D::closestPointTo()
      • New methods mrpt::math::TPose3D::translation(), mrpt::math::TPose2D::translation().
    • \ref mrpt_obs_grp
      • New mrpt::obs::CActionCollection::insert() overload for smart pointers.
      • New method mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan::getScanAngle() and clarify docs on class members.
      • New class mrpt::obs::CObservation3DScene.
      • mrpt::obs::CObservationIMU now uses std::array instead of std::vector (faster due to less dynamic memory).
    • \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
      • Deprecate mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene::dumpListOfObjects() in favor of new mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene::asYAML()
      • New method mrpt::opengl::CSimpleLine::setLineCoords() accepting mrpt::math::TPoint3D (older signature deprecated).
    • \ref mrpt_system_grp
      • New return-by-value signature for mrpt::system::CDirectoryExplorer::explore(), older version deprecated.
      • mrpt::system::extractFileDirectory() returns "." instead of an empty string for filenames without any explicit full path.
    • Fix wrong formatting of empty string values (not null values) in mrpt::containers::yaml.
    • Fix exception loading old datasets with stereo observations, via a new argument in mrpt::img::CImage::makeSureImageIsLoaded()
    • Fix unhandled deserialization of v2 of mrpt::opengl::CPlanarLaserScan
    • Fix build errors with MinGW.

Windows nightly builds

05 May 06:28
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Build timestamp: 2024-09-29T22:39:51.0000000Z
Windows binary releases (develop) from AppVeyor CI.
Git commit: 229073f CMesh: Remove the annoying warning "Texture image and Z matrix have different sizes"