SendOTP iOS Usage Documentation
Download SendOTPFramework.framework Import SendOTPFramework.framework in your project.
Go to the project target -> General -> Embeded Binaries then add the SendOTPFramework in it.
-Login or create account at MSG91 to use sendOTP services. Get your authKey
After login at MSG91 follow below steps to get your authkey
-Select API option available on panel. -If you are first time user then generate new authkey.
Go to your class which is going to call the SendOTP
Import the following ->
#import <SendOTPFramework/AuthenticationViewController.h>
Accept the following delegates -
Call the AuthenticationViewController using following code.
iOS 13 Mandatory change:-
authenticationViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;
NSString *frameworkDirPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] privateFrameworksPath];
NSString *frameworkBundlePath = [frameworkDirPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"SendOTPFramework.framework"];
NSBundle *frameworkBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:frameworkBundlePath];
AuthenticationViewController *authenticationViewController = [[AuthenticationViewController alloc]initWithNibName:@"AuthenticationViewController" bundle:frameworkBundle];
// Mandatory auth key*......
authenticationViewController.authkey = @"xyz";
//Set your templete id*
authenticationViewController.templateId = @"abc";
authenticationViewController.navBarColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:30/255.0f green:118/255.0f blue:186/255.0f alpha:1];
// set navbar title color
authenticationViewController.navBarTitleColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
// set company logo
authenticationViewController.companyImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"defaultLogo"];
// set custom message here with ##OTP## // Removed -- replaced with templete id
//authenticationViewController.customMessage = @"Your verification code is ##OTP##.";
[self presentViewController:authenticationViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
Implement following delegate methods-
// Called when authentication is successfull.
-(void)authenticationisSuccessfulForMobileNumber:(NSString *)mobNo withCountryCode:(NSString *)countryCode{
// Called when authentication is Failed.
-(void)authenticationisFailedForMobileNumber:(NSString *)mobNo withCountryCode:(NSString *)countryCode{
// Called when authentication is Cancelled.
Import the following -> import SendOTPFramework
Accept the following delegates - SendOTPAuthenticationViewControllerDelegate
Call the AuthenticationViewController using following code.
let frameworkBundle = Bundle(identifier: "com.walkover.SendOTPFramework")
let authViewControler :AuthenticationViewController = AuthenticationViewController.init(nibName: "AuthenticationViewController", bundle: frameworkBundle)
authViewControler.delegate = self
authViewControler.navBarColor =
// set navbar title color
authViewControler.navBarTitleColor = UIColor.white
//Set your auth key here
authViewControler.authkey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
// set company logo
authViewControler.companyImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "defaultLogo.png")
self.present(authViewControler, animated: true, completion: nil)
Implement following delegate methods-
// Called when authentication is successfull.
func authenticationisSuccessful(forMobileNumber mobNo: String!, withCountryCode countryCode: String!) {
// Called when authentication is failed.
func authenticationisFailed(forMobileNumber mobNo: String!, withCountryCode countryCode: String!) {
// Called when authentication is Cancelled.
func canceledAuthentication() {