💡 NOTE: this Django repo is opinionated in that it comes with drf_yasg
(a 3rd party swagger package) and django-debug-toolbar
already installed and configured. See the notes on those here. Also, sqlite for dev and postgresql for prod settings was chosen. Therefore, after cloning this repository, keep those in mind and change the parts to your linking.
# clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/MSKose/django-starter
# 1. step (creating an environment)
python -m venv env
# 2. step (activating)
source env/bin/activate (for MacOs)
env/Scripts/activate (for Windows)
# this command should return nothing. If it returns something as of now, it could mean you are not running on the new environment
pip freeze
# 3. run the dependencies for this project
pip install -r requirements.txt
# 4. Add the following to your .env file
# migrate your initial settings to your database
python manage.py migrate
# running the server
python manage.py runserver
- After setting up new dependencies run these commands:
# to see the installed dependencies:
pip freeze
# to save the dependencies (run this command everytime you install a new dependency to make it up-to-date with your dependencies):
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- See the requirements file for the dependency versions