mix phx.new <project_name>
the chatter folder has been created. follow the readme of that folder and come back here.
psql guide - https://chartio.com/resources/tutorials/how-to-list-databases-and-tables-in-postgresql-using-psql/
mix ecto.gen.migration add_table : to add new table write in the new migration file
and run : mix ecto.migrate
define schema and changeset in new folder in lib. (here it is in schemas->chatter_box.ex)
so far there is nothing in the table we have just defined the schema.
we can query the database by using ecto. : lib->chatter_queries.ex (but as there is nothing till now, nothing to query)
seed.exs need to send data. it will send data by repo.insert query which is in chatter_queries.ex->create_chat. create_chat validates the input with the changeset.
to run seeds.exs : mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
create a route in router (/get/:status)
create a controller and add the functions u will be calling too (chatter_controller/get)
use render function that has a template (here, getting_message.html)
for that template , we need to create template folder chatter(based on controller name) and make a file getting_message.html.eex ( elixir strictly follows name convention)
create a chatter_view.ex (follow the naming convention)