It is a project of MUST course CN105-Web Technology, which is a puzzle game that uses 4 numbers and 4 operators (+ - * /) to calculate 24.
System | Windows 10 x64 |
Language | HTML, CSS, Javascript |
IDE | Visual Studio Code 1.46.0 |
git clone
You can play online or play in a local environment. If playing locally, please start from StartPage.html rather than Game.html, otherwise, you will get a static webpage. The description of files are following:
It is a login page. The Player Name/Password is Kennard/WangYuyang.
There are two modes
- Under Normal mode, the range of cards is 1~9. (A = 1)
- Under Hard mode, the range of cards is 1~13. (A = 1, J = 11, Q = 12, K = 13)
There are also two versions
- Select the new version (default) without ticking the checkbox. This version has a more friendly GUI, and users can play by mouse-clicking.
- Select the old version by ticking the checkbox. In this version, users need to play with keyboard typing.
Game.html (new version)
- Users need to choose 2 cards in order, and then click operator button to calculate. For example, calculating "9/3", please choose "9" first and then "3". After clicking "/" button, the result will be recorded in result1 (a black box on the right).
- The result1 can also be selected for calculation like a card, and you can get result2 in the same way as result1.
- By the way, the selected card can be cancelled by clicking them once again as long as not clicking operator button.
- Users can click Reset button to clear all choices and calculated results as well as reset all the cards.
- If having no idea about current puzzle, use Skip to jump to the next puzzle. After all, we cannot guarantee that all the puzzles have answers.
- Users will get 24 points if their answer is correct.
GameOld.html (old version)
- The input must follow this format: For each step, users must add parenthesis to tell clearly which operation executes first. Although "*" and "/" has higher priority than "+" and "-", but still need to add parenthesis. For example, if wanting to compute "11+13", users need to input "(11+13)" instead. Likewise, please use "((3*8)+2)" to represent "3*8+2". Furthermore, the answer to "3, 11, 1, 11" should be "((11+11)+(3-1))". A good way to check the answer is checking pairs of parenthesis.
- Additionally, space is not allowed in the answer.
- Users will get 24 points if their answer is correct.
This page demonstrates excellent grades got by intelligent players. Click sort to show results in 3 different orders: Name Alphabetical, Age Ascending and Point Descending.
Feel free to open an issue or submit PRs.