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VOEvent handling daemon and library for generating triggered MWA observations


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VOEvent trigger front end for scheduling MWA observations.


This repository was developed for use on the MWA telescope by Andrew Williams with contributions from Paul Hancock. The triggering logic for individual handlers were developed by various project groups - see the __author__ fields in the scripts in the mwa_trigger/ directory.

If you use this code to generate observations for your research please cite the description paper Hancock et al, 2019, and Anderson et al, 2021


This repository is made up of: - this file

trigger.conf.example - sample configuration file - simple script to start a Pyro4 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) nameserver running,
                     to allow to communicate with - script that takes a VOEvent on standard input and passes it on via RPC call
                  to the daemon. The script is usually called
                  by the 'comet' VOEvent broker when a VOEvent is received, but it can also be
                  called from the command line, for testing. - This daemon runs continuously once it's started, and accepts VOEvents via RPC call
                     from the script. These events are queued, and one by one, queued
                     events are passed to a predefined 'handler function' for processing. If a handler
                     function returned False, the next handler function is tried. If a handler
                     returns True, no more handlers are tried for that VOEvent.

/mwa_trigger/ - package file - library containing wrapper code to generate a triggered MWA observation. - library containing classes and functions useful for parsing VOEvents and generating
                  triggers. - library containing the handler function to parse and trigger on Fermi/Swift VOEvents.

Software overview

The triggering system is divided into two parts. The back-end is a web service, on an on-site server, and part of the telescope Monitor and Control system. It accepts stateless requests from clients, anywhere on the internet. An entirely separate front end (contained in this repository) parses incoming VOEvents, makes decisions about when to trigger a new observation (or repoint an existing triggered observation with a better position), and calls the web service to actually schedule the observations.

Multiple front ends can use the web service - another VOEvent parser running in parallel, real-time code running on site analysing the data stream in some way, etc.

Separating the science (what VOEvents to trigger on, and why) from the scheduling function lets the operations team handle the code that directly controls the telescope schedule, while allowing scientists in the transient science project teams to write their own code to decide which events to follow, and how.

Back-end web service (in the mwa-MandC-Core repository, running on site):

The back-end web service has these functions, called by generating an HTTP request to a particular URL with a set of parameters:

  • busy() - when given a science project ID code and a desired override time, in seconds from the present, return 'True' if that science project is authorised to remove all of the observations already in the schedule over that time period.

  • vcsfree() - returns the maximum number of seconds of observime time in VCS mode that an incoming trigger would be allowed to request at the current time, given the current free disk space, and all upcoming VCS observations in the schedule.

  • obslist() - when given a desired override time, return a summary of all observations already in the schedule over that time period.

  • triggerobs() - The caller supplies a science project ID code, the password associated with that project, and a set of observation parameters (described later). If that science project is authorised to override all the observations already in the schedule over the requested time period, that period in the schedule is cleared, and the requested observation/s are added to the schedule, starting at that instant.

  • triggervcs() - like triggerobs, only schedules observations in Voltage Capture mode, if there is enough free disk space on the voltage capture servers.

  • triggerbuffer() - If there is a currently scheduled observation in the 'Voltage Buffer' mode, this service, when called, sends a signal to the capture processes on each of the VCS computers, causing them to immediately dump their memory buffers to disk (150 seconds of data in the current configuration), and continue dumping data to disk for the time specified. Note that it can take a long time (tens of minutes) for the capture processes to finish dumping their memory buffers and 'catch up' to real time. After the observing time specified, a VOLTAGE_STOP observation is inserted into the schedule, unless the requested observing time extends past an existing VOLTAGE_STOP observation.

All of these web services are wrapped in functions of the same name in mwa_trigger/

Note that the 'triggerobs()' and 'triggervcs()' web services (different calls to the backend) are merged into one call - mwa_trigger.triggerservice.trigger(). Which one of the backend web services is called depends on whether the 'vcsmode' argument to trigger() is True or False.

The back end of the triggering system ONLY cares about the science project code asking for an override, the science project codes of the observations in the schedule, and the supplied password. Which transient projects are authorised to override which observing projects is decided by the MWA board and the MWA director, and encoded in a configuration file maintained by the operations team. There is only one additional constraint - ongoing voltage capture observations can not be interrupted at the moment, but this will change in the future.

The triggerbuffer() service uses the existing VOLTAGE_BUFFER observations in the schedule, so does not take any other observation parameters. For triggerobs() and triggervcs(), there are many observation parameters that can be passed, to satisfy different science requirements. These include:

  • One or more pointing directions, each specified as an RA/Dec, an Azimuth/Elevation, or a source name (from a limited local list of typical targets).

  • Whether to modify the given pointing direction/s to keep the desired target near the primary beam centre, but to minimise the power from the Sun by putting it in a primary beam null. This option has no affect if the Sun is below the horizon.

  • One or more frequency specifiers, defining the (arbitrary) set of 24 coarse channels to save, out of the 256 coarse channels (1.28 MHz wide) defining the 0 - 327.68 MHz total bandwidth. Pointing directions and frequency specifiers are multiplied - for example, if two pointing directions are given, and three frequency specifiers, then each target direction will be observed at each of the three chosen frequency sets.

  • The number of observations to schedule, and the length of each observation. Typically 15 observations of 120 seconds each are scheduled. This is because the MWA analogue beamformers do not track sidereal motion during a single observation.

  • The correlator averaging parameters to use - frequency resolution (currently 10, 20, or 40 kHz) and time resolution (currently 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 seconds)

  • Whether to schedule calibrator observation/s after the triggered source, and if so, what source to calibrate on, and how long the calibrator observation/s should be. The user can also let the system choose a calibrator source automatically. If more than one one frequency specifier was given, then the calibrator will also be observed at each of the given frequencies.


The MWA observing schedule is stored in a set of database tables on a PostgreSQL server on-site, with start and stop times stored as the number of seconds since the GPS epoch ('GPS seconds'). All observations must start and stop on an integer multiple of eight GPS seconds, so while an observation in progress can be truncated by changing it's stop time, the modulo 8 seconds constraint gives a natural latency of up to 8 seconds. In practice, the Monitor and Control system gives the various components of the telescope time to prepare, by sending their new configuration a few seconds ahead of the start of each observation. This means that a running observation cannot have its stop time changed to a value less than four seconds in the future, and a new observation can't be scheduled to start less than 4 seconds in the future. Including other processing delays, this gives a latency period of 8-16 seconds between the trigger time and the start of a triggered observation.


To get a trigger handler running, you will need to:

  • Copy trigger.conf.example to mwa_trigger/trigger.conf (or /usr/local/etc/trigger.conf) and edit appropriately. At a minimum, you will need to add a line to the 'auth' section, with the project ID code your handler will run as, and the valid secure_key (password) for that project ID. Contact for a password.

  • If the trigger handler will not be running on-site, then in one terminal window, run:


    This will start a Pyro 'Name service' daemon, allowing to find the network details it needs to contact the daemon. If the handler is running on site, this step isn't necessary because there is already a name service daemon running on the host mwa-db, but you will need to change the ns_host line in the [pyro] section of trigger.conf.

  • In another terminal window, run:


    This will start the daemon that waits for VOEvent messages to be sent to it using Pyro RPC calls, and queues them, to pass to a handler function.

    (You may want to use python within a virtual environment)

  • If you want to respond to actual broadcast VOEvents (as opposed to manually pushing VOEvent XML files for testing), then, in a third terminal window, run:

    twistd comet -r -v --cmd=/path/to/your/

    That will exit, but leave comet running in the background. The comet broker will call the script when a VOEvent is received. You can run multiple instances of the comet broker at the same time, pointing at different higher-level brokers, and all will use to pass events on to a single instance of You may want to use a different IVO or broker.

    If you are only pushing static XML files for testing, you won't need the Twisted or Comet packages installed.

  • You can send a test trigger by doing something like:

    cat trigger.xml | ./

    That will send an XML structure directly to, as if it had been received by the comet broker.

Note that the library in this code will be running as-is on site, on helios2. If you are writing your own handler, modify to import your library instead of, and change the EVENTHANDLERS global to call processevent() in your library instead.


VOEvent handling daemon and library for generating triggered MWA observations







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