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Collection of problems and solutions of leetcode challenges in dart language.🤔💭

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Collection of problems and solutions of leetcode challenges in dart language.

🏷️ Problem Solution Lang state
1. Reverse String Solution Dart Easy
2. Valid Palindrome II Solution Dart Easy
3. Longest Common Prefix Solution Dart Easy
4. Roman to Integer Solution Dart Easy
5. Length of Last Word Solution Dart Easy
6. Valid Parentheses Solution Dart Easy
7. Valid Anagram Solution Dart Easy
8. Search Insert Position Solution Dart Easy
9. Pascal's Triangle Solution Dart Easy
10. Two Sum Solution Dart Easy
11. Add Binary Solution Dart Easy
12. Valid Palindrome Solution Dart Easy
13. Merge Sorted Array Solution Dart Easy
14. Single Number Solution Dart Easy
15. Excel Sheet Column Title Solution Dart Easy
16. Majority Element Solution Dart Easy
17. Contains Duplicate Solution Dart Easy
18. Power of Two Solution Dart Easy
19. Fizz Buzz Solution Dart Easy
20. Shuffle String Solution Dart Easy
21. First Unique Character in a String Solution Dart Easy
22. Missing Number Solution Dart Easy
23. Move Zeroes Solution Dart Easy
24. Power of Three Solution Dart Easy
25. Intersection of Two Arrays II Solution Dart Easy
26. Implement strStr() Solution Dart Medium
27. Maximum Subarray Solution Dart Medium
28. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Solution Dart Medium
29. Merge Intervals Solution Dart Medium
30. Next Permutation Solution Dart Medium

LeetCode 75 study plan

LeetCode 75 is a curated list of 75 interview questions that are commonly asked in tech interviews. The list is divided into 15 topics, and each topic contains 5 questions. The questions are ordered by frequency of appearance in tech interviews. The questions are also ordered by difficulty, starting with the easiest questions first.

🏷️ # Problem Solution Lang Difficulty
1. Prefix Sum 1480 Running Sum of 1d Array Solution C# Easy
2. Prefix Sum 724 Find Pivot Index Solution Dart Easy
3. String 205 Isomorphic Strings Solution Dart Easy
4. String 392 Is Subsequence Solution Dart Easy
5. Linked List 21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Solution Dart Easy
6. Linked List 206 Reverse Linked List Solution Dart Easy
7. Linked List 876 Middle of the Linked List Solution Dart Easy
8. Linked List 142 Linked List Cycle II Solution c++ Medium

DCC January 2023

DCC is a 30 days challenges of problems solving, each day has a problem with different difficulty, and each day has a different topic.

🏷️ # Problem Solution Lang Difficulty
1. 290 Word Pattern Solution Dart Easy
2. 520 Detect Capital Solution Dart Easy
3. 944 Delete Columns to Make Sorted Solution Dart Easy


Collection of problems and solutions of leetcode challenges in dart language.🤔💭







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