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Project Cars 2 UDP Telemetry Parser for use on ESP32 / ESP8266 microcontrollers


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Project Cars 2 UDP | Library for use on ESP 32 / ESP8266 devices

Data Output from Project Cars 2 Game

This program captures and parses data packets that are sent by the Project Cars 2 game. This library is written specifically for usage on the ESP32 and ESP8266.


#include "PCars2_UDP.h"
PCars2_Parser* parser;

void loop()
    parser = new PCars2_Parser();

Packet Types

The following data types are used in the structures:

Type Description
uint8 Unsigned 8-bit integer
int8 Signed 8-bit integer
uint16 Unsigned 16-bit integer
int16 Signed 16-bit integer
uint32 Unsigned 32-bit integer
float Floating point (32-bit)
uint64 Unsigned 64-bit integer

Each packet has the following header:

Size: 12 bytes

struct PacketBase
uint32 mPacketNumber;
uint32 mCategoryPacketNumber;
uint8 mPartialPacketIndex;
uint8 mPartialPacketNumber;
uint8 mPacketType;
uint8 mPacketVersion;
Packet Name Value Description
Telemetry 0 Telemetry data for the viewed participant
Race Data 1 Race stats data
Participants Data 2 Participant names data
Timings Data 3 Participant timings data
Game State 4 Game State - Weather State also sent in this packet
Weather State 5 Not currently sent - Found in Game State Packet
Vehicle Names 6 Vehicle Class Names - Not sure if it is currently sent
Time Stats 7 Participant Stats and records
Participant Vehicle Names 8 Participant Vehicle Names

Telemetry Packet

The telemetry packet various telemetry points from the car currently viewed.

Frequency: Each tick of the UDP streamer as it is set in the options

Sent: During Race

Size: 559 bytes

struct TelemetryData
int8 sViewedParticipantIndex;
uint8 sUnfilteredThrottle; 
uint8 sUnfilteredBrake;
int8 sUnfilteredSteering;
uint8 sUnfilteredClutch;
uint8 sCarFlags;
int16 sOilTempCelsius;
uint16 sOilPressureKpa;
int16 sWaterTempCelsius;
int16 WaterPressureKPa;
uint16 sFuelPressureKpa;
uint8 sFuelCapacity;
uint8 sBrake;
uint8 sThrottle;
uint8 sClutch;
float sFuelLevel;
float sSpeed;
uint16 sRpm;
uint16 sMaxRpm;
int8 sSteering;
uint8 sGearNumGears;
uint8 sBoostAmount;
uint8 sCrashState;
float sOdometerKM;
float sOrientation[3];
float sLocalVelocity[3];
float sWorldVelocity[3];
float sAngularVelocity[3];
float sLocalAcceleration[3];
float sWorldAcceleration[3];
float sExtentsCentre[3];
uint8 sTyreFlags[4];
uint8 sTerrains[4];
float sTyreY[4];
float sTyreRPS[4];
uint8 sTyreTemp[4];
float sTyreHeightAboveGround[4];
uint8 sTyreWear[4];
uint8 sBrakeDamage[4];
uint8 sSuspensionDamage[4];
int16 sBrakeTempCelsius[4];
uint16 sTyreThreadTemp[4];
uint16 sTyreLayerTemp[4];
uint16 sTyreCarcassTemp[4];
uint16 sTyreRimTemp[4];
uint16 sTyreInternalAirTemp[4];
uint16 sTyreTempLeft[4];
uint16 sTyreTempCenter[4];
uint16 sTyreTempRight[4];
float sWheelLocalPositionY[4];
float sRideHeight[4];
float sSuspensionTravel[4];
float sSuspensionVelocity[4];
uint16 sSuspensionRideHeight[4];
uint16 sAirPressure[4];
float sEngineSpeed;
float sEngineTorque;
uint8 sWings[2];
uint8 sHandBrake;
uint8 sAeroDamage;
uint8 sEngineDamage;
uint32 sJoyPad;
uint8 sDPad;
char sTyreCompound[4][40];
float sTurboBoostPressure;
float sFullPosition[3];
uint8 sBrakeBias;
uint32 TickCount;
struct PacketTelemetryData
PacketBase m_base; // Header
TelemetryData sTelemetryData; 

Race Data

The race data packet details track, global and local lap info.

Frequency: Logarithmic decrease

Sent: Counter resets on entering InRace state and again each time any of the values changes

Size: 308 bytes

struct RaceData {
float sWorldFastestLapTime;
float sPersonalFastestLapTime;
float sPersonalFastestSector1Time;
float sPersonalFastestSector2Time;
float sPersonalFastestSector3Time;
float sWorldFastestSector1Time;
float sWorldFastestSector2Time;
float sWorldFastestSector3Time;
float sTrackLength;
char sTrackLocation[64];
char sTrackVariation[64];
char sTranslatedTrackLocation[64];
char sTranslatedTrackVariation[64];
uint16 slapsTimeInEvent;
int8 sEnforcedPitStopLap;
uint8 paddingA;

struct PacketRaceData
PacketBase m_base; // Header
RaceData sRaceData; 

Participants Data

The participants data packet provides information about participants names & nationality.

Frequency: Logarithmic decrease

Sent: Counter resets on entering InRace state and again each the participants change. The sParticipantsChangedTimestamp represent last time the participants has changed and is to be used to sync this information with the rest of the participant related packets

Size: 1136 bytes

struct ParticipantsData {
uint32 sParticipantsChangedTimestamp;
char sName[64];
uint32 sNationality[16];
uint16 sIndex[16];

struct PacketParticipantsData
PacketBase m_base; // Header
ParticipantData sParticipantData; 

Timings Data

The timings packet provides information about participants names & intervals and laptimes.

Frequency: Each tick of the UDP streamer as it is set in the options

Sent: During Race

Size: 1063 bytes

struct ParticipantsInfo {
int16 sWorldPosition[3];
int16 sOrientation[3];
uint16 sCurrentLapDistance;
uint8 sRacePosition;
uint8 sSector;
uint8 sHighestFlag;
uint8 sPitModeSchedule;
uint16 sCarindex;
uint8 sRaceState;
uint8 sCurrentLap;
float sCurrentTime;
float sCurrentSectorTime;
uint16 sMPParticipantIndex;

struct PacketTimingsData {
PacketBase m_base;
int8 sNumParticipants;
uint32 sParticipantsChangedTimeStamp2;
float sEventTimeRemaining;
float sSplitTimeAhead;
float sSplitTimeBehind;
float sSplitTime;
ParticipantsInfo sParticipantsInfo[32];
uint16 sLocalParticipantIndex;
uint32 TickCount;

Game State Data

The game state packet provides information about track status and weather, includes weather state packet data.

Frequency: Each 5s while being in Main Menu, Each 10s while being in race + on each change Main Menu<->Race several times. the frequency in Race is increased in case of weather timer being faster up to each 5s for 30x time progression

Sent: Always

Size: 24 bytes

struct GameStateData {
uint16 mBuildVersionNumber;
char mGameState;
int8 sAmbientTemperature;
int8 sTrackTemperature;
uint8 sRainDensity;
uint8 sSnowDensity;
int8 sWindSpeed;
int8 sWindDirectionX;
int8 sWindDirectionY;
short paddingD;

struct PacketGameStateData {
PacketBase m_base;
GameStateData sGameStateData;

Vehicle Class Names Data

The time stats packet provides information about Vehicle Class Names.

Frequency: ??

Sent: ??

Size: 1452 bytes

struct ClassInfo {
uint32 sClassIndex;
char sCName[20];

struct PacketVehicleClassNamesData {
PacketBase m_base;
ClassInfo sVehicleClassNames[60];

Time Stats Data

The time stats packet provides information about time stats.

Frequency: When entering the race and each time any of the values change, so basically each time any of the participants crosses a sector boundary.

Sent: During Race

Size: 1040 bytes

struct ParticipantsStatsInfo {
float	sFastestLapTime;								
float	sLastLapTime;									
float	sLastSectorTime;								
float	sFastestSector1Time;							
float	sFastestSector2Time;							
float	sFastestSector3Time;
uint32 sParticipantOnlineRep;
uint16 sMPParticipantIndex;
short paddingB;

struct PacketTimeStatsData {
PacketBase m_base;
uint32 sParticipantsChangedTimeStamp1_;
ParticipantsStatsInfo sParticipantsStatsInfo[32];

Participant Vehicle Names Data

The participant vehicle names packet provides info of participants vehicles.

Frequency: Logarithmic decrease

Sent: Counter resets on entering InRace state and again each the participants change. The sParticipantsChangedTimestamp represent last time the participants has changed and is to be used to sync this information with the rest of the participant related packets

Size: 1164 bytes

struct VehicleInfo {
uint16 sIndex;
uint32 sClass;
char sVName[64];
short paddingC;

struct PacketParticipantVehicleNamesData {
PacketBase m_base;
VehicleInfo sVehicleInfo[16];

PacketType IDs

ID Type
0 CarPhysics
1 RaceDefinition
2 Participants
3 Timings
4 GameState
5 WeatherState
6 VehicleNames
7 TimeStats
8 ParticipantVehicleNames

GameState IDs

ID State
0 Exited
1 FrontEnd
2 Playing
3 Paused
4 InMenuTimeTicking
5 Retsarting
6 Replay
7 FrontEndReplay

SessionState IDs

ID State
0 Invalid
1 Practice
2 Test
3 Qualify
4 FormationLap
5 Race
6 TimeAttack

RaceState IDs

ID State
0 Invalid
1 NotStarted
2 Racing
3 Finished
5 Retired

FlagColours IDs

ID Colour
0 None
1 Green
2 Blue
3 WhiteSlowCar
4 WhiteFinalLap
5 Red
6 Yellow
7 DoubleYellow
8 BlackAndWhite
9 BlackOrangeCircle
10 Black
11 Chequered

FlagReason IDs

ID Reason
0 None
1 SoloCrash
2 VehicleCrash
3 VehicleObstruction

PitMode IDs

ID Mode
0 None
1 DrivingIntoPits
2 InPit
3 DrivingOutPits
4 InGarage
5 DrivingOutGarage

PitSchedule IDs

ID Schedule
0 None
1 PlayerRequested
2 EngineerRequested
3 PitScheduleDamageRequested
4 PitScheduleMandatory
5 PitScheduleDriveThrough
6 PitScheduleStopGo
7 PitSchedulePitspotOccupied

TerrainMaterial IDs

ID Material
0 TerrainRoad
1 TerrainLowGripRoad
2 TerrainBumpyRoad1
3 TerrainBumpyRoad2
4 TerrainBumpyRoad3
5 TerrainMarbles
6 TerrainGrassyBerms
7 TerrainGrass
8 TerrainGravel
9 TerrainBumpyGravel
10 TerrainRumbleStrips
11 TerrainDrains
12 TerrainTyrewalls
13 TerrainCementwalls
14 TerrainGuardrails
15 TerrainSand
16 TerrainBumpySand
17 TerrainDirt
18 TerrainBumpyDirt
19 TerrainDirtRoad
20 TerrainBumpyDirtRoad
21 TerrainPavement
22 TerrainDirtBank
23 TerrainWood
24 TerrainDryVerge
25 TerrainExitRumbleStrips
26 TerrainGrasscrete
27 TerrainLongGrass
28 TerrainSlopeGrass
29 TerrainCobbles
30 TerrainSandRoad
31 TerrainBakedClay
32 TerrainAstroturf
33 TerrainSnowhalf
34 TerrainSnowfull
35 TerrainDamagedRoad1
36 TerrainTrainTrackRoad
37 TerrainBumpycobbles
38 TerrainAriesOnly
39 TerrainOrionOnly
40 TerrainB1rumbles
41 TerrainB2rumbles
42 TerrainRoughSandMedium
43 TerrainRoughSandHeavy
44 TerrainSnowwalls
45 TerrainIceRoad
46 TerrainRunoffRoad
47 TerrainIllegalStrip
48 TerrainPaintConcrete
49 TerrainPaintConcreteIllegal
50 TerrainRallyTarmac

CrashDamageState IDs

ID Reason
0 None
1 CrashDamageOfftrack
2 CrashDamageLargeProp
3 CrashDamageSpinning
4 CrashDamageRolling


Project Cars 2 UDP Telemetry Parser for use on ESP32 / ESP8266 microcontrollers








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