We would like you to write a single page, mobilebased web app without any backend. Below is the user story, followed by the design.
- When the app opens, the profile should be displayed.
- When the user clicks the "add as friend" button, the site background and button colors should change (to the colors of your choice). When clicked for a second time, the original colors should return.
- When a user clicks on a profile image on the home page, the chat page should open.
- The friendship status should persist when user navigates from one view to another or refreshes the page.
- When the chat is opened, a random message from the other user should appear.
- Users should be able to send messages from the chat window.
- When the user clicks the avatar on the chat page, or the back button, he should go to the profile page.
- The message history should persist when user navigates from one view to another or refreshes the page.
- Closing the app window should close the session.
- Assume the html for the chat and profile is already on the page
- Don't create your own "template engine"
- Please don't use any libraries or frameworks (jquery, bootstrap, angular)
- Usage of bundlers, CSS preprocessors and task runners is encouraged
- Please provide a short summary detailing anything you think is relevant, for example:
- Installation steps
- How to run your code / tests
- Where to find your code
- What would you have done differently if you had had more time
- Etc.
- Please send your results as a git bundle.
When evaluating your test, the following things are especially important to us:
- How did you organize your css? Ideally, we'd like to see some methodology such as BEM.
- How did you organize your javascript?
- Is your solution compatible with at least two rendering engines (let us know which ones they are).
- Did you meet all of the functional requirements?