#IPCheckNotifier v0.1 - 2016 ##Written by Gerardo Canosa and Geronimo Poppino
This is an application written for testing purposes mostly, and learning java. Many different concepts have been applied (DB, Socks, Properties file configuration read/write access, Mail, Arguments cmd line).
This little application consists of two files: .properties and .sqlite, first for app config purpose, and the .sqlite is the database where all the IP changes will be recorded.
##Running the Application for the very first time To get the application running you first must set your email, password, and other stuff into the .properties file. You will understand how to config it in the next section. Once you modified and configured please remove or comment the following line:
comment.me = true
Then you will be able to run the app, otherwise if the line exists the application will quit with an error message. ##ipchecker.properties format
These are the fields required and parsed by the application in order to run properly.
checker.url = http://checkip.amazonaws.com
mail.from = mail@from.com
mail.to = mail@to.com
mail.smtp = smtp.gmail.com
mail.port = 587
mail.subject = IPCheckNotifier update
mail.auth = true
mail.tls = true
##Schedule IPCheckNotifier to run through CRON every 15 minutes
To monitor your public IP for eventual changes, add the application to cron as follows:
*/5 * * * * java -jar /path/where/ipchecknotifier/remains.jar -g
##Contact the author (Gerardo Canosa/EtherNet)
If you need support, or want to suggest a feature, you're welcome to reach me out by email at: gera.canosa@gmail.com or irc.mundochat.com.ar #MundoChat under the nickname: EtherNet