Move the indexers to a queue to make the back-end more responsive.
1. Install the Lilmuckers_Queue free Magento module that we use to create queues and workers: https://github.com/lilmuckers/magento-lilmuckers_queue
2. Install phpBeanstalkd work queue http://kr.github.io/beanstalkd/
- you don’t need to configure it, just start it by calling
in command line
3. Add beanstalkd to your magento configuration:
- open /etc/local.xml and add the following in the
4. Install the Magehack_Indexing module and go to System/Configuration/Catalog/Indexing
and enable Use Queue
- now every time you do a reindex it will be added to the queue
- to run the queued items you need to run the /shell/queue.php:
php -f queue.php --watch magehackindexing
this will create a watcher and it will run all the indexing queues that we add
Alex Bejan contact@bejanalex.com