Welcome to Chatify the whatsapp like realtime chating web application.
For Using application you can find steps below.
tech stack ==>
Routes ==>
/user/reg to register now user.
/user/log to login in application.
/user/block for blocking users from applications.
/user/unblock for unblocking users from applications.
/user/forgot for forgot password.
/chat/ for getting all the user's of application.
/chat/getChat for getting most 10 recent chat messages.
/chat/addCon for adding new connection in your account.
You can enter your name , email and password and register in our application. or you can use the google or github auth. if already registered you can use login link.
You can put your email address and password to login into your account. if you want to forgot your password you can use the forgot password link. or you can goto create a new account.
If you want to change the password you can put your email address and click on send OTP button then when you get otp then put your new password and otp then click on change password button.
On left side you can see the connections that you have created. and by clicking on one of them you can start chatting with that when you get click it is showing most recent 10 massage of you. you can click group icon to start new connection.by clicking on video chat button and it will start a video.
By clicking on any name of user's profile that available on our website you can make new connections.