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prototype WGLMakie version
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ffreyer committed Jan 5, 2024
1 parent 184d803 commit 31e4fc8
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Showing 5 changed files with 362 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions WGLMakie/assets/voxel.frag
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@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
// debug FLAGS
// #define DEBUG_RENDER_ORDER 2 // (0, 1, 2) - dimensions

flat in vec3 o_normal;
in vec3 o_uvw;
flat in int o_side;
in vec2 o_tex_uv;

in vec3 o_camdir;

flat in float plane_render_idx; // debug

// uniform isampler3D voxel_id;
// uniform uint objectid;

// {{uv_map_type}} uv_map;
// {{color_map_type}} color_map;
// {{color_type}} color;

vec4 debug_color(uint id) {
return vec4(
float((id & uint(225)) >> uint(5)) / 5.0,
float((id & uint(25)) >> uint(3)) / 3.0,
float((id & uint(7)) >> uint(1)) / 3.0,
vec4 debug_color(int id) { return debug_color(uint(id)); }

vec4 get_color(bool color, bool color_map, bool uv_map, int id) {
return debug_color(id);
vec4 get_color(bool color, sampler2D color_map, bool uv_map, int id) {
return texelFetch(color_map, ivec2(id-1, 0), 0);
vec4 get_color(sampler2D color, sampler2D color_map, bool uv_map, int id) {
return texelFetch(color, ivec2(id-1, 0), 0);
vec4 get_color(sampler2D color, bool color_map, bool uv_map, int id) {
return texelFetch(color, ivec2(id-1, 0), 0);
vec4 get_color(sampler2D color, sampler2D color_map, sampler2D uv_map, int id) {
vec4 lrbt = texelFetch(uv_map, ivec2(id-1, o_side), 0);
// compute uv normalized to voxel
// TODO: float precision causes this to wrap sometimes (e.g. 5.999..7.0002)
vec2 voxel_uv = mod(o_tex_uv, 1.0);
voxel_uv = mix(lrbt.xz, lrbt.yw, voxel_uv);
return texture(color, voxel_uv);
vec4 get_color(sampler2D color, bool color_map, sampler2D uv_map, int id) {
vec4 lrbt = texelFetch(uv_map, ivec2(id-1, o_side), 0);
// compute uv normalized to voxel
// TODO: float precision causes this to wrap sometimes (e.g. 5.999..7.0002)
vec2 voxel_uv = mod(o_tex_uv, 1.0);
voxel_uv = mix(lrbt.xz, lrbt.yw, voxel_uv);
return texture(color, voxel_uv);

// Smoothes out edge around 0 light intensity, see GLMakie
float smooth_zero_max(float x) {
const float c = 0.00390625, xswap = 0.6406707120152759, yswap = 0.20508383900190955;
const float shift = 1.0 + xswap - yswap;
float pow8 = x + shift;
pow8 = pow8 * pow8; pow8 = pow8 * pow8; pow8 = pow8 * pow8;
return x < yswap ? c * pow8 : x;

vec3 blinnphong(vec3 N, vec3 V, vec3 L, vec3 color){
float diff_coeff = smooth_zero_max(dot(L, -N));

// specular coefficient
vec3 H = normalize(L + V);

float spec_coeff = pow(max(dot(H, -N), 0.0), get_shininess());
if (diff_coeff <= 0.0)
spec_coeff = 0.0;

// final lighting model
return get_light_color() * vec3(
get_diffuse() * diff_coeff * color +
get_specular() * spec_coeff

flat in uint frag_instance_id;
vec4 pack_int(uint id, uint index) {
vec4 unpack;
unpack.x = float((id & uint(0xff00)) >> 8) / 255.0;
unpack.y = float((id & uint(0x00ff)) >> 0) / 255.0;
unpack.z = float((index & uint(0xff00)) >> 8) / 255.0;
unpack.w = float((index & uint(0x00ff)) >> 0) / 255.0;
return unpack;
void main()
// grab voxel id
int id = int(texture(voxel_id, o_uvw).x);

// id is invisible so we simply discard
if (id == 0) {

// otherwise we draw. For now just some color...
vec4 voxel_color = get_color(color, color_map, get_uv_map(), id);

if (mod(o_side, 3) != DEBUG_RENDER_ORDER)
voxel_color = vec4(plane_render_idx, 0, 0, id == 0 ? 0.01 : 1.0);

vec3 L = get_light_direction();
vec3 light = blinnphong(o_normal, normalize(o_camdir), L, voxel_color.rgb);
voxel_color.rgb = get_ambient() * voxel_color.rgb + light;

if (picking) {
uvec3 size = uvec3(textureSize(voxel_id, 0).xyz);
uvec3 idx = uvec3(o_uvw * vec3(size));
uint lin = uint(1) + idx.x + size.x * (idx.y + size.y * idx.z);
fragment_color = pack_int(object_id, lin);

fragment_color = voxel_color;
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions WGLMakie/assets/voxel.vert
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@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
// debug FLAGS

in vec2 vertices;

flat out vec3 o_normal;
out vec3 o_uvw;
flat out int o_side;
out vec2 o_tex_uv;

flat out float plane_render_idx;

out vec3 o_camdir;

uniform mat4 projection, view;

// uniform mat4 model;
// uniform mat3 world_normalmatrix;
// uniform vec3 eyeposition;
// uniform vec3 view_direction;
// uniform float depth_shift;
// uniform bool depthsorting;

const vec3 unit_vecs[3] = vec3[]( vec3(1, 0, 0), vec3(0, 1, 0), vec3(0, 0, 1) );
const mat2x3 orientations[3] = mat2x3[](
mat2x3(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), // xy -> _yz (x normal)
mat2x3(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), // xy -> x_z (y normal)
mat2x3(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) // xy -> xy_ (z normal)

void main() {
/* How this works:
To simplify lets consider a 2d grid of pixel where the voxel surface would
be the square outline of around a data point x.
| x | x | x |
| x | x | x |
| x | x | x |
Naively we would draw 4 lines for each point x, coloring them based on the
data attached to x. This would result in 4 * N^2 lines with N^2 = number of
pixels. We can do much better though by drawing a line for each column and
row of pixels:
1 +---+---+---+
| x | x | x |
2 +---+---+---+
| x | x | x |
3 +---+---+---+
| x | x | x |
4 +---+---+---+
5 6 7 8
This results in 2 * (N+1) lines. We can adjust the color of the line by
sampling a Texture containing the information previously attached to vertices.
Generalized to 3D voxels, lines become planes and the texture becomes 3D.
We draw the planes through instancing. So first we will need to map the
instance id to a dimension (xy, xz or yz plane) and an offset (in z, y or
x direction respectively).

// TODO: might be better for transparent rendering to alternate xyz?
// How do we do this for non-cubic chunks?
ivec3 size = textureSize(voxel_id, 0);
int dim = 2, id = gl_InstanceID;
if (gl_InstanceID > size.z + size.y + 1) {
dim = 0;
id = gl_InstanceID - (size.z + size.y + 2);
} else if (gl_InstanceID > size.z) {
dim = 1;
id = gl_InstanceID - (size.z + 1);

plane_render_idx = float(id) / float(size[dim]-1);

// plane placement
// Figure out which plane to start with
vec3 normal = get_normalmatrix() * unit_vecs[dim];
float dir = sign(dot(get_view_direction(), normal));
vec3 displacement;
if (depthsorting) {
// depthsorted should start far away from viewer so every plane draws
displacement = ((0.5 + 0.5 * dir) * float(size[dim]) - dir * float(id)) * unit_vecs[dim];
} else {
// no sorting should start at viewer and expand in view direction so
// that depth test can quickly eliminate unnecessary fragments
vec4 origin = get_model() * vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
float dist = dot(get_eyeposition() - / origin.w, normal) / dot(normal, normal);
float start = clamp(dist, 0.0, float(size[dim]));
// this should work better with integer modulo...
displacement = mod(start + dir * float(id), float(size[dim]) + 0.001) * unit_vecs[dim];

// place plane vertices
vec3 voxel_pos = vec3(size) * (orientations[dim] * vertices) + displacement;
vec4 world_pos = get_model() * vec4(voxel_pos, 1.0f);
gl_Position = projection * view * world_pos;
gl_Position.z += gl_Position.w * get_depth_shift();

// For each plane the normal is constant and its direction is given by the
// `displacement` direction, i.e. `n = unit_vecs[dim]`. We just need to derive
// whether it's +n or -n.
// If we assume the viewer to be outside of a voxel, the normal direction
// should always be facing them. Thus:
o_camdir = get_eyeposition() - / world_pos.w;
float normal_dir = sign(dot(o_camdir, normal));
o_normal = normalize(normal_dir * normal);

// The texture coordinate can also be derived. `voxel_pos` effectively gives
// an integer index into the chunk, shifted to be centered. We can convert
// this to a float index into the voxel_id texture by normalizing.
// The minor ceveat here is that because planes are drawn between voxels we
// would be sampling between voxels like this. To fix this we want to shift
// the uvw coordinate to the relevant voxel center, which we can do using the
// normal direction.
// Here we want to shift in -normal direction to get a front face. Consider
// this example with 1, 2 solid, 0 air and v the viewer:
// | 1 | 2 | 0 | v
// If we shift in +normal direction (towards viewer) the planes would sample
// from the id closer to the viewer, drawing a backface.
o_uvw = (voxel_pos - 0.5 * o_normal) / vec3(size);

// normal in: -x -y -z +x +y +z direction
o_side = dim + 3 * int(0.5 + 0.5 * normal_dir);

// map voxel_pos (-w/2 .. w/2 scale) back to 2d (scaled 0 .. w)
// if the normal is negative invert range (w .. 0)
o_tex_uv = transpose(orientations[dim]) * (normal_dir * voxel_pos);
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions WGLMakie/src/WGLMakie.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ include("lines.jl")

const LAST_INLINE = Base.RefValue{Union{Automatic, Bool}}(Makie.automatic)

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions WGLMakie/src/serialization.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ three_format(::Type{<:RGBA}) = "RGBAFormat"
three_type(::Type{Float16}) = "FloatType"
three_type(::Type{Float32}) = "FloatType"
three_type(::Type{N0f8}) = "UnsignedByteType"
three_type(::Type{UInt8}) = "UnsignedByteType"

function three_filter(sym::Symbol)
sym === :linear && return "LinearFilter"
Expand Down
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions WGLMakie/src/voxel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
function create_shader(scene::Scene, plot::Makie.Voxel)

uniform_dict = Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:voxel_id => Sampler(plot.converted[end], minfilter = :nearest),
# for plane sorting
:depthsorting => plot.depthsorting,
:eyeposition => Vec3f(1),
:view_direction => camera(scene).view_direction,
# lighting
:diffuse => lift(x -> convert_attribute(x, Key{:diffuse}()), plot, plot.diffuse),
:specular => lift(x -> convert_attribute(x, Key{:specular}()), plot, plot.specular),
:shininess => lift(x -> convert_attribute(x, Key{:shininess}()), plot, plot.shininess),
:depth_shift => get(plot, :depth_shift, Observable(0.0f0)),
:light_direction => Vec3f(1),
:light_color => Vec3f(1),
:ambient => Vec3f(1),
# picking
:picking => false,
:object_id => UInt32(0),
# other
:normalmatrix => map(plot.model) do m
# should be fine to ignore placement matrix here because
# translation is ignored and scale shouldn't matter
i = Vec(1, 2, 3)
return transpose(inv(m[i, i]))
:shading => to_value(get(plot, :shading, NoShading)) != NoShading,

# TODO: localized update
# buffer = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 1)
on(plot, plot._local_update) do (is, js, ks)
# required_length = length(is) * length(js) * length(ks)
# if length(buffer) < required_length
# resize!(buffer, required_length)
# end
# idx = 1
# for k in ks, j in js, i in is
# buffer[idx] = plot.converted[end].val[i, j, k]
# idx += 1
# end
# GLAbstraction.texsubimage(tex, buffer, is, js, ks)

# adjust model matrix with placement matrix
uniform_dict[:model] = map(
plot, plot.converted..., plot.model
) do xs, ys, zs, chunk, model
mini = minimum.((xs, ys, zs))
width = maximum.((xs, ys, zs)) .- mini
return model *
Makie.scalematrix(Vec3f(width ./ size(chunk))) *

maybe_color_mapping = plot.calculated_colors[]
uv_map = plot.uvmap
if maybe_color_mapping isa Makie.ColorMapping
uniform_dict[:color_map] = Sampler(maybe_color_mapping.colormap, minfilter = :nearest)
uniform_dict[:uv_map] = false
uniform_dict[:color] = false
elseif !isnothing(to_value(uv_map))
uniform_dict[:color_map] = false
# WebGL doesn't have sampler1D so we need to pad id -> uv mappings to
# (id, side) -> uv mappings
wgl_uv_map = map(plot, uv_map) do uv_map
if uv_map isa Vector
new_map = Matrix{Vec4f}(undef, length(uv_map), 6)
for col in 1:6
new_map[:, col] .= uv_map
return new_map
return uv_map
uniform_dict[:uv_map] = Sampler(wgl_uv_map, minfilter = :nearest)
interp = to_value(plot.interpolate) ? :linear : :nearest
uniform_dict[:color] = Sampler(maybe_color_mapping, minfilter = interp)
uniform_dict[:color_map] = false
uniform_dict[:uv_map] = false
uniform_dict[:color] = Sampler(maybe_color_mapping, minfilter = :nearest)

# TODO: this is a waste
N_instances = sum(size(plot.converted[end][])) + 3
dummy_data = [0f0 for _ in 1:N_instances]

instance = uv_mesh(Rect2(0f0, 0f0, 1f0, 1f0))

return InstancedProgram(WebGL(), lasset("voxel.vert"), lasset("voxel.frag"),
instance, VertexArray(dummy = dummy_data), uniform_dict)

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