ZUnivers API python wrapper
- It is recommended to install the module (with your project using it) in a virtual environment.
module is not available on PyPi yet, so you can use theinstallation
python script to add required dependencies and add the module to your pythonsite-packages
folder, making it globally available on your machine.
python installation.py
python3 installation.py
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import pyZUnivers as ZU
class Zunivers(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
@commands.command(name="zuchecker", help="Permets de faire un récap' de qui à besoin de faire quoi.")
async def zuchecker(self, ctx: commands.Context):
server = self.bot.get_guild(<your_guild_id>)
zu_role = server.get_role(<specific_role_id_in_your_guild>)
journa, bonus, nowel = list(), list(), list()
msg = await ctx.send("Je vérifie qui doit faire quelque chose...")
for i in zu_role.members:
konar_profile = ZU.User.get_checker(i.name)
if not konar_profile["journa"]: journa.append(i.name)
if not konar_profile["bonus"]: bonus.append(i.name)
if not konar_profile["advent"] and konar_profile["advent"] is not None: nowel.append(i.name)
embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Colour(value=0x19BC14), description=f"<#{ZU.utils.JOURNA_BONUS_TICKET_CHANNEL_ID}>")
embed.set_author(name="ZUnivers - Checker")
if len(journa) != 0: embed.add_field(name="📅 Journa", value="".join([f"- {x}\n" for x in journa]))
if len(bonus) != 0: embed.add_field(name="🎁 Bonus", value="".join([f"- {x}\n" for x in bonus]))
if len(nowel) != 0: embed.add_field(name="🎄 Advent", value="".join([f"- {x}\n" for x in nowel]))
if len(journa) == 0 and len(bonus) == 0 and len(nowel) == 0: embed.description = "Personne a besoin de faire quoi que ce soit."
await msg.edit(embed=embed, content="")
except ZU.ZUniversAPIError as e:
await msg.edit("`Erreur dans la command 'zu checker'."
f" {e.message}`\n`Endpoint: {e.url}`")
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(Zunivers(bot))