- Followed this video for this project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgGkF4k9c7A
- Express and MongoDB as backend and React as frontend.
- Wrote cypress tests and api tests afterwards
- cors (allows us to communicate through api that we create)
- express (https://github.com/expressjs/express)
- mongoose (https://mongoosejs.com/docs/)
- nodemon (as soon as we save changes - it will re-start server automatically)
- react
- axios (will allow you to create HTTP request and send it from frontend to backend)
- MongoDB Compass (allows you to read and see data)
- MongoDB Atlas (allows you to host and see MongoDB database)
npm install (in server and client both folders)
npm run devStart (to start server - backend)
npm start (to start client - frontend)
start localhost for frontend and backend
cd client
npm run cytest OR npx cypress run
start localhost for frontend and backend
cd server
npx mocha