Currently we have implemented backend with the MongoDB Compass
To run the project:
- Make sure you have MongoDB and MongoDB Compass installed on your machine
- You need to install NodeJS and npm in your system
- Open terminal/command prompt
- Navigate to the folder where you want to save the project files (use cd command)
- Run the following commands:
git clone
cd Internship-Project
npm install
- Now, start the server by running the command
node index.js
"It is located in the server folder - The server will be up and listening on port 3000. You can check it by opening a web browser and going to
- Now open another terminal window or tab and navigate to the Internship-Project folder and run
npm start
- The application will be accessible at
Note: Please make sure that MongoDB Compass is running before starting the server
"In MongoDB Compass Create a Database named 'heartapp' and then create a collection 'users' in it. In users collection add fields name, email, password."