Photorealistic images creation from semantic segmentation masks, which are labeled sketches that depict the layout of a scene.
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The aim is to give realism to the semantic sketch, known as a segmentation map, by automatically adding colours, textures, shadows and reflections, among other details. To this purpose, techniques based on artificial neural networks is used, specifically generative models that allow images to be synthesised without the need to specify a symbolic model in detail. Such synthesised image can also be controlled by a style image that allows the scene’s setting to be changed. For example, a daytime scene can be turned into a sunset. To achieve the style transfer, a variational autoencoder is used and connected to the generative adversarial network in charge of image synthesis.
Clone this repo.
git clone
cd SemanticImageSynthesis/
Create a virtual environment (recommended).
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3.8 ./env
source ./env/bin/activate
Install dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please note that this code uses Tensorflow with GPU support. You must therefore have CUDA and cuDNN installed beforehand.
This code has been tested on an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 with CUDA 10.1 + cuDNN 7.6.5 for TF 2.3.0 and CUDA 11.2 + cuDNN 8.10.0 for TF 2.10.0.
You must download the datasets beforehand. You can download the ADE20K dataset or its subset ADE20K Outdoors, among others.
If the error Input 'filename' of 'ReadFile' Op has type float32 that does not match expected type of string.
is thrown, create new subdirectories to store them in. For instance,
(Directory structure)
...... ...
...... ...
--image_dir img_train_path
--label_dir segmask_train_path
- Load data
Main directory name where the pictures are located.--label_dir
Main directory name where the semantic segmentation masks are located.--semantic_label_path
Filename containing the semantic labels.--img_height
The height size of image.--img_width
The width size of image.--crop_size
Desired size of the square crop.--batch_size
Mini-batch size.
- Image Encoder
If specified, enable training with an image encoder.--lambda_kld
Weight for KL Divergence loss.
- Generator
Dimension of the latent z vector.--lambda_features
Weight for feature matching loss.--lambda_vgg
Weight for VGG loss.
- Adam Optimizer
Initial learning rate.--beta1
Hyperparameter to control the 1st moment decay.--beta2
Hyperparameter to control the 2nd moment decay.
- Training
Total number of epochs.--decay_epoch
Epoch from which the learning rate begins to decay linearly to zero.--prob_dataset
Percentage of the maximum number elements in the dataset that will be used (and shuffled) for training and shuffle on each epoch.--print_info_freq
Frequency to print information.--log_dir
Directory name to log losses.--save_img_freq
Frequency to autosave the fake image, associated segmentation map and real image.--results_dir
Directory name to save the images.--save_model_freq
Frequeny to save the checkpoints.--checkpoint_dir
Directory name to save them.
Please use python --help
or python -h
to see all the options.
$ python --use_vae --image_dir "./datasets/ADE5K/images/" --label_dir "./datasets/ADE5K/annotations/" \
--semantic_label_path './datasets/ADE5K/semantic_labels.txt' \
--checkpoint_dir './checkpoints/ADE5K_VAE/' --results_dir './results/ADE5K_VAE/train' \
--decay_epoch 400 --total_epochs 800 --batch_size 2 --print_info_freq 20
Semantic segmentation mask filename.--style_filename
Style filter filename if use VAE.--use_vae
If specified, enable training with an image encoder.--semantic_label_path
Filename containing the semantic labels.--checkpoint_dir
Directory name to restore the latest checkpoint.--results_dir
Directory name to save the images.
Please use python --help
or python -h
to see all the options.
- (Park et al.) T. Park, M. Liu, T. Wang, J. Zhu. "Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatially-Adaptive Normalization"
- Tensorflow Documentation
Mar Alguacil