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Mentoring Eddy

Session 02

After a brief pause, we're ready for the second session.

The repo has been renamed simply as "mentoring-eddy", as it will now contain code from all the sessions

To get the HEAD of the repo:

$ git clone

To get the available tags on the remote:

$ git ls-remote --tags

To move to a specific tag:

$ git checkout tags/SWING0


$ git checkout master

Session 01

Welcome to our first session!

Maven Build

This simple project can be built using Maven that comes bundled with Eclipse Neon, or via the command line:

$ mvn clean site package

Traditional build

Or it can be build manually by these incantations

$ cd mentoring-eddy-session01
$ javac -d ./target src/main/java/**/*.java
$ cd target
$ jar cvf ./dist/mentoring-eddy-0.0.1.jar *
$ cd ..
$ javadoc -d ./docs -sourcepath ./target/classes