I'm MarcoBackman, a software developer 💻 currently looking for a project to work on.
I mainly focus for clean code, Java Spring, Java, Python, Javascript.
My recent public team project is Model Based IoT
Model based IoT is a project that converts UPPAAL model into a python code so that user can directly inject the output code to embedded system.
Application of DFS,BFS, and other heap datastructures to store and traverse objects.
Applied parser-tree data structure. Understanding of XML parsing algorithm.
Organize an entire software structure to have better readability and better portability.
Handling with various amount of class objects
Synchronous and asynchronous function calls
Server interaction with Raspberry Pi 4 and wireless devices
Application of Java Spring framework with Gradle
Following lists are the projects where my contribution was involved.
Quiz application with Spring Boot Hibernate - mySQL
- Used Criteria and HQL to interact with database to perform efficient ROM.
- Used Filter to unauthorized access to the restricted path.
- Used JSP and JSTL to enhance object(model) view scripting.
- Used MySQL for the DBMS tool.
- Coded with Python using pyGame framework and Java using Swing and AWT frameworks
- Made GUI for point generators
- Takes user input in GUI app.
- Generates text-based map based on user click
- Included dynamic editor for users to interact with the app
- Collaborated with others to implement effective path finding algorithm
- Coded with Java and Batch
- An analitial program that compares the effectiveness of KNN algorithm over Brute-force(Euclidean distance)
- Application of KD-tree for KNN algorithm
Embeded web application contest
- Coded with HTML, EJS, CSS, JavaScript
- Made server-interactive webapplication
- Worked on AWS EC2 cloud server on Ubuntu machine with PostgreSQL
- Learned about interactive web and secured network communication
- Collaborated with three other teammembers
- Coded with Java using Swing and AWT frameworks with the combination of Batch
- A calendar UI template for multi-purpose usage
- Used multiple app windows and interactive UI
- Used structured data storing algorithm(Object oriented) for efficient search time complexity.
- Full understanding of Java Calendar package
- A simple mine sweeper game project
- Coded in Java using Swing and AWT frameworks with the combination of Batch
- Interacts with keyboard and mouse listeners
- Coded with Java using Swing and AWT frameworks with the combination of Batch
- A simple snake game project
- Interacts with keyboard and mouse listeners
- Required to understand the threading process of Java event queue for better optimizations
- Worked on C/C++ language and python
- Understood the concept of massive-scale bugfix/debugging process
- Understood the importance of the concise documentation and development infrastructures.