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Meeting notes 2023‐09‐19

Kelby Stine edited this page Sep 19, 2023 · 8 revisions


General Greeting


Kelby, Manana

Elect a note taker


Review last meeting notes


Review Active issues and Status

  • Kelby Still working on Variables, but had a discussion about using equals sign.
  • Mannana updated their Branch for Arguments
  • Adopt a style for the style guide (ongoing)
  • Workshop talk: Submission deadline: 22nd October 2023 at 11:59 PM.

Discuss issues for next meeting

  • Workshop: Clean code and the Style Guide
  • Tie the release of style guide 1.0 to the workshop
  • Pull in Robotidy and Robocop devs?
  • Coordinate who is going to be in Helsinki for Robocon
  • Wait for Guido to come back from vacation

Open Work Time

  • Line continuation arguments Test Cases (Manana)
  • Worked through different line continuation versions, liked V1 and V3, not so much V2. Will update branch
  • Wondered about when keyword returns to a value (i.e. Create Dictionary Create List, etc ...)
  • Run Keywords handled by different issue
  • Kelby to submit issue for organization of style document content based on scope to subject matter.

Close meeting

Manana battery running low, but we accomplished a few items. Yay!