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ccwc - Custom File Statistics Tool

ccwc is a command-line utility that provides various statistics about a given file, similar to the Unix wc tool. It counts the number of bytes, lines, words, and characters (including multibyte characters) in the specified file.


This project implements a custom File Statistics tool called ccwc.


ccwc [OPTION] [FILE]


  • c Count the number of bytes
  • l Count the number of lines
  • w Count the number of words
  • m Count the number of characters (including multibyte characters

Default Usages:

ccwc [FILE]


  • Byte Count: Use the -c option to count the number of bytes in a file.
  • Line Count: Use the -l option to count the number of lines in a file.
  • Word Count: Use the -w option to count the number of words in a file.
  • Character Count: Use the -m option to count the number of characters (including multibyte characters) in a file.

Getting Started

To get started with the File Statistics Counter utility, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository or download the source code files.
$ git clone
$ cd ccwc/
  1. Compile the source code using a C compiler.
$ gcc ccwc.c -o ccwc

or use make:

$ make
  1. Run the executable file with the desired command-line options and the path to the file you want to analyze.

Example usages:

  • To count the number of bytes in a file:
$ ./ccwc -c myfile.txt
  • To count the number of lines in a file:
$ ./ccwc -l myfile.txt
  • To count the number of words in a file:
$ ./ccwc -w myfile.txt
  • To count the number of characters in a file:
$ ./ccwc -m myfile.txt
  • To count the number of bytes, lines, words and characters in a file:
$ ./ccwc myfile.txt


ccwc has no external dependencies. It is implemented in plain C and uses standard C libraries.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


The ccwc utility is based off the Coding Challenges by John Cricket.

The test.txt file was obtained from Project Gutenberg


For any inquiries or questions, you can reach out to me.