Messenger web application contains pages: login, registration, chats, user profile editing and password change.The forms have validation. There is a routing, API, sending and receiving messages, creating chats, adding a user to the chat, deleting a user from a chat, deleting a chat,password change and exit.
- Figma - creating a website layout
- Visual Studio Code
- Git
- TS
- Handlebars
- Websocket
- mocha
- Docker
- Sign up & sign in & exit
- API requests
- Editing profile and password data
- Validation of forms
- Сreating a new chat & adding a user to the chat & deleting a user from a chat & deleting a chat if you are its owner
- Sending and receiving messages
- Webpack
download the code
In the root folder of the project:
npm i
– install dependencies -
npm run dev
- runs developer project in browser with hot-reload -
npm run build
- build the project -
npm run start
— starts the projectTo run in docker container:
docker build -t lesson .
- create container image -
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d lesson
- run container based on image created beforeTo deploy application on heroku:
Download heroku CLI
heroku container:login
- login to heroku platform -
heroku container:push web
- this will create new docker image and push it to heroku platform -
heroku container:release web
- this will release recently deployed application -
heroku open
- open the webpage with your applcation