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Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 1 column 1
Title:  IShop
Author: Masood Ahmed
Email: '' or ''


It is an app that is made on MERN stack technologies. The app depicts a simple E-commerce store that allows you to purchase things online. Feel free to play with the app and make changes.

Things required to run this program

Your should have node, and mongodb installed for you to run the codes.

Note: You might need following node dependencies to run the app:

  • cookie-parser                  (npm i cookie-parser)
  • express                        (npm install express)
  • express-session                (npm install express-session)
  • monk                           (npm install --save monk)
  • morgan                         (npm i morgan)
  • xml2js                         (npm i xml2js)
  • cors                           (npm i cors)

Note: Also try to follow the same folder structure and if it doesn't work, try running 'npm install' first and retry the commands given below

Note: You should also have REACT installed in your system along with JQuery. You can use the following commands.

npx create-react-app shoppingapp
cd shoppingapp
npm install jquery

Mongodb Setup

For you to be able to run the app properly by taking data from mongodb, you must need to setup mongodb and add data in it. You might need to delete the 'data' folder and re-create it and run it using the command

To run the Code for the NewsFeed:

You would have to open four terminals. In two terminals run the mongodb and mongo server by looking at the commands below. In the terminal where you ran the command mongo (in mac {do accordingly in windows}) run the following commands:

db.productCollection.insert({name: 'iPhone 13', 'category':'Phones', 'price': 8000, Manufacturer:'Apple Inc.', 'productImage':'images/iPhone13.jpg', 'description':'Most advanced dual camera system ever.'})

This will create a collection in mongodb called userList. You can create multiple such users (refer to databaseInsertFile.txt)

The following command is used to create a mongodb collection called newsList. Again, you can multiple but do remember to change the objectID because it might be unqiue and different for different users.

db.userCollection.insert({'username': 'Arif', 'password': 'Jamali', 'cart':[{'productId': ObjectId("62b91f21148f63b82cb93c61"), 'quantity': 2}, {'productId': ObjectId("62b91f31148f63b82cb93c68"), 'quantity': 3}], 'totalnum': 5})

Note: You can have an example of database data from databaseInsertFile.txt.

Commands For MacOS!!

Terminal 1 to run mongo server:

mongod --dbpath YourPath/test/data

Terminal 2 to open mongo and add data:


Commands For Windows!!

Terminal 1 to run mongo server:

./bin/mongod --dbpath YourPath/test/data

Terminal 2 open mongo and add data:


To Run the backend server.

Terminal 3:

node app.js

To Finally Run the Frontend.

Terminal 4:

npm start

You can view your app on the browser on the following url:

or by


For Reference if needed:

To create an express app you can run the following command by going into your desired directory.

cd test
npx express-generator


A simple E-commerce MERN Stack App.






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