A curated awesome list of FAIR topics for Research Software Engineering (RSE). Inspired by these curated collections. Topics cover citation and licensing of RS, metadata for RS, publication of RS, registries and repositories for RS, and search engines to find RS.
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- FAIR in general
- Citation
- Licensing
- Metadata
- Publication
- Repositories
- Search Engines
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Tools and stuff that addresses FAIR as a whole.
- FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles) - recommendations of the RDA.
- howfairis - Python package to analyze a GitHub or GitLab repository's compliance with the fair-software.eu recommendations.
Resources about how to cite research software and how to make research software citable
- How to cite software: current best practice. - A starter presentation on software citation.
- Research Software Citation: Cite and Make Citable - Background information on software citation in research.
Tools that assist you in citing research software.
- CiteAs - Tool that helps by how to cite research software (and other research outcomes).
- shouldacite - Guidance on whether and how a software should be cited.
- A Quick Guide to Software Licensing for the Scientist-Programmer - Detailed article about software licenses and obligations.
- DLR Open Source Broschure - Licensing explained in detail with particular focus on German law (German only).
- Free Software Definition - Free Software Definition including remarks to licensing.
- Open Source Licenses by Category - OSI approved licenses sorted by category.
- REUSE Specification - Standardized method for declaring copyright and licensing for software projects.
- Software Licenses in Plain English - Overview about software licenses including granted right and obligations.
- SPDX Specification - The official SPDX specification.
- The Open Source Definition - Open Source Definition including remarks to licensing.
- choosealicense - Helps you choose the software license that suits your needs.
- Reuse Tool - Automate the declaring of copyright and licensing for software projects with SPDX Tags.
- SPDX License List - A list of all licenses supported by SPDX.
This is where we list information about metadata for research software
- Citation File Format (CFF) - A machine-readable but simple software citation fomrmat with supported by GitHub, Zenodo and, Zotero.
- CFFINIT generator - Generate your citation metadata files with ease.
- CodeMeta Project - Definitions of metadata for software projects.
- DOAP - Description Of A Project
- EDAM Ontology (Bioinformatics)
- Asset Description Metadata Schema for Software (ADMS.SW)
- Schema.org - SoftwareSourceCode
- Schema.org - SoftwareApplication
Tools that assist you in handling metadata for research software.
- CodeMeta generator - Generate useful metadata for your software.
- SOMEF - Software Metadata Extraction Framework. A command line interface for automatically extracting relevant information from readme files.
- FAIR python cookiecutter - An opinionated cookiecutter template to kickstart a modern best-practice Python project with FAIR metadata.
- SOMESY - Somesy (software metadata sync) is a CLI tool to avoid messy software project metadata by keeping it in sync.
Resources about publishing research software.
- In which journals should I publish my software? - Overview of Software Journals.
Tools that assist you in publishing your research software.
- HERMES Workflow - The HERMES workflow enables automated publication of rich research software metadata and artifacts to publication repositories using open source tooling.
- Zenodo github integration - Use Zenodo to quickly publish your softwrae repository on github and issue a DOI for your software
- Awesome Research Software Registries - List of the Netherlands eScience Center about Research Software Registries.
- SciCodes - Consortium of scientific software registries and repositories.
Search engines with options to explicitly search for software.
- BASE: Document type = Software
- DataCite: resource-type-id=software
- WorldWideScience: Results Tab: Data/Software
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